4 months Out

Oct 24, 2009

Hey OH family.  Today marks my fouth month after my RNY!  I am proud of the progress that I have made thus far, but I must admit that it is a bit challenging.  I am still only down 52 lbs.  The scale has not moved in two weeks.  I am 18 pounds shy of one of my goals, which is to be at a 70 lb weight loss or more at my 6 month mark. I am going to try to achieve this goal within the next 4 weeks.

I must say that my exercise program has slowed down compared to what I was doing in the first three months after surgery.  I am looking for that initial "drive" that I had in the beginning.  In two more months, I would like to see my body start defining itself.  I am so ready to get that "coke" bottle shape!  When is that coming? How can I speed up the process?  I wonder if I can detox and put myself back on liquids only for a while?  What do yal think?  Oh well, just wanted to update you gus.  Talk to you soon.


3 Months Out

Oct 11, 2009

Hi Everyone!

Been a while since I have been on here, but I felt like progress was really slow.  Well I had my three month visit and I am doing good.  I am down a total of 52 lbs.  Yeah!    I can't believe the inches that I have lost so far.  I must admit that when I look in the mirror, I see no change. However, when I take a look at my pics, side by side, I can start to see my transformation.  I have posted my three month pics in my photos.  I love looking at them.  I have vowed to only take photos in three month intervals.  So the next time I take photos and post, I should be a skinny minnie !  

Also, during my 6 weeks and 12 weeks, I had not exercised as much as I did before and I fell into a little slump, but I went into Layne Bryant on Saturday and I have dropped two pants sizes!  So that put a little spark and fire back under my feet.  Like I said before, I am hoping to be down another 50-60 pounds by Christmas.  Well OH, I gotta go.  See ya soon!


8 weeks out! Small Epiphany!

Aug 20, 2009

Hey Everybody:

It has been a minute since I have been on this site.  However, I just wanted to share that I had a small epiphany on Saturday, August 16, 2009.  This was the first time that I put on a pair of jeans and had ROOM  in them!  I was so excited.  I wore these same pair of jeans two months ago and damn near had to put on cooking oil to get them on.  I did not even have to suck in  to button them.  I can't tell you the feeling that came over me.  On the other hand, the scale is moving, but I feel as though it is moving slower than it should, but so many people are starting to tell me that I look good and they can see a difference.  Some people are even telling me that my clothes look too big on me!

Well, this is all I have for now.  I will keep working towards my goal.  See all of you on the looser's bench!

6 wks Out!

Aug 10, 2009

Hey Everybody!

This has been quite a journey thus far!  I know that I am still on the beginning of my journey and I have miles to go, but it has been just that...a journey.  I can say that I feel more comfortable with the three meals a day now because I am able to eat baked tilapia.  I eat it for all three meals sometimes because I know that I am getting in my protein that I need for the day.  After much trial and error, I have finally found vitamins that I like, so I am finally taking all of my vitamins everyday! 

Last week, I saw one of my co-workers who had not seen me since the close of the school year ( the first week of June) and she did a double take.  She realized it was me and she came up to me and said that I looked really good and that my face was small !  Although I could not see it, this made me feel really good and then I saw two more people on different occassions and they said the same thing.  For the first time, I took a pic of myself on yesterday and I noticed how much smaller my face was.  I liked the look.  NOW, I am striving for the rest of me to get smaller.  I am anxiously awaiting my "Ah-Ha" moment.  The moment when I can shop and buy clothes that are smaller. 

I have decided that I will take pics every 6 weeks and I will keep you guys updated!

4 Week Post Op Update

Jul 22, 2009

Greeetings All:

I haven't been here in about 2 weeks.  Within those two weeks, I have gone through a lot.  Early in week three, I was extremely tired and fed up with liquids only !  I did not know what else to do.  The only thing that I can seem to drink is water.  I must admit, I had some days of relapse, where I ate or drank something that I wasn't supposed to.  The amount of what I ate and drank were not to the point that it made me sick or have the dumping syndrome.....thank GOD   However, I am thankful for my friends and support system who have undergone this procedure before me and told me that I needed to jump back on the right track.  They knew what I was feeling and told me NOT to do it again!

Well, today marks week 4 post op for me and my diet says that I can add honeydew melon, cantelope, and watermelon.  While I am not a fan of honeydew or cantelope, I love watermelon.  I am so glad that I can add something with flavor and substance to my diet.  I will try a little today and see how my stomach reacts.  I must admit, the hardest part for me has been sticking to the liquid diet.  I am looking forward to week 5 and 6 when I can add some tuna and chicken salad to the diet. 

On another note, I have to confess that I have incorporated more exercise.  I have joined a water aerobics class that I absolutely LOVEand I purchased a Wii Fit board that I will start using this week!  I have lost a little more weight, but not in the double digits!  I guess this will eventually change back! 

2 Week Post-Op Update

Jul 10, 2009

Hey Everybody:

I must admit, I have been terrible with the whole protein and liquid thing .  It is still very hard for me to force myslef to drink all of that milk.  My beneprotein arrived, but it is NASTY too!  I tell ya,  I am going to scream before it is all over.  I noticed that when I don't get my protein, I become very weak, lazy, and sometimes even cold.  Something has got to give.

So, yesterday was a day that I knew I had not had enough protein because of how my body felt...therefore, this morning for breakfast, I ate some grits and 1 hormel liitle sizzler sausage...it stayed down.  For lunch I ate some tuna (only 3 teasponns), and I felt a little better after about 30 min of eating lunch.  Throughout the day, I constantly sipped on lemon water.  This seems to be the only thing I want to drink now.  Crystal light has become the enemy!   And I can't find the sugar free Blue Bell Popsicles anywhere !    

On another note, I went to my two week post-op visit today and my nurse was livid that I ate tuna.  She says that I am not suppose to have that until week 6, but I did get some praise cause for two weeks out of surgery, I lost 15 lbs. 3 inches off my arms, thighs, and tummy and 2.5 inches off my waist.  I think if I would have been eating according to schedule and exercising more, I would have lost more.  But this is a process, so I am going to keep trying.

When Will the Weight FALL OFF!

Jul 05, 2009

Okay, maybe I am looking for results too fast!  However, I have lost weight since surgery.  Although I am not a full two weeks out yet, just 11 days, I have had some good and bad days in between.  I called my nurse so much that she set out a schedule for me, this is great, but if I over sleep, the schdule goes down the drain.  This protein thing is harder than I thought!  I can't wait till my Beneprotein arrives.  I will be dumping it in everything! 

However, what I want to know is....When will the weight begin to FALL OFF!

7 Days Post Op

Jul 01, 2009

Hey Everybody:

Well today marks one week since I have had surgery.  My first three days at home were great.  Day 4 was a real bummer.  I had a fever of 102.00 and I also had chills. Kind of stayed in the bed all day that day and ate on popsicles and ice chips.  I am still having a hard time consuming protein and 64 ounces of liquid a day.  I do eat chicken broth, applesauce (no sugar), and jello, but I just don;t see where the time and what my stomach can hold will absorb all of this.  I must admit, it is kind of stressful.  Then, with the protein thing, I just just find a cliff and jump off.  You know, during the two week period when you are suppose to be getting your protein from the milk you drink, well, I am not a milk drinker, so my bariatric nurses told me to buy something called Bene Protein, which is orderless and tasteless and I can put in my food as well as my drink, well the internet says that Walmart, CVS, GNC and Walgreens carries it......guess what.....they don't.  So by the time I found it online, it would take three - five business days to get to me and by that time, I would have gone to my two week post op appointment.  So, in a nutshell, I am still struggling with getting in plenty protein during the day.  I find myself sipping or eating a popsicle every two hours, other than that...all is well.
1 comment

3 Days Post-Op

Jun 27, 2009

Okay.  It has been 3 days since my surgery and I must say that I am feeling a lot better than I thought I would.  I started walking immediately after surgery and by Thursday morning, the nurses were calling my the poster child for bariatric surgery.  Needless to say, I went home on Friday afternoon, and should have asked my doctor to stay one more day.  I needed the rest from the kids.  Soon as I got home, the kids were all over the place.  They were even telling me that they were hungary.  I had to get up and cook.  Well, I did not sleep through the night, I found my tummy growling and I ate a little jello and did some walking.  Today, my friends came to visit me and one of them drove me to Wal-Mart to get some more chocolate soy milk and sugar free popsicles.  So, I did my fare share of walking today.  IT is 7:15 pm and I am just now getting in the bed to settle down.   I am really anxious to see how much weight will be lost once I go to my two week visit.  The only thing that I am a little disappointed in is I did not get all 64 ounces in today.  However, I did get all of my vitamins.  Does anyone know a time frame that the 64 ounces should be consumed?  Well, since this is all new to me, I will try again on tomorrow.

13 More Hours

Jun 23, 2009

So the moment is approaching like a freight train!  I have been on liquids all day.  Didn't know how I was going to manage, but I did.  Earlier this morning, my head started to hurt.  I realized that it was a hunger headache and I fixed myself some chicken broth.  It did the trick.  Then, before you knew it, it was time to start on the MIralax.  I have never consumed 64 ounces of liquid in two hours before, but I just kept timing myself and it took me two hours to drink all 64 ounces.  It is now 8:20 pm and I am sitting here checking my OH page and emails one more time before I double check and make sure that I have everything I need in my overnight bag.  I am not sure if I will sleep tonight or not.  I am just so anxious to see what will go on tomorrow.  The last thing that I will do this evening is take my pics before surgery.  The next time that I take pics, I should be on my way to the LOSERS BENCH!  Yeah!!

About Me
Surgery Date
May 18, 2009
Member Since

Friends 24

Latest Blog 13
