Apr 26, 2007

she sings "To the left, to the left" 
look to the left at the SURGEONS name under my picture!!!!!!!!!!!   
I GOT THE CALL YESTERDAY and I AM ON MY WAY!!!!!!!!! MONDAY I see my surgeon (and I know who he is now) for my consult, have my pysch eval, and my internist appt. and then surgery will be in about a month from there!!!!!!!!!!!  So probably end of May!!!!!!!

OMGosh!!!!!! OMGosh!!!!!!!!  Somebody pinch me, this is really going to happen~WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                
I'm going to be a LOSER in about a MONTH!!!!!!! YAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!   I'm giving my 2 week notice on the paper route too and I'm not going back!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!! I am so ready to be done with that and sooooo are my knees!!!!!! I don't know what I'll do after my surgery, but I will figure that out eventually, noone would hire me now anyway with surgery a month a way. My hubby reminded me that I am reeligible for unemployment in June and I'm going to see if I'm elibible for disability, so fingers crossed on one of those for now!  

she sings again "I'm soooo excited, and I just can't hide it"   la,la,la!!!!!!  
WOO HOO loser's bench here I come!!!!!!!

April 16, 2007 ~ THANKS OH!!!!!! IRVINE ROCKED!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 15, 2007

OMGosh~Irvine was the best time of my life!!!! I am soooo more inspired to have my surgery than I already was!!!! 
OMG~Jackie Guerra!!! Can you say WOW!!!!!!! She is the bomb and she rocks!!!!! She is an amazing woman and we all so wanted to be her!  She has forever changed my life for sure!!!!  Love you Jackie!!!!
I had such a great time meeting my friends!!! So many great people and so many great times!!!!! And my surprise, OMG~Sarahlicious is the best surprise ever!!!!! She is way better in real life than I expected her to be, she really rocks and is a true inspirtation!!!!! I love you Sarah and thanks for the surprise!!  Meeting Amy and Tooter in real life is sooooo awesome too!!!!!!! They are so great and so tall! hee hee Thank you so much both of you for all you do for us!!!!!!
If you can ever find a way to go to an OH event~ GO!!!!! It was more fun than I can even explain in words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was such a great experience meeting people you have been talking to for months and then seeing them in real life! totally awesome!!!!!  
The 80s dance was great fun and totally hilarious seeing all the costumes! We were totally tubular dudes!!!! 
I just want to say it was so great to meet all my OH friends...first my roomies... Kim G, Michelle *MV egg face, and Saralicious *my great surprise! then there is Sally should be the Amazing Lizard, Kathy*Pink Flamingoes, Laura, MaryAnn*Slapper, Mish*elvenfairies, HollyBerry, my fellow Bec*Rebecca Withey, Vickie E, Rhonda L, Carol*Evergreen, Dr. Marcy, and probably more that I'm forgetting!  It was so cool to see you all in person and you look so much better in real person too!!!! I loved meeting you all!!!!
So thank you Eric Klein for creating OH!!!! Thank you all the OH staff for all you do!!!! Thank you Tooter and Amy!!!!! Thank you Jacki Guerra!!!!! Thank you everyone involved in making this weekend the blast that it was and for allowing me to be a part of it!!!!!!  
OH ROCKS!!!!!!!

April 12, 2007 ~ Bad week for me, come on Irvine!!!

Apr 11, 2007

Ok, this week has really sucked so I can't wait to get to Irvine and forget about my world for a couple of days!  My oldest daughter shattered my world on Monday and then today I find out I'm at a standstill with my surgery process because I am technically without insurance right now! ERGGGGG!!!!
I sent in the application for the conversion, but they don't have me official yet, so my approval for my WLS was denied till I am!  Sooooo frustrating!!!!!! Damn Cobra for fing me over!!!!! I sent an email to the Ca. Insurance Commissioners office to see if they can get me reinstated with Cobra!!! 
So I REALLY need this weekend sooo bad! Need lots of real hugs from my OH buddies! We are going to have soooooo much fun!!!!!!  I can't wait to see what my surprise is! I wonder how long they will make me wait for it? hee hee
TOMORROW I LEAVE FOR IRVINE~WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 4, 2007 ~ Irvine is almost here!

Apr 03, 2007

OMGosh, I can't believe how excited I am about going to Irvine to meet all my OH pals! We keep saying it's like a kid waiting for Christmas and it soooo is!!!!! All this preparation is so much fun! Sally *annoying lizard is coming now too and I am sooooo excited!!!!  I can't wait to meet her! She wants us to be surgery twins, so we'll see! 

Ok, this SECRET thing is driving me CRAZY!!!!!! lmoa Most of OH knows about it now and are having so much fun torturing me with it! Sarah posted today asking for a show of hands who knows Becky's secret. And anybody that didn't know, does now!!!!! I sure hope it is a REALLY good surprise for all of this torture!!!!! 
Did I say I CAN'T WAIT 
and I'M EXCITED???!!!!!  HURRY UP AND GET HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 26, 2007 ~ Insurance update and great news about hubby!!!

Mar 25, 2007

Most of you know that Cobra denied me the reinstatement so I am going to have to pay for Kaiser myself. Well, I just thought you might find this interesting. Even though I have been a patient of theirs for almost 2 years now, they denied me insurance due to all of my health issues!!!! Isn't that just lovely!!!!  Aint insurance companies the bomb? hee hee   So, I am stuck with the conversion plan, they have to keep me on with this plan, but it is way more expensive. So for a monetary amount we will keep you, but without the money you are no good to us!!!!! ERGGGGGGGG   
So I am still having my RNY, but it will cost me more money now! I will have to pay $406 a month instead of $280 and of course all the copays and things go up too!  So, do I have this money, NO, but am I giving up my new life with WLS, NO NO NO and NO!!!!! So I guess I will be getting a second job and trying again to get a job at Kaiser so my insurance is free.
Please pray for a job at Kaiser for me, then my whole family will have insurance too, they have nothing right now!!!!! 
So, my paperwork is on the way to Pacific Bariatric, I should be having my consult and phsyc eval in the next couple of weeks and surgery maybe in May!!!! I'm getting really excited!!!! I will be a LOSER soon!!!! she sings 

Now, for the really GREAT news!!! I told you about the issues with hubby and jealousy, well he forced me into the ultimatum this weekend when we had a huge fight, and at first he was "NO WAY AM I GOING TO COUNSELING OR GOING ON MEDS!!!!!!" Then later when I said, "if you don't want to go to counseling with me, then we might as well end this now, because I can't do this anymore! I am getting ready to have WLS and need your support, not your shit and it's time to step up to the plate and show me you really want to be with me!"   and he said, "go to counseling together? oh, fine!"  "what did you say?"  
" I said I'll go if we are going together!"  He said yes, he said yes, he said yes!!!!!!!!! We might just make it after all!!!! Praise God in Heaven!!!!! 
for all the prayers and good thoughts, crossed body parts and everything else you all were doing for me, they worked!!!!!  I am so excited I can't believe it. So now I have to find us some free counseling somewhere (another reason I need to work at Kaiser), but I will find it!!!!  I am so thankful we got this out and resolved before my WLS!!!!   Life is good!!!!

March 22, 2007 ~ My 6 mo. OH anniversary and Cobra update

Mar 21, 2007

Today is my 6 month anniversary of being on OH!!!!!  It has been the best 6 months of my life too! Being here has changed my life soooooo much!!!! and I haven't even had my surgery yet!  I'm very grateful for the day God led me here and I thank him every day for it!!!  You have all been so wonderful to me and I will always cherish the friendships I have made here. And besides all of that great stuff, I have decided what I want to do with my life and it is due to this wonderful site and all of you wonderful people.  You all tell me how cheerful and encouraging I am and it is something that I love doing and totally fulfills me like I have never been before. So I will at the very least be a support group leader, but I have bigger plans I'm working on too!!!  

Life is great and surgery should be soon. While I was writing this I got the call for my fitness test to be done tonight after support group, so that is the last step from Kaiser that leads me to Pacific Bariatric and my surgeon consult and pysch eval!!!! Woo hoo, I'm almost there!!!!!! 
As most of you know I suffered an insurance setback last week and unfortunately they WILL NOT reinstate me so I'm having to go straight through Kaiser. So the good news is, I'm still in the ballgame and will still be having my WLS!!!!  The bad news is it is going to cost me a LOT more money all the way around, but I will find a way to deal with that. My DH is freaking about it, but you know what, TOUGH!!!! I AM HAVING WLS NO MATTER WHAT!!!! God WILL provide and it will be fine!!!!!    Thanks so much for your anger with me, your support, your prayers, your crossed body parts, your hugs, and your love!!!!!! I could NEVER get through these setbacks without all of you!!!!!  
So happy anniversary to me and I'm on my way!!! woo hoo   
that dancing girl is getting closer than ever! And Irvine is going to be the bomb, I can't wait!!!!!   Thank you God for OH!!!!!!!! and all of my friends!!!!!!!!!   I love you all! 
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsThe future me doing one of my fave things, dancing~woo hoo!!!!

March 17, 2007 ~ Major Setback, ERGGG I'm soooooo sad!!!

Mar 16, 2007

I have suffered a MAJOR setback, but not a defeat!!!! I will NOT allow it to be a defeat so I need your help.  I got a letter yesterday telling me my medical insurance through Cobra is cancelled as of Jan. 31.  To say that I was upset and crying, would be a major understatement. I was crying so hard and hyperventelating that I couldn't even tell my husband what was wrong.  He had to go find the letter and read it for himself.  I feel like my whole world has just caved in on me.  I tried calling about it and according to the girl I talked to, there is absolutely NOTHING they can do to reverse it, Federal law!  The supervisors had all left for the day so I can't talk to them until Monday.  What it boils down to is that in Jan. my premium went up, but I mailed it before I knew that. So when I mailed the next payment, they took the 31.00 difference out of it, leaving the Feb. preimium short and I needed to pay the 31.00 difference by March 7 or I was cancelled.  I did not know this or I would have sent the money! I have been making my Cobra PRIORITY over EVERYTHING!!!!! So now I have no medical insurance and no WLS!!!!!!!! And if that isn't bad enough, I have no idea how much I owe Kaiser since Jan. 31!!!!!!!!!  So, of course I am devestated about my WLS, but besides that, I am on about 10 meds that are keeping me alive that I CAN'T afford without my insurance!!!!!  
SO BASICALLY, I AM SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You don't want to see what my eyes look like this am, pretty scary!!! And if all of that isn't enough, I don't know if my marriage is going to make it to my WLS!!!!!!  I'm pretty much going to give him an ultimatum, counseling and meds for him, or we are done!!!!! He is already having issues and I WILL NOT go into my surgery with him being like this!!!!! I CAN'T, or I WON'T survive!!!!!!  So, I am taking a stand now and making him step up to the bat and prove he REALLY loves me and that we will be together forever.  I really hope he will do what is necessary because I love him with all my heart and I don't want to lose him!   

So, I NEED some major prayers, good thoughts, fingers crossed, whatever it is you believe in because I AM HAVING WLS and I may not have a husband, but I WILL SURVIVE and become the NEW HEALTH BECBOO  that I DESERVE to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These are setbacks, but NOT defeats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I can do this, are you behind me??????  

You guys have changed my life SO MUCH and are partly responsible for this new strong woman I am and for that I am grateful and blessed. I know God hasn't brought me this far to shut me down, so I have FAITH that this is just a bump in the road and I will get through it with the help of my friends, of which I have many here on OH and I am so very blessed by that!  I love you all so much and I can get through anything with you by my side!  THANKS!!!!!!  

PS.  the news Thursday night before this happened is that I am put through even though I didn't lose my 20 lbs and I am really close to my appointment with the surgeon and a date.  I WILL GET MY INSURANCE BACK SOMEHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 13, 2007 ~ Going to Irvine convention!!!!!!

Mar 12, 2007

I'm going to the Irvine Convention and I can't wait!!!! Woo hoo, we are going to have soooo much fun!!!! I can't wait to see the friends I've been talking to here on OH in person! Our room is going to be the rockinest room in the hotel! My roomies are Michelle *MV and Kim G and I'm sooo excited! Jolene is coming too with her friend Tammi and I hope we all have soo much fun! I'm trying to work on my 80's costume and it is bringing back lots of memories! Karaoke on Friday night is going to be a blast too!!  I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!! Oh ya, and Vicki has some secret info about Irvine that she is teasing me with! not nice  lol  

Feb. 26, 2007 ~ Gall bladder scan moved up!!!!!

Feb 25, 2007

  All my calling for cancellations every day has paid off!!!!! I am talking about my gall bladder scan, for those of you who don't know.  I started with a May 14 date, then I got a April 16 date and this morning I got MARCH 1, THIS THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  9:30pm, no food for 8 hours prior of liquids 4 hours prior. It will be a long day and I will be so tired Friday, but WOO HOO!!!!!!!   "I'm getting closer, I'm getting closer, to my surgery date, I'm getting closer!!!!!"  oh, that was me singing a little diddy and dancing in my chair!!!!! hee hee    
So after the gb scan then I'm waiting for the call for the appointment to see if they are putting me through even though I didn't lose 20 lbs. Then I have to do a fitness test, which is 5 laps around the building (after my paper route apartment complexes, this will be a cake walk!),  then I wait for a call to schedule my surgeon appointment and my psych eval~woo hoo!!!!!!!! 
I am sooooooo excited and can't believe it is really starting to seem REAL!!!!!!!!  
Thanks to all of you for your prayers for the cancellation, they worked!!!  Thanks for all your love and support all the time!  I love you all so much , hope you know that!!!!!  

Feb. 19, 2007 ~ Getting closer and it's starting to feel REAL!!

Feb 18, 2007

Weight: 292 / Lost: 10 / 152 left to go

Hi everyone! First let me say I miss you all so much!!! With this newspaper route and trying to get used to the new sleep hours, I just don't seem to have much time for OH!    The route is doing good, I'm getting faster every day. The apartment complexes sure do kick my butt!!! My knees have been horrible and my fibromyalgia is kicked into high gear with all the exercise too!!!! The pain is unbearable at times!!!!  I went to my PCP last week and she started me on Mobic for my knees and said I could increase my Nortryptoline for my fibro.  I know I can't take the Mobic  postop, but hopefully it will help for now.  I think it's starting to help! As for the sleep, well...I go to bed at 10pm, get up at 12:15 and am usually home by 5:30 or 6am. I make the girls lunches and go back to bed and try to get at least 4 hours of sleep, but some days if Mike is working and I'm alone, it is more like 7 hours and the day is half gone when I wake up. Like today I woke up at 1pm!!!!  

So I have only 1 preop class left, this Thursday night~woo hoo!!!!!! Last week I did my preop labs and most came back normal~yaaayyyy! 
The only ones not normal were my Triglicerides (she is switching me to Lipitor) and my glucose was high by their standards, but not by mine~107. My A1C is high at 6.9 which is barely over the limit and my white blood count was slightly high, but it has been since my kidney stones. And my iron is a little low which might explain why I'm so tired all the time!  
I have my galll bladder scan scheduled for May 14 , but I can call every day to see if they have cancellations. Jolene did and they got her switched from mid April to tomorrow. So hopefully I will get so lucky too. Say a prayer please because the sooner I get that done, the sooner I get to have my surgery. I can't have the phsyc eval or the surgeon appointment until that is done!!!  
It really is starting to feel real!!!! I'm so excited!!!! 
I didn't do so well on my preop weight loss though and I'm trying to lose big pounds this week.  We were recommended to lose 10%, which would be 30 pounds for me and as you can see on my ticker, I didn't do that! I had lost 18 at one point, but with the holidays and the depression over my lack of job, I gained most of it back and have been up and down since then.  My constipation doesn't help either!!!! ewwww
sorry tmi!!!!   So because I didn't lose at least 20lbs, I have to have an extra appointment to make sure they are still passing me through.  I'm not really worried about it, but I wish I had done better. Prayers again please!!!!   I'll be joining you on the loser's bench soon hopefully!!!!!
Ok, I've rambled long enough!  Did I mention that I miss you all so much?   I hate not being able to be here as often as I use to, but please know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers daily!!!!!  And even if I don't have time to post, I usually at least do a quick review of what happened for the day so I know what to pray for! I hate lurking!!!! lol

About Me
Ellensburg, WA
Surgery Date
Sep 22, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
don't look too happy here
loving life now

Friends 584

Latest Blog 60
Just an update!!!
April 30, 2088 ~ Cruise to Cabo!!!
MRA scheduled and pain finally easing! Pictures of my bitches!!
February 28, 2008 ~ Hernia update!
Feb. 27, 2008 ~ Fucking hernias, Drs, and pain!!! UGH!!!!
