Mar 09, 2009

today, i got on the scale and it said 229lbs!! i was so excited 2 c that i'd made it 2 the twenties!! but, little did i know until i did my youtube update the significance of the number.  i lost 4lbs last week! wow!! i normally do 2lbs a week! so, i don't know what i did differently but i wish i did so i could do it again!! oh well, i will try 2 pay attention this week!

so, i've lost 48lbs! i am 2 away from 50lbs gone! wow! i'm already looking to make to the 2nd 50lb mark! wow! i can't believe i'm soooooooooooo happy and that this is working!

i wore some clothes that the taylor took in today and thought i was looking cute till an atty told me that the pants were just hanging off me! lol!! i had 2 do a double take and she was right! these pants are already tooooo big!! oh well, that's still a great problem 2 have!

i got my prize from rnyemmy last week and read the book.  at 1st i didn't like it, but, now, after starting over and re-reading it, i think it's even better than the dummy's book! the success habits of weight loss surgery patients is great! i think it's gonna help me maintain my loss and 2 b  a long term success!

well, decided 2 take boot camp on mon-wed at another location with same teacher in addition 2 tues thurs but showed up and waited 20 min and he was a no show. now, i've got 2 get myself 2gether and motivated 2 exercise at home. wish me luck!


About Me
dallas, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 29, 2008
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