New Years Eve

Dec 31, 2013

Well I am at the end of my New Years Eve celebration with lots of friends.  We had a little get together and I celebrated it the right way.  As I was driving home from work today, I started crying and realized that it is actually here.  2014 and the beginning of my new life.  My husband couldn't quite understand why I was so emotional and trying to explain it to him was like explaining it to a two year old that didn't want to listen.  He is very supportive but just doesn't understand.  I started crying once again at midnight when I hugged my husband and realized that it was actually here.


I am sitting here typing on my blog as friends continue to play on the WII.  I know when I wake up tomorrow morning, I will be on my diet and will have my first weigh in.  I will write more tomorrow as it's getting late and I need to hit the sack.  Happy New Year to all of my new friends on this website that I have already come to love and admire!


One Day Left

Dec 30, 2013

Today was a very busy day at work and even though the time flew by, I was constantly being asked by people questions about my surgery.  I know people intend well however sometimes I just want to take an hour and not think about my surgery.  I know that may sound silly but it's ALL I AM THINKING ABOUT because the time is getting so close.  After work I went and got a haircut, my husband and I went shopping for a couple things for a tiny New Years celebration tomorrow that I found out about today.  It will be fun having our closest friends over for a small little get together.  We then went to Wings for dinner for my "last meal".  It's not really my last dinner but tomorrow will be snacky type stuff.  Thanks to my husband to take me out tonight as he is not a person that likes to go out to eat much.  As i'm sitting there eating my wings, I am thinking to myself "In a little more then two weeks, I will probably be able to eat only one or two", which i'm okay with.  In my eyes we will safe a lot of money at dinner.  Tomorrow morning I go see the knee doctor about my knee, it is feeling better but still isn't right. 

I double checked with Stevie to make sure we have batteries for my scale, which I intend to step on for the first time in a little over 36 hours.  I am also going to start journeling in my journal my thoughts and feelings as I go through this journey.  I probably won't have time to blog tomorrow with the day being a busy one but you can guarantee you will see my first weigh in blog on Wednesday, January 1st, 2014.  Later for know and I hope eveyone has a blessed, safe and Happy New Year!


Two more days

Dec 29, 2013

Well today is Sunday and not much going on around my house.  I just put a meatloaf in the oven and watching TV.  I find myself constantly thinking about the upcoming three weeks.  I am constantly thinking about my pre-surgery diet, traveling, seeing the doctor prior to surgery and before I know it, we will be home.  I am trying to find things to keep me busy until we leave so that I don't get nervous.  Tomorrow I have a haircut, Stevie is taking me to Wings one last time and then Tuesday we will be celebrating new years eve in Chicago with my husbands family.  Bundle of nerves, the anticipation WILL NOT get the best of me.  Will write more tomorrow, 16 more days and counting!


New Year New Me

Dec 28, 2013

Hello everybody.  It's been a while since I have been on here due to being sick and the holidays but I am sooo ready to start this journey.  I am 3 days out from starting my pre-op diet and 17 days out from surgery.  I have a long list of emotions & feelings that I am going through right now.  From asking my husband to taking me to Wings for one "last normal" meal before pre-op diet starts to getting new clothes for Christmas from family and friends that are too small (what I asked for).  My daughter also got me a journal and all of the things for me to start a scrapebook for my journey.

Thank God for my husband.  He has been so supportive of my journey and is standing behind me 150%.  If it wasn't for him, my kids and my new friends on this website I don't know what i would do. 

For about the last two weeks, I find myself wanting to eat and eat and eat and I think it's because I know in a manner of a few short days, my life will be changed drastically for which I am grateful.  I am so tired of being overweight and missing out on life that I could just vomit.  I want to be able to do the "normal" things that "normal" size people do every day and take for granted.  Just yesterday I was in the ER for a knee issue and had to wait for a "larger" wheelchair and the DR telling me that he wanted to put my knee in a stabilizer but didn't know if he had one that would fit (without actually saying those words).  On the way out, I was looking at the wheelchairs and said to myself, "I can't wait to be able to fit into a "normal" size wheelchair".  It's the little things that being overweight doesn't allow you to experience that really suck.

Will write more later as my pain meds for my knee are kicking in and I need to take a nap.



Dec 28, 2013

Hello to everybody in my group.  My name is Anne and i'm 17 days out from surgery.  I think this website is awesome and lucky to have found a place to travel through my journey with others that are going through the same experience around the same time as me.

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About Me
Buchanan, MI
Oct 03, 2013
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