Will I be able to do this one thing?

Oct 28, 2013

Ok, so I gave up pop/soda. Went from 6-7 cans a day and no water. Not bad huh?

What I can't seem to kick is coffee. I have lots of Teavana to use instead, but.... I am scared that my goal of being caffeine free by the 4th (yes, I'm pushing it) isn't going to happen. 

I am drinking a water/cranberry juice combo and am more hydrated now than I have been in a very very long time. 

I'm also having a hard time giving up "white" food. I have noticed it's a comfort food. Lasagna, chicken and dumplings, beef stew and rice. Course it's all the stuff you want to have as soon as it starts getting cold too. Go figure. 

I have 5 weeks until insurance submission. I have to have control all of this. I'm not very sure of myself right now....


PS: My nutritionist said to stop boredom eating, I needed to find something to do with my hand. Well, I have discovered loom knitting and I'm slightly obsessed.... I guess it's better than a Milky Way...


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Oct 22, 2013
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