
Jul 13, 2011

Well we went to the mall today and ran some errands.  I got my walking in definitely!  We stopped by Helzberg jewelers and I had to pick up ring guards today for my engagement ring and my wedding band.  They both went flying off my hand across the room at work today.  It wasn't too terribly bad $15.99 per ring.  I got re-sized and my ring finger is down to a 7 1/2!!  That is freaking crazy.  No wonder my rings went flying they were almost a size 10 or like a 9 3/4!!  I'm just in shock.  I wonder how much smaller they will get.
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Almost in twoderland!!

Jul 12, 2011

I have some great news!  I am down to 300lbs exact!!!  We went to exercise class tonight at the hospital.  I used the nu-step machine for 35 minutes before our exercise "coach" told me I had done enough and that I shouldn't overdo it so close after surgery!  I was aiming for 40 min but oh well I got close.

In bad news I am still very constipated.  UGH!!  So I bought some suppositories this afternoon and I used one tonight after we got back from working out.  It started to work about 45 minutes after I used it.  I know I haven't completely emptied but I am glad at least I was able to go a little bit.  I also picked up Miralax and drank about 3/4 of a serving this afternoon.  I am hoping that it will start to soften my stools.  My doctor wants me to start using benefiber.  He wants me to use the clear dissolving powder.  I wanted to use the chews but he said the powder is better.  So I will probably have to go pick up some tomorrow as I only have the chews in my house.  I am going to continue with the Miralax and do one packet a day.  Trying to figure out what to mix it in because it didn't taste that great in my diet grape powerade.  If anyone has any suggestions please let me know!  I am hoping that I won't be up all night pooping from the suppository.

So I went out to eat for the first time over the weekend.  It went pretty good.  We went to a mexican restaurant called Herradurra.  I shared a kids meal with my two nephews who are toddlers.  I had refried beans and some of the inside of a chicken burrito.  It actually went pretty well and it tasted good.  And I got full and knew when I had to stop.

I have been doing good on up'ing my water intake.  Since Sunday I have been getting in 64oz everyday.  I've done 60oz so far but I plan on drinking a little bit more before bed.  I was so excited to weigh in today and see my progress.  I think I am just going to weigh in weekly at exercise class.  My nurse does not want me stepping on the scale each day.  She said I need to put the scale away!  LOL.  It doesn't help that my scale is not accurate.  I need to find a manual for it and see if there is a way that I can correct it.  I should get to bed that is another thing I am trying to work on is getting to bed earlier and getting a better nights sleep.

Bad night

Jul 09, 2011

I had a really rough night last night.  I was constipated hadn't gone since Tuesday.  I took a laxative around 6pm and it gave me severe cramping around 10pm.  My stool was very hard and it was painful to pass.  I ended up getting the foamies from all of the cramping that happened (I had nothing in my sleeve just a little bit of water) and I ended up throwing up bile.  There was a little bit of blood in my vomit and I was concerned so I called and talked with my surgeon.  He said that if it happened again that I would need to go into the hospital.  I was up and down through out the night and I believe I was able to get my bowel emptied.  My doctor said to only use milk of magnesia liquid if I have to use it again.  I used another brand that was a small pill.

I don't want to get constipated again.  I know that part of the reason it happened was because I am not taking in enough fluids.  I am getting in around 40 ounces a day.  I really need to push myself to get in at least 64 oz.  I met with the nurse yesterday and I am down to 302lbs.  My scale at home is not working right and is not accurate it showed me at 307 before I went to the clinic and when I was weighed at the clinic it said 302!  I am almost below 300lbs I am excited.  I need to find a better scale that is more accurate.

My head feels a little bit off today.  I am sure it is from getting so sick last night.

So the nurse had me start taking a calcium supplement.  I am taking bariatric advantage soft chews.  She told me that I can start to take biotin which may help with hair loss but there is no guarantee so I picked some up.  She also said that I could take some fiber supplement.  So I picked up some benefiber chewables.  I haven't started to take them yet but I will try them today.

My sister and her family are in town this weekend and I have a baby shower I am going to tomorrow.  We need to run to Target and do some grocery shopping.  I need to pick up some more ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, lactaid milk and probably some more canned tuna.  Yesterday I tried canned salmon.  It was pretty good.



Jul 04, 2011

So my weight is stalled.  Very frustrating!  No changes in the scale the past week.  I know it is common around the 3rd week.  I think my body is in starvation mode.  I know that I need to start exercising more.  I haven't been cleared for exercise yet, maybe by the end of the week but I am cleared for walking.  Marv and I are going to go back to our weekly exercise group on Tuesday nights (starting tomorrow night).  We also are going to go to the monthly support meeting that our hospital has the first Thursday evening of the month.

Doing puree's has been going good.  I start real "soft foods" tomorrow. I usually will do 2 tbsp of fat free chobani plain greek yogurt for breakfast with 1 tbsp of fruit babyfood (banana or pear) and I mix in a little bit of Splenda to sweeten the yogurt.  For lunch I will do pureed chicken 2 tbsp and either 1 tbsp of fat free ricotta or 1 tbsp of low fat lactaid cottage cheese.  For dinner I do 2 tbsp of pureed chicken and 1 tbsp of ricotta or 1 tbsp of chicken, 1 tbsp of pureed green beans and 1 tbsp of ricotta.  I have started to add in a protein shake.  I am doing pure protein chocolate splendar powder mixed with 8 oz of fat free lactaid milk and 1 tbsp of peanut butter.  It tastes real yummy.  I have to split it up throughout the afternoon and evening because I can't drink it all at once. I am measuring all of my food and I am logging it on

I don't have anymore pain.  I still have a few small scabs on my incisions.  I haven't been able to sleep on my side yet.  It is uncomfortable.  I was that way after I had my gall bladder surgery in '06.  I am doing my vitamins everyday.  They have me on a children's multi-vitamin with iron (generic centrum kids complete) and a sublingual b-12 1000mcg (optimum brand).  I think this week they may start me mineral supplements like iron and calcium.

One side effect that I am having since surgery is that I never have to pee.  I used to have to go to the restroom several times when I was at work before surgery.  I would go at anywhere from 2 to 4 times during the 5 hour period.  Now I could go the entire shift without peeing.  I'm not sure if I could be dehydrated.  My pee is sometimes darker yellow.  Even when I pee the amount is so little.  I pee much more after I first wake up in the morning.
  I don't know exactly how much I have been drinking the past few days I thought maybe around 34oz..  I'm not sure if I am just getting in less fluids because now I have to stop drinking 15 minutes before eating and not drink 30-45 minutes after eating.  I've been drinking smartwater so it does have electrolytes in it.  I guess I don't feel like I am dehydrated but I don't really know.  I do the skin pinch test on the front of my hand and the skin goes back flat immediately.  I meet with my bariatric nurse on Friday so I can talk with her about these concerns.

Lunch - Day 1 of Purees

Jun 28, 2011

Pureed Chicken and Fat Free Ricotta Cheese

2 Tablespoons of Pureed Chicken and 1 Tablespoon of fat-free ricotta cheeseChicken looks gross pureed but it tastes good.  I pureed a large can of chicken breast with a little bit of water and a tsp of low fat mayo.  I didn't add any seasonings maybe I will experiment at dinner time.  I figured I would go bland starting out to see how my pouch tolerates it.  The left overs are in the fridge I am not sure how long they will stay fresh.  Maybe I should freeze some of the leftover chicken in ice cube trays.  Either that or I could see if my husband wants a Chicken salad sandwich when he gets home from work.  He got his surgery date Thursday August 11th.  He hasn't had to start his preop diet yet.

For breakfast I had 2 Tablespoons of Chobani Fat Free Plain Greek Yogurt.  I added 1 packet of Splenda and I had 1 Tablespoon of Gerber Stage 2 Bananas.  Overall it was pretty tasty.

I am finding lunch a little harder to eat.  I feel it going down more.  The texture of the chicken is definitely different then the texture of yogurt.  I have to space out the bites of food, which is a strange feeling.  I was so used to eating fast before surgery.  Now I have to let time pass before I can take another bite.  And my bites are so tiny.  Like the size of a pea or a cheerio.  Now I understand how they said meals should take 20-30 minutes to eat.  I made a food diary and I am going to log everything that I eat on


Skin firming moisturizer

Jun 27, 2011

I finally got around to showering and getting dressed. LOL.  It is almost bedtime!  This is the first day since my surgery that I have spent the day in my pj's.  Since surgery I have been using a new lotion Nivea body skin firming with Q10.  It seems like it is helping.  My skin was really dry before surgery.  I don't know if it is really tightening and firming my skin but I think I have read that your skin has more elasicity when it is moisturized.

Things to think about

Jun 27, 2011

My headache feels better.  I got the dishes done and boy did that wipe me out.  I can't wait until I start having more energy.  Marv is outside mowing.  Yay!  Our yard was starting to look pretty rough.  I need to jump in the shower and then I have laundry to fold.  It feels good to be getting things accomplished. 

I can't believe that I go back to work on Wednesday.  I am not really looking forward to it.  Mainly because I'm not sure what people are going to say and ask.  I think my weightloss is noticeable but who knows.  I'm not really sure how to deal with questions.  Sometimes I feel like people can be so nosy.  I haven't really thought about what I am going to say if people start asking me questions...

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Getting back in the swing of things

Jun 27, 2011

I've got a headache today.  Kind of sucks.  I went to sleep with the headache.  I am trying to go to bed earlier so I can get back into a normal sleeping pattern for work.  I go back to work on Wednesday.  I went to bed at 1am last night which was earlier then I had been going to bed the past few weeks.  I just took some liquid adult tylenol (generic).  So I am hoping that will help.  Yesterday I picked up some Tylenol Jr. Meltaways so that I will have something to carry in my purse in case I get a headache when I am at work.  Tomorrow I start purees.  I feel kind of shaky today.  I don't know if my blood sugar could be too low or if maybe I am a little bit dehydrated.

Today my plan is to try to get the kitchen cleaned up and get the dishwasher emptied and reloaded and washed.  I also have some laundry that I need to fold.  It is a pretty nice day outside today.  It is 73 and sunny with a nice breeze.  I am going to try to sit outside for a little bit and soak up the sunshine (Vitamin D).  My husband is going to mow the front yard and back and I think I am going to try to help him take down the Christmas lights.  We just have a rambler so it isn't too hard to get down the lights.
  I think it will make the house/yard look a lot better.

P.S. my period finally ended!  14 days of having my period really, really sucked!  I am glad it is over with *knock on wood*.

303.8 this morning.  I am getting close to being under 300.  Very exciting! :)


Progress! :)

Jun 23, 2011

It has been awhile since I have made a post.  I am doing a lot better.  I can finally drink.  I feel like I can take normal sips and sip more frequently.  I am guessing this has to do with swelling that has gone down.  My only issue is that when I am sipping tomato soup, etc I want to sip fast.  So I have to sip a few times and then set it down.  But I hate when my food gets cold it doesn't taste as good.  But I am scared that if I sip too fast or too much that I will overfill my pouch and get sick to my stomach.

I picked up some carnation instant breakfast in chocolate.  It has 14 grams of Protein in it and I have been able to drink 8oz of it a day.  I am mixing it with my fat-free Lactaid milk.  It tastes like chocolate milk that is left in your cereal bowl after eating cocoa crispies.  So it is really pleasant to drink compared to a lot of the protein drinks out there.  I am trying to drink some of my other protein shakes as well.  But the carnation seems to be the easiest to get down and it is on the approved list of protein supplements my nutrionist gave me.

I had my 1 week follow up appointment with my doctors P.A.  It actually was more like a 2 week follow up since I was 13 days out then.  She said I am doing awesome.  I have lost almost 20 lbs post-op (actual 16lbs).  So I have lost 66lbs (50 pre-op).  I do have discomfort and pain when I bend over too much or for too long.  I've noticed discomfort after carrying or moving anything that is heavier.  I am no longer on my 20lb weight restriction but I do feel it on my internal stitches that they are pulling, straining them.

Tuesday of next week I start purees.  I am looking forward to that.  I have already kind of figured out what I wll be eating.  I am going to puree canned chicken breast.  I got sample menus from the P.A. for my week of purees and then my week of soft solids.  It looks really good and I think I am going to use their meal plan.

Purees: (Add 20-40gm of Protein supplement daily)

Breakfast (within 90 days of waking)
2 Tablespoon Greek Yogurt (low-fat, low-sugar)
1 Tablespoon pureed fruit

Lunch (4 - 6 hours after Breakfast)
2 Tablespoons cottage cheese (low-fat)
1 Tablespoon pureed fruit

Dinner (4 - 6 hours after lunch)
2 Tablespoons pureed meat
1 Tablespoon pureed vegetable

Soft Solids: (Add 20-40gm of Protein supplement daily)

Breakfast (within 90 minutes of waking)
2 Tablespoon soft-cooked egg mixed with light mayo
1/4 slice Toast

Lunch (4-6 hours after breakfast)
2 Tablespoon tuna mixed with light mayonnaise
1 cracker
1 Tablespoon of canned fruit

Dinner (4 - 6 hours after lunch)
3 Tablespoons of Chili

I start my vitamins 2 days after I start my purees so next Thursday.
One childrens multi-vitamin w/iron
Vitamin B12 1000mcg sublingual

On week 4 (Purees) I can add: Greek Yogurt (low-fat, low-sugar), cottage cheese (small curd low-fat or fat-free), sf pudding, pureed meat, cooked cereal, pureed green beans, pureed squash, unsweetended pureed applesauce, pureed peaches, pureed bananas.

On week 5 (Soft Foods Diet) I can add: eggs, egg salad (fat free mayo), tuna salad (fat free mayo), baked moist fish, refried beans (low-fat), peanut butter, cheese (low-fat), baked beans (low-sugar), crisp toast, crackers (low-fat, high-fiber), canned vegetables (no corn or peas), baked potato (no skin), bananas, watermelon, cantaloupe, canned fruit (unsweetened).

I am on day 11 of my period.  It sucks still heavy flow.  Not sure when it will end.  At least I haven't had awful cramps.  Some cramping but not too bad.  Wondering when my body will regulate itself.


Crick in my back

Jun 19, 2011

I have my post-op appointment tomorrow afternoon.  My doctor is out of town doing wls seminars so I will be seeing his P.A.  I have never met her so it will be interesting to see how it goes.  I was really struggling with fluids today and I didn't do so great.  I've been able to pick up with the fluids a little bit more this evening.  But still am not doing so great.  I only got in roughly 30oz today.  It really is hard to drink.  My pouch gets full so easy.  I suppose that is a good thing but I wish it was a little bit easier to get the fluids in.  I know that it will get easier as my pouch heals and the swelling goes down that I will be able to take larger sips and it will be easy to drink more frequently.

Last night I tossed and turned trying to get comfortable.  I really, really wanted to sleep on my side.  I can't yet, it hurts to bad on my abdomen and incisions.  Normally I would fall asleep on my side and wake up on my back.  Now I am just having to fall asleep on my back.  So I slept twisted last night.  Semi on my back semi side and boy did it mess up my back!  I have a bad crick in my back that is right behind my left shoulder blade.  It hurts so bad and has progressively gotten worse today as I have been moving around and folding laundry, etc.  I am still at my moms house.  I know I would sleep much better at home in my own bed.  But with the bathroom remodel still going on I really don't want to deal with all that mess.  Thank God they are almost done with the remodel. I plan on going home this week!

I'm sure I could have taken some Tylenol or something but I really do not like children's liquid Tylenol.  It is too thick and it is uncomfortable to swallow.  I'm sure I could dilute it and take it in several sips but I'm going to look for Tylenol jr. melt-aways tomorrow or see if I can find some Adult liquid Tylenol.  I was not able to find either at Walgreen's.  I am hoping that my back feels better tomorrow.

I am still on my period.  7 days now of heavy cycle.  Today it has turned to a medium amount but still I don't think it is going to stop anytime soon.  This can't be good especially since I am anemic.  I can't start supplements or vitamins until 3 months out.  I will have to talk with the P.A. tomorrow and see what she says.  Not sure if I will need to follow up with my PCP or my OBGYN.  I really do not want to have to go on the pill or anything like that because we do want to get pregnant (when it is safe).  My surgeon said we can probably start trying about 18 months out.

It is late and I should head to bed.  I have gotten used to these late hours.  I am supposed to go back to work in about a week and I need to get used to a normal sleeping pattern again.  My mom is a night owl and it has been so easy to get in that habit.


About Me
Blaine, MN
Surgery Date
May 16, 2011
Member Since

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