ashdd81 posted a comment 9 months, 3 weeks ago
I got back on Synthroid and started losing a bit of weight again....

ashdd81 posted a comment 9 months, 4 weeks ago
True about the in range however, I still deal with facial hair. So I...

ashdd81 wrote Things I've learned in the last few months 9 months, 4 weeks ago

So I was taken off of Synthroid and put on NP Thyroid by my surgeon. The NP Thyroid helped with my energy and started healing my cracked heels, but I stopped losing weight. It seems that I need a c...

ashdd81 posted a comment 1 year, 3 months ago
Yes, February 28th will be 1 year. I still had to go out back and run...

ashdd81 wrote Frustration 1 year, 3 months ago

So at my last appointment I had only lost 9 lbs since the previous one. I get frustrated at being told that I'm obviously doing something wrong when I'm not. Although I did forget that I had a cold...

ashdd81 wrote More than 2 months post surgery 2 years ago

I have had 2 times since my surgery where my weight loss stalled out, but it doesn't usually last longer than a week. I'm not that far from being under 400 lbs. Considering that I was nearing 500 l...

ashdd81 wrote Finally able to have the Surgery 2 years, 1 month ago

I originally was going to have the Gastric Sleeve surgery almost 5 years ago, but was unable to get it fully funded. I was finally able to get the funding for the surgery back in January and had th...

ashdd81 wrote Weight Loss Set Backs and Come Backs 5 years ago

In the one month and one week since my last post, I've had a great deal going on, but I've been trying to keep on track. It seems as if I had gained a little bit of weight while my old scale was br...

ashdd81 wrote Scale 5 years, 1 month ago

So apparently my scale's attempt at working again was just a last gasp of a dying scale. I got a new scale today as a birthday present. My birthday was Thursday, but I was working that day and this...

ashdd81 wrote Changes in routine 5 years, 2 months ago

Firstly, my scale started working again for whatever reason it wasn't, but now it is. Secondly, I had a couple of financially tight months, and didn't have the gas money to go to the pool two towns...

ashdd81 wrote Unexpected issue 5 years, 3 months ago

This is not a bad thing, but it's not the fun part of weight loss either. However, I have decided that I'm going to post the "bad" as well as the good in case it can help someone else. With the amo...

ashdd81 wrote NSV 5 years, 3 months ago

I'm currently looking for a scale. I want to make sure that I get the right one for me. However, I had a bit of a non-scale victory a couple of days ago. When I was much heavier, I couldn't squat d...

ashdd81 posted a comment 5 years, 4 months ago
I can't right now, but when I can I will.

ashdd81 wrote Scale frustration 5 years, 4 months ago

I'm finding that the scale that I have been weighing on is starting to not work as well. I'm not yet to a weight that I can weigh on the scale my mother has, but I can't get a new scale right now. ...

ashdd81 wrote Noticing Changes 5 years, 4 months ago

So far I've lost over 120 lbs. and still have more to go. I've noticed that even though I still have far more to lose, I am starting to have my skin wrinkle in certain places like my waist and my a...

ashdd81 wrote Slowing Down Due to Pain 5 years, 4 months ago

Today I went for my swim, but about part way through the first lap my shoulder started hurting. I had to just do walking laps. I didn't do my walk on the beach because I was taking care of my shoul...

ashdd81 wrote Exercise Routine 5 years, 4 months ago

When I tried to diet back in 2008, I started walking on a treadmill and couldn't even do 5 minutes at 1.7 miles per hour. I eventually built up to where I was walking 4 miles a day on the beach. I ...

ashdd81 uploaded a new photo 5 years, 4 months ago

ashdd81 uploaded a new photo 5 years, 4 months ago

ashdd81 wrote Broke a plateau 5 years, 4 months ago

I had somewhat of a plateau for about 2 months. I finally seem to have broken that plateau about a week ago, and my weight loss is back to actually losing weight like I had been before the plateau....

ashdd81 uploaded a new photo 5 years, 5 months ago

ashdd81 uploaded a new photo 5 years, 5 months ago

ashdd81 wrote Disappointment into something better 5 years, 5 months ago

I was signed up to have surgery on August 14, 2017. I was originally quoted a price of $9,000 which at the time I was able to finance. However, when I signed up for the surgery, they quoted me a pr...

ashdd81 uploaded a new photo 5 years, 5 months ago

ashdd81 uploaded a new photo 5 years, 5 months ago
About Me
Long Beach, MS
Surgery Date
Mar 07, 2007
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
I got about 30lbs. heavier than I was in this picture. This was 8 months before I started my diet.

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