First off I wanna say I have been struggling with my weight since 3rd grade! I was always obese, but even after having 4 children, I was only 30 pds heavier than I was when I started, eventhought I put on 80 pds during each pregnancy. SO when I began having dizzy spells, and such and I learned I had put on 30 pds in 2 months, I knew something was wrong. After tons of diets, and 2 doctors, and putting on 70 pds in 8 months, I finally found out I am Insulin Resistance. Thank god for some answers, and now I am on my road to the losing side! SCROLL DOWN FOR CHARTS!

5-18-05 I went to the seminar lastnight. Faxed in my information, awaiting the call for my consult which was already approved. My appt. with my PCM is 5-24-05 to get my referral for my psych. evaluation and to see an utritionist. Because I will be seeing these people on post. Tri Care is only going to pay for my surgery in hospital time in Austin, TX.


5-24-05 Got my referrals this morning for my psych. evaluation and to see a nutritionist. So I am just waiting on them to call me and set up an appt.
Surgoens office called today to set up my first appt. It is May 31st (one week) I was like what! But there is a problem, I was referred to Dr. Steven Fass and he only does Lap- Band, well my insurance will only pay for Gastric Bypass, so she scheduled me with Dr. Dillian, and I gotta get a referral from my PCM to see any doctor in there clinic, and she said she will do the best to get it b4 my appt. but no promises.


5/26-05 Got my referral straight, now I can see any physcian I want in Southwest Bariatrics. But It moved my appt. to June 14th! That's still not to far away! My psychologist appt. is June 9th, so I am getting there! I was referred by my PCM to so insurance is paying for the evaluation and then utritionist which should be calling me shortly!


June 6th 2005: I saw the nutritionist on post, which I already new from my weight to live class, we talked for a couple of hours and she said I would be a great candidate for surgery and she didn't want to see me again until afterward.
June 9th 2005: I had my first appt. with my psychcologist, and did nothing but take alot of test, lasted 2 hours.


June 14th 2005:  I went to see the Surgeon and he put me right thru for surgery Good Candidate. But he wants me to see his nutritionist. He talked like I would get the surgery in 6 to 8 weeks.


June 17th 2005: I got my labs done, my EKG, and my referral for my Gallbladder to be Ultrasounded.
Your Icecream Flavour is...
Choc-Chip Cookie Dough!" _fcksavedurl=" >" _fcksavedurl=" >" _fcksavedurl=" >" align=right>You are fancy shmancy! You have all the bells and whistles and you attract the most gluttonous of ice-cream shop patrons. You are fattening and intensely rich. That being said, you are very tasty and have a huge fanbase! good for you!
What">">What is your Icecream Flavour?

Find out at Go">">Go Quiz

This is so funny, because my favorite Icecream is Chocolate chip cookie dough and I took this quiz and got this answer! Too Cool!



June 20th 2005: I saw my psychologist again, he asked a few questions. What was so funny was the test I took, I told him where I answered true or false it said I had a drug problem and it wouldn't let me not answer them, so needless to say the test said I have drug problems LOL. All my family and friends are so crackin on me now! But he has blodo work and all knows Im straight and referred me for the surgery. Again GOOD CANDIDATE so its going ot happen!


June 23rd Tricare finally got my APPROVAL for surgery posted and its a for sure go now! I made my appt. to get my gallbladder ultrasounded (cancelled to do it in Austin). And I am awaiting Seton Medical Center Nutritionist JERRY(he is an awesome one too)  to call and set up my appts. to see him and the exercise consultation all in the same day, and I have to watch a video. There was one problem, my I didn't have enough referred office visits, I only had one on there, I called and left message to dr. to get m ore referrals, or my insurance will only pay for the actual surgery, not the visit before and the 3 afterwards LOL. The nutritionist is going to cost me $18 and the exercise consultation will cost me $60 and thats all I will ever have to pay!



7-18-05 YAY! I am so happy, today I finished all my pre ops. I already had done my psych. eval, ekg and blood work, I took copies of all that to them, then did my ultrasound of my gallbladder, bariatric consult, anestia consult, exercise consult, and nutritionist consult. I was asked to take part in leading a new group for southwest bariatrics only in Killeen, told her I didn't know lol! Cause I am not a leader. But who knows. Anyhoot.....I told her I was in a great group, but it would be funded by seton medical center and no one is in the group yet she is trying to get it going.........Here are the pics that my bariatric consultant took (Linda Martin) on this day, I just got em 6 mths and a 100 pds later and had to post em!


Anyways, I go on Aug. 2nd to see the Dr. and go over all my results, then he will call me in 2 days with a date, they said it will be round Aug. 9th if I start my diet tomorrow, so I am starting my pre surgery diet tomorrow to shrink my liver. I will be only eating or drinking lol 70 grams of protein and 30 grams of carbs a day for the next 3 weeks. Usually only 2 weeks, but because of my insulin I am having to do it for 3. Anyways. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I didn't realize I was going to get it in like 3 weeks I am very excited!! I so hope my gallbladder gets to go too! LOL Well I gotta go eat some stuff before I go on diet LOL Talk to yhall later!



7-25-05 Had to weigh in at Darnell where I took the weigh-to-live class, and I went from 262 (my scale on 7-19-05) to 255 (mine and there scale today). 7 pounds in 6 days, this is a kick ass pre-op diet LOL!


8-9-05 I had an appt. on the 2nd of August, but I was stuck in Alabama because my hubs mom was ill and he took off to NC so this is the soonest date I could get in with the surgeon.

I got my date it is AUGUST 31st at Seton Medical Center in Austin, TX. Took me about 3 mths, but it will be worth it! I am scared and excited all at the same time. Wish me luck!!!

From 8/6 to 8/9 I had came off my pre-op diet because the nutritionist didn't want me on it longer than 4 weeks and I was on it for 2.5 wks already, gained back up to 260 back on it on 8/10 until surgery!


8-20-05 Only 11 days until my surgery and boy am I nervous. But I do feel al ittle better, my friend Loretta had her surgery on the 18th, we have the same surgeon, and she is doing great. She should be getting out of the hospital this evening hopefully. The only thing she hates is they took away her happy button, and she has to pass gas to go home.....i have had 3 c section, I know very much so how bad that gas rumbling thru your intestines feels. Anyway, my bottom left eyelid has been twitchin for 2 weeks now, as well as my right index finger, I hope its just stress....I tell you what, it is very annoying! And I am happy to say I weighed in at 252 pds this morning, thats 12 pds in 3 weeks on this diet, I want to scream I am so tired of TUNA LOL!


9-2-05 Well I got home this morning at round 12:30 pm. Everything went as expected at the hospital except on the second day I was very sick and dry heaving from the nausea, once my husband and RN Linda figured out it was the morphine and switched me to loritab I have been doing great. I am a bit sore in between pain meds. but not that bad. The GAS is what is killing me lol! I am on full liquids, and holding down everything fine so far. I started my vitamins today and can't wait to start to lose weight. Right now I am bloated and all and still weighing in at 249 pds. PS The dr. had to make an extra whole below my belly button to get in, he said my insides were very small, which suprised me. I am just thank ful he didn;t have to open me up! Dr. Dillawn is an awesome Surgeon. And Linda Martin is the best RN I have ever met, thanks you two. And thanks Sonya and Loretta for being here for me!!! I am very thankful!



9/11/05 I can't believe how fast the weight is falling off. I weighed in at 239 pds this morning and was very excited to be under 240; I have gotten sick twice, I dumped and I figured out it was from the club crackers! Omg they weren't kidding when they said that hurt. And since I dumped twice and I am only 11 days out I am going back on full liquids cause my tummy is upset. Besides that I am doing great!




9/18/05 I am doing great. Weighing in at 233.5. I am 18 days post op, 17.5 pds lost since surgery, 31.5 total including 14 pds lost from post-op diet. My gas is getting better thank god. My incisions are healing nicely. I am on soft foods. I have come to love potted meat and viennas. I am getting in round 40 to 50 grams protein a day and plenty of fluids. I have only had a couple of day where I didn't lose anything, but it doesn;t scare me, I know this has its ups and downs, and I won't let it get me down. I am going to the gym 5 days a week now, getting in at least a mile walk, which is harder than I thought it would be. I also go to the sauna, and I am enjoying seeing my waistline again. I am losing from the waist up so far. LOL! My boobs are going bye bye.....o well I will buy more hahaha! Gotta go!


9/27/05 Hi all Today I weighed in at 227.5. I am a very happy woman, just wish my hips would catch up LOL. Im losing mostly my thighs and waist right now. Which is still good. I got dehydrated yesterday, darn sauna. Didn't feel so good. I am having a hard time getting in protein shakes, but not at all with food. I eat 3 high protein meals a day, even though I can't eat but maybe 2 to 4 ozs at a time. I am getting in my vitamins, I am working out 4 to 5 times a week, and able to keep behind my kids again. I am still sleepier than usual and take naps now. But all in all I am satisfied.


10/07/05 We nothing much to say. Been doing fine. I have had trouble with hives since 10/02 but now the Dr. has the Zyrtec and if they don't stop I gotta take an allergy test. I have been at least losing a 1/2 pd a day except for 2 days while on Predisone (misspelled). It is a steroid the gave me when I went to the ER 3 nights ago because the hives got in my throat and were closing it. There also getting in my ears. I am thinking it is the yogurt I switched to so I am going to switch back. Well I got a support group meeting tonight. Hope all is doing well! O PS I am in an 18 again, I was a size 22.

10/20/05 The whole time ( from 10/02 to 10/17) I was on Steroids, zyrtec and benedryl I didn't lose a pd, it sucked, but I had to go back to the doctor cause even with the Zyrtec I was breaking out in hives, then I had broke out with puss pockets in the roof of my mouth, very painful. I had gotten some kind of bacterial infection in my mouth which had caused the hives all along, I should have answers in a couple of weeks from a throat swab. I was put on heavy duty antibiotics, so I couldn't go to the gym for a while for always feeling stoned LOL. But its all better now, I been back in the gym for 3 days now and the weight is coming back off. I think all those meds slowed me down. I was stuck on 222, it was nauseating lol! The coolest thing happened to me. Two nights ago I took my good friend Meagan to the seminar, she is in her first steps to getting the surgery, and Jennifer (the chick who lost alot of weight from Lap-Band and she talks at the seminars, and we talked when I was up there doing my pre ops and she is so nice and always approached me) well she didn't recognize me. I went up to her and said HEY and she was confused then went OMG! It was the best thing so far! SHe was the first person who doesn't see me everyday and didn't recognize me. I loved it!!!



10/27/05 The weight i coming off great since all the meds got out of my system. I weighed int his morning a 215, very happy! I am doing step aerobics 3 days a week and going to the gym 2 days a week. And My thighs are screaming for mercy so I am going to have to take it easy today LOL!



12/06/05 Weight has been coming off slower but steady, i weighed in this morning at 197, so I am happy! I have been having pains off and on for some time now since surgery, found out it's my gallbladder. My doctor who did my GBS is the one taking it out, and hopefully I will get it out by friday!!!


12/19/05 Well I didn't get my gallbladder out by that friday because I had to get a referral from my PCM in order for tricare to pay for it, which I did, and it is set for 12/22/05 at 7:17 am in Round Rock, TX, looking forward to being without this to worry bout, but still always affraid of going under.


01/15/06 Well I got my gallbladder out on 12.22.05, I was pretty sore for a week, then it got alot better. I was still having gallbladder like attacks, but mroe painful, no one told me that as soon as they took my gallbladder out that I couldn't do greasy foods for a while. So as soon as I could eat (3 days out from surgery because of nausea) I got me a nibble of my hubs cheese stick and onion rings, needless to say I was regreting it lol. But I am good now, incisions look great, done been out dancing twice..I feel 100% now. I am 181 pds today that a -83 pds so far, very stoaked over that. I feel I will hit my -100 pds before or by my 6 month mark. I am losing bout 3 to 4 pds a week still and feel great. Nothing but biscuits, sugar, untoasted bread makes me sick, so I can handle just bout anything. I still eat like a rabbit lol....only 3 times a day and very small amounts, I would say bout 1/2 cup food per meal if that. I rarely eat in between meals, which I have but I don't make it a habit. I have a hard time getting down protein, so I make sure toput protein first in meals if I can, but I am n ot having a hard time with hairloss, Knock on wood. And I am very please with the results so far, except for the loss of my chest lol. Well that's bout all for now. Have a nice day!

01/30/06 I have been doing great, feel 100% now. Been working out 4 to 5 days a week and loving it. I am averaging about 12 to 14 pds a mth which is ok to me. And I am so enjoying feeling like I fit in with the crowds at the dance clubs.....I get good stares now LOL! Life is good!

CHECK OUT for tons of pics!!!


02/25/06~OK here are a few things happened/happening to me. Ok According to height chart, I am an inch taller, which makes me 5 ft 3 inches tall now YAY, drops my BMI hehee.....I feel stoned everytime I eat, and my nipples are just killing me whenever I go without a bra. Feels like I have milk coming in, which I definitly don't lol... I skipped  a 14 to a 12, which was very cool. So as of today I am 5 ft 3 inches, 167 pds. YAY! Here are Pictures from today! Notice the new hair cut (to help it from falling out anymore) and the tan ;) LOL And don't forget to check out my mini-me!!! She tells everyone Mommy's getting skinny to live longer LOL!


03/12/06~ I am so happy. I hit my 100 pds lost! I am 164 pds! YAY!!! I am a size 10 now from a size 22/24. I went from a 16 to a 10 in 4 weeks! Crazy! Weight has slowed down coming off, but inches are just melting away. My waist measured 32 inches this morning!


03/27/06 I did my measurements just now, and yes I am down because I only lost 5 pds sicne last month this time when I did my measurements (my longest stall thus far) but to my surprise the inches are amazing. They always said if you ever have a long stall watch your measurements! And I am religiously watching them since day 1......Only 5 pds yet I lost 1.5 inchs off my bust (which kinds sucks lol), 1.5 inches off my waist, an inch off my thighs, a quarter inch off my calves, and AMAZINGLY 2 3/4 inches off my hips (YEA) and 3/4 of an inch off my neck (its so small omg) I am happy, to hell with only losing 5 pds, but HELL YEA to losing all those inches. My weight started coming back off last saturday so I am sure I will be in the 150s this week! YAY!! I am 161.5 pds today! Still a size 10 but a happy 10!




04/13/06 Hi all I am very excited, only 15 pds away from my goal and only 7.5 mths out. It's just an awesome feeling!!!!

05/20/06 According to the scales when I took this pic I was 146 pds (bout 3 days ago), and I haven't  gotten on the scales in a few days and It says I am 148 again, prob water weight,  never let that get u down tho! I bought size 6's the other day, so if I am stuck for a while, the inches still melt off!!!!! And ain't nothing wrong with a size 6, I am happy and could careless if I lost anymore weight, I like the size I am!



07/18/06 Well here I am 11 months out, approx. And I finally hit my goal of 140 pds. I think I am where I will be. Size 8's some 6's and happy. I am going thru a divorce, maybe that caused the stall or maybe I am just where I will be, at least until I get some skin removed, never the less I am HAPPY! Life is be very good to me and I thank god everyday!


12/21/06 I have updated in a while but to let everyone know I am still a size 8. I have pretty much stayed where I am, gained a few pds back, I am 145, I did hit 150 but freaked and watched what I was doing closer. SO YES it does come back on if you graze, DON'T GRAZE! Eat ur meals with nothin gin between and ur ok! I am so happy to be maintaining, and I do plan on trying to get 20 more pds off starting Jan. I am buying an ellptical trainer and a weight bench so we will just see! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

11/24/07 Here I am a year later still the same size. I guess at least I am the same size. I currently change a few things and I have been sticking tothem great so we will see! Thank god though I am a maintainer. I know folks who put weight back on same far as as me. I am 140 pds though, just can't get out of a size 10. But I still haven't had any skin removed. I get on ymy ellpticle trainer at least 4 times week and I work with my weights at least 3 to 4 times a week. Anyhoot I hope everyon is having great holidays!!!

02/06/10 WOW! I HAVEN"T UPDATED THIS THING IN A LONG TIME! Well I am 31, 143 pds steady size 8, still no post op surgeries, but I been having some pain in my belly, thought it was a hernia, Dr. thinks it's scar tissue so looks like I may have to have that tummy tuck after all. It's not that I have avoided it, I really want all my surgeries, my arms loook good, but thighs, butt and stomach need the extra skin took off. And one time I did get back up to 160, not sure why but it came right off. I did freak a little lol! O the reason I haven't had surgery, well I have built up a great career and have tremendous job security, but no one to cover me if I am out. 3 yrs at my work I am starting to show others how to cover what I do because the reality of having the surgery is coming to light. I am going to try and hold off til next year, but it pulls and hurts when i sneeze, shave my legs a certain way and yes having sex. I have to hold a pillow to my belly. Other than that I am still very healthy and feel very sexy, I have a sexy ass man who loves me no matter what, met him a year ago. Until him it was very hard to build a relationship. I also almost messed this one up with what I found is anxiety and OCD. So I am on zoloft now and I just love my life. My children are out growing me, they are the reason I even considered the surgery years ago, at 26 I was looking at becoming a diabetic and be put on blood pressure pills. I am still very much appreciative what the surgery has done for me!
 No I won't be happy at in my 140's but I have come use to his weight for some time now, I know I have to get the skin removed to hit my goal I made so many years ago of 130~

04/26/2010 I HIT MY GOAL!!!! 130pds w/o getting skin removed. I honestly do not know what happen! I took a complete body cleanse from GNC (Thanks to my honey who is over a few of them now), starting taking just one good mulit vitamin a day, one 1300mg of Primerose oil for my Fibrocystic breast (which works, stopped hurting), we go walking about 4 times a week, a few of the P90X workouts and the weight has just been falling off! I have never been this small! No skin removed still but it shrank too! I am so happy to say I am a size 6 now and 5 yrs after the surgery, I FINALLY HIT MY GOAL!!!! Took long enough lol!

07/21/10 I am not 125 pds. I am so ready now to really get the pastic surgery even if I have to pay for it myself. I have never been this small, and it has took me 5 years to get here! But my skin is looser than ever! My boobs don't sag, they just deflated. They look like the  70's girls who were flat chested with banana tits! YA! Need to get them reflated and a lower body lift. My butt is gone now! It is almost flat and i have never had a flat butt. I made an appt in FEB to consult with a local surgeon. I can't live like this, I was more confident bigger because everything was where it was suppose to be! I have to wear stuff undfer my clothes to look normal. I am so tired of being uncomfortable in those! I have 4 years invested in work and plenty of time built up finally to take off wihtout missing a paycheck! I just got to get the other girls trained to cover my work! I am excited, scared and ready to be thru with all the stages and steps to have come this far! Thanks for all the support!


About Me
Opelika, AL
Jan 11, 2004
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3 months b4 surgery
2 yrs out still holding!!!

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