my main hobby has been and continues to be my family.i loved to do anything with them.unfortunaltely since my car accident last year i have been tired and in pain from back,hip/leg pain.i also have recently been having problems with my blood sugar levels.i am hoping surgery lets me live a somewhat normal life with my family again,lol.

April 22,2002
No new changes as far as the surgery waiting lists yet.I have however had some serious health problems lately.I just got out of the hospital cause I had pneoumona and am having problems breathing lately.The Dr feels my weight is not helping this either.I am now on an inhaler called advair and also had to take some other meds to stop my lungs from spasaming for awhile but thank goodness am off them for now.Dr said if I get sicker I will have to go back on them or else go back in hospital.well thats it for now.

May 9,2002
Yipeeeeeeeeeee,lol.I got an earlier date for my consult.Instead of november I now get to go June 18,2002.I now feel like there is hope again.i kind of just gave up and forgot about it to keep sane cause it was so far away.But now I have that excitment all over again.well all take care.

June 18,2002
well I have mixed feelings about my consult today,lol.I am thrilled...I have been approved and Dr.Nohr feels I am a perfect patient for this type of surgery.He even wants to know if i would be available for a last minute cancellation like a day or two's notice cause he wants to put me on his list.His nurse also has a cancellation list and i am on the for surgery...but I am on the DR'S list too.I am thrilled about that cause my surgery otherwise is not till june 16,2003.and no that is not a typo on the 2003 date,lol.I also got some absolutely beautiful clothes today from a friend from my support group.Sh gave tnem all to me cause she already had her surgery and has lost tons of weight.She looks fab and she thought of me when getting rid of them cause i dont buy myself much if anything cause I have 3 special needs kids and money pretty well goes that a date clothes put on Dr's cancellation list today..its been a good day,lol.thats all for now ..bye all.

July 1,2002
I am sick today!I am very hurts to breath and I feel like I am going to throw up and am dizzy and just plain old sick.I hate it when I feel like this and I just want to cry.Thnak God it is a holiday and Jim is home to watch kids cause I couldnt.I was in pain but cause it is a long weekend I wanted to do something for the kids.So we went for a walk to the park then took kids to the corner store to get them a little treat.By the time I got home I was sick again and in total pain.Now I am getting sick form to much sugar and from the heat and am short of breath.So what was supposed to be a fun day turned bad and once again my health and weigth ruined the day.Sorry just need to vent,take care all.

I had an appointment with my family DR today and got all my blood work back.I have to go on cholestoral medicine cause he said it is way way to high.Also my bp is high but he does not feel it is ness to take anything for it yet.He did say that after surgery I probably wont need the meds anymore.My blood sugars are out of wack 14.9...but I could probably just control it for now through diet.I have to buy a machine and monitor it and see.Several more co-morbids to add to my list I guess.

July 16,2002
I guess this week has been a rollar coaster ride and I am paying for it.I heard from a girl in our support group that she is pregnant and that she cant have her surgery in October after all.I was hoping maybe I could get it so I went out on a limb and phoned Karen (dr.nohrs nurse) and asked if maybe i could have it.Anyways she basically told me NO and that they dont do it like that and that it goes to the person with the most problems so they can get better.I have popped my knee cap out this weekend and shredded the ligaments and tendons the dr sayd and I might need knee surgery to repair it.I dont is killing me today and I had it pop out again last night and I need to go to walk in clinic.Just have to wait for hubby to come home cause I cant drive like this.Well will update you later..bbl. back from dr's.Had to have a special brace for knee made and am now hobbling around on crutches,lol.Dr said if the brace doesnt work then I will need a cast from lower thigh to ankle.I will make brace work darn it all,lol...i dont want a feeling fat and miserable on crutches..thats all for now.

OCTOBER 2,2002
OH MY GOOOOOOOSHHHHHH....ITS HAPPENED..I AM SITTIGN HERE BAWLING..CAUSE I GOT A NEW SURGERY DATE.NOVEMBER 4TH!!!!!!Oh my gosh..its only 5 weeks away..yippeee,lol.I just didnt believe it would happen...patti@goal and my hubby both told me that it would and i didnt beleive them,lol.

October 23,2002

December 14,2002
Guess it has been awhile since I posted.Lots has happened since last time.I got quite depressed after my date was cancelled,lost my mother to cancer,got sick,son got quite ill and just been struggling with everything in my life right now.Will update more later when I feel up to it,maybe after the Christmas rush.

March 9,2003
Wow,a new year.It felt like my surgery date was forever and ever away,and then I realized today that it is only a little over 3 months away.I guess the time went faster it seemed cause I literally got so busy that I didnt have time to think about it.My weight is slowly going down back to the original weight I was when I started this whole process and I am going to the gym now to do water aroebics(sp?) and walking on the tread mill.I am going with a friend who is also heavy so I dont feel so self conscious.Anyways,time to go.
April 29,2003
Well I was supposed to have my surgery June 16,2003.But now it has also been cancelled cause of shortage they say of anasthesologists (sp?).And they dont know when I will be reschduled.Are the ppl after me getting cancelled or moved now???NO!!!!Just ones one certain weeks....they say they will "call us" from that weeks group if and whenever they get a cancellation.Who knows when that will be.So for now the surgery is to remain a dream...whenever!!!!


June 11,
I am home today.Feeling still kind of woozy but ok.I was 248 when i weighed in at the hospital morning of surgery...and today when i weighed in on same scale they sai i was 237.So I guess I have lost 11lbs in 6 days.will post more later.
June 19th,
Had my staples removed and last tube.Had an official weigh in also.Drum have lost a total of 26.5 lbs.yipee.
June 26th
weigh in..lost30pounds.Feeling a bit better.not so nauseated.
Happy Canada Day...hard to believe this is so differnt already from last year this time.Have lost a total of-35pounds...which brings my weight to 213lbs.Update later.
weighed in again...I am down 39pounds..over one month post.weigh 209lbs now
July 23,2003
Weigh lost-48lbs weigh 200lbs even. tried on new clothes and fit into a stretchy size 16pants.Couldn't believe it...It really does pay to do measurments too cause when not losing pounds your losing big time inches.
August 21,2003
still incredibly tired and get tired easily.Have started B12 and hopefully that starts working and helping soon.I platued for three weeks so I didnt lose anything for awhile...but finally lost another 2 pounds and broke the 200 mark.So I am at 198 pounds finally with 50pounds lost.
I am feeling much better.Started on sublingual b12 with my other vitamins and it has helped tons...thanks patti for that info.I am down to 190pounds as of this morning...have lost 58pounds to date.Only 60 more pounds to go until I hit 130pounds.Woohooo!
September 17th,2003
Saw surgeon today.Have a small hernia.Dr said I can wait to get it fixed he will fix it when I have my TT.He said if I keep losing the way I have been that I will be at goal in 6 months.He also said he is pleased with my weight loss and that I am doing well so far.:)thats it for now..bbl!

November 21,2003.
A bit of a sad day today.My mom passed away today one year ago.Where in the past I would have consolled myself with food I cant do that feeling a bit blue.Trying not to.On the good side I am down to 162lbs...32pounds from my personal goal of 130!
Been very busy lately.Trying to get ready for Christmas..we are going away to hubbys families for the holidays.I have lost 92 pounds so far to date.I had lost 90...but then for four weeks didnt lose anything.Finally losing again.So I am now down to 156lbs.Guess I didnt make the goal weight by 6 months like dr said...but I am very happy with what I have done.I am only 26lbs from goal
December 26th,2003
Its amazing really.Where in the past at Christmas time I would have gained with all the food and gatherings...not this year.In fact I have lost more.I am now 146lbs...16pounds from goal!
Its amazing.Even though I have not lost any pounds at all I have lost inches.Last month I couldnt fit certain sizes.Today I was able to put on a pair of size 8 pants,comfortably and a small womens shirt and sweater.WOOHOOOOOO!LOL.
See the dr next month to discuss TT,hernia repair and GB removal.
weight is 142lbs today...size 8!
February 4/04
down to 140pounds today.
down to 136 pounds today!
Hernia repair,GB removal and TT consult today.Approved and surgery date is set for April 26,2004.
February 29/04
Had a bad day yesterday.Got back into old mind set where I thought I could eat anything and everything I wanted to and it would be ok.Ate pizza,chocolate and icecream.Thing is I didnt even enjoy it,and of course I dumped and gotsick.OH and learn....hopefully I will learn from this and be able to get back on track.
APRIL 13th,2004
surgery again in 2 weeks.Feeling a little anxious and nervous this time.Lost more weight.Dr didnt really want me to...hope he will still do surgery anyways.The good side of it is I am in a size 6 now.Really,really got to update pics...they look awful them old ones.
April 25,2004
Surgery tommorow morning.Feeling anxious.Down to goal size of 6/8 and 135pounds.Will check in after I am feeling better from surgery.Hope everything goes well.Take care gang.
April 30th,2004
I finally came home today...was supposed to be home wednesday but had some complications which I am too tired to go into right now.I am alive and home..thank you to all who signed my surgery page....I appreciate it very much.
May 8th,2004
I just keep having complications.Wound wont heal properly.A huge hematoma...and bleeding in other areas.I am having severe pain cause healing is compromised by weakened immune system and infections.Pancreas problems...hopefully everything settles down soon.
May 14,2004
Finally got things straightened out.Had some really rough days.Required some more IV antibiotics,nutrients and liquids.Have nurse coming in to help with wound.Seems my bowels also acted up this time...the surgery aggrivated my IBS and I also had a kinked bowel.Its settling down though and I am starting to feel human.
June 1,2004
feeling human again.Thinking now it might have actually been worth it,lol.ONly problem with tt now though is ya see other things you might want to get lifted or tucked,lol.feeling old and fat lately.....mind set.Will get over it.
Back to school for everyone...even me.I am doing great though there.Am maintaining a 96-98% GPA so far.Still get tired easily but have been down with the cold/flu or something.Had an ultrasound back in July to check things out...somekind of spot on my liver showed up in it.Have to go for a scan now to check it out.Not really worried...dr said it could even have been an old scar showing up on the scan.But better to be safe then sorry.I am still maintining at 130-135lbs most days.Still a size 6/8 depending on fit.Do have some says where I think I am soooo hungry but I fight them and ususally am able to get through them.Still mostly though where food doesnt interest me.I seem to b swelling up in the evenings though...dont know what thats all about.Maybe cause I am on my feet all day now.Anyways..time to go.
February 4th.2005
New Year.Still going to school...still doing well.weight is constant now at 134 and a size 8.I try not to obsess over the 4 pounds and be happy...somedays though I feel the old scared feelings come back.Especially when I am hungry.I have gotten dizzy,shakey and faint at times....turned out to be low blood sugars from me depriving myself of food.Seems food issues are coming back to haunt me after all....just got to be careful not to go the other way now.Anyways...just checking in to say I am alive and still well.


dont I look impressed?

still another 24pounds to go..

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 08, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
dont I look impressed?
still another 24pounds to go..

Friends 4
