Wow, life just got A LOT easier!!

Apr 12, 2012

So, as some of you know who've been reading my blog that I have struggled with finding a protein that I can tolerate.  Most of the protein powders that I have tried have been pretty gag-worthy.  I pride myself in being able to tolerate lots of different types of foods and consistencies.  However, since having my DS somethings are just down right yucky right now. 

But last week I was searching on Amazon for my multivitamin and dry ADEK vitamins when I stumbled across something called "Blender Bottle"  and having dealt with clumpy protein shakes, soups, hot chocolates and what not; I was intrigued.  So I did a bit more looking around with this bottle and read the reviews.  It received rave reviews from people who drink protein shakes regularly, talking about how well it mixes everything, no clumps.  So I thought, "What the heck, for $13 (with shipping), what do I have to lose?"  So I got this in the mail, I choose the 28oz green bottle, and I tried it out. I works BEAUTIFULLY!!  So if you are like me, tired of the clumps and drinking chunky protein shakes.  Give this a try!!  It comes in many different colors and different sizes, is their website, but I found mine in Amazon.

Also, I believe I have tried about 5 different kinds of protein powders, most of which were pretty gross.   Some so bad, I couldn't drink them at all.  FINALLY, I found one that I like.  I discovered, Nectar Chocolate Truffle protein.  YUMMY!  I dumped in 16oz of whole milk into my Blender Bottle and dumped in the packet.  It mixed perfectly, no lumps or clumps....nothing even clung to the side of the bottle!!  I decided to let it sit overnight so I would have it in the morning.  I tried it this morning and it was fantastic!  It tasted a lot like a light chocolate milk.  There was no grittiness, no clumps, no film left on my teeth...nothing!  It was easy to drink and actually tasted GOOD!   So the next time I am at Grand Health Partners I am going to pick up a container of this stuff to have to help me get my protein in.

So I am a happy camper with my Blender Bottle and my Nectar Chocolate Truffle!!


Apr 08, 2012

So I've got a few updates on how and what I am feeling.  I have started eating my soft foods a little earlier than recommended, only 2 days...don't get your knickers in a twist.  And besides, I started with fish.  Simply baked fish and I ate small bites with some tarter sauce.  It was nice to have some different textures and flavors in my mouth.  I have found that eating more protein is giving me more energy, I can FEEL the difference. 

Also, I am excited to announce that for the FIRST time since my surgery, I was able to get comfortable and sleep on my side!  Yea!!  I actually slept for a decent 9 hours last night, my first full night's sleep.  I didn't have to wake up for a bathroom trip, needing pain meds, nothing.  I slept and slept really well.  It was heavenly.

My Husband and I put on an Easter egg hunt for the kids this morning.  Typically, what I do is get a bunch of plastic eggs and fill them with candy and then put them all over the yard.  We have, what we call, a community basket.  All the candy from the eggs go into one basket that everyone can enjoy. Rather than have each child have their own basket of candy and/or toys.   I have had only 1 small chocolate egg from 3 bags of candy.  And it was WONDERFUL.   Simply rich and sweet, and one was enough. 

I believe today I did a WLS 101 naughty thing...I went to a buffet.  Well, I have to give Old County Buffet kudos for only charging me $1.99 to eat.  I got some baked fish and some popcorn shrimp.  I really wish they would have had something more along the line of shrimp scampi and not breaded shrimp.  Well, I got about 3-4 bites of the fish fillet and ate about 3-4 of the popcorn shrimp and had ENOUGH.  My bites were very small, I chewed and chewed and chewed and waited several minutes in between bites.  I thought I did pretty good, but I started to get really nauseated.  I think it was because of the shrimp.  Not sure if it's because they were breaded or because of the iodine factor.  Not sure, before surgery shrimp was not an issue.  So for a little while, I will ease off the shrimp and stick with the fish.  Good protein and it isn't very dense.  I sat and waited while my family ate their meal.  I even went up to the dessert area with my kiddos and helped them with ice cream sundaes!  But the one thing that I saw, that I REALLY wanted....was pecan pie.  I LOVE pecan pie.  But I did NOT eat any of it, I looked and walked away.  I just hope that my "will power" will continue as my journey progresses.


Feeling discouraged.

Mar 21, 2012

I guess it's all normal, this ebb and flow of emotions when you have such a life changing surgery as the DS.   Recently I have been a bit down with fluid intake, I KNOW I am not getting in the recommended amount.  I have tried a lot, different consistencies, warm, cold, hot, etc.  I just feel so full all the time, bloated full and I don't want to over do it.  So I am just plugging away and doing the best that I can.

I am up and moving around a lot more, getting out of the house but because of my lack of caloric intake, I tire out very quickly.  My right side of my abdomen still hurts a bit, seems like I have pulled an internal stitch or simply did too much and have hurt myself.  With my stomach still hurting, it's effected my posture and now my back aches.  I have found that standing too long or attempting to lay down is very uncomfortable. 

I really want to lay down and get a good nights sleep, but I am only able to lay in bed (on my back with a wedge) for no more then 5 hours or so before I ache too much.  I have attempted to lay on my sides, but it's too uncomfortable.  For a belly sleeper this is miserable.

I have lately been watching a lot of Man vs. Food and other food shows, thinking to myself, "Well, if I can't eat least I can watch someone else enjoy eating!".  The presurgical and post surgical diet restrictions certainly have taken the joy out of eating, it's simply necessity now...not enjoyable or pleasurable.  My Husband thinks I am torturing myself, and to a point he's right, but simply the thought of good food is enjoyable.

I certainly don't feel as if I have lost any weight at this point, I guess I will see when I meet with Dr. Kemmeter on Monday.   I haven't had much in the line of food for the past 9 days, so it's a possibility. 

So I think I am just feeling sorry for myself at this point...can't sleep, can't eat and in some amount of pain.  I just don't feel like my usual self. 
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I have to drink....MORE??!!??

Mar 19, 2012

I am officially 1 week post surgical and to be...I feel so much better.   I am moving around a lot better, getting up and down and walking does not cause as much discomfort as it has in the past.  My bowels have woken up and, as uncomfortable as that can be (because it's liquid) it's been a blessing to get the gas out of my belly!  The more I go, the less internal gas I have and the more comfortable I am.  But I am taking Kirmy's advice to heart, "Never trust a fart."  Once I have the feeling to go, I go IMMEDIATELY. 

I am really struggling with the protein and water intake.  Grand Health Partners wants me to be drinking 64oz of water and 4 suppliments of protein.  Honestly, I am struggling with getting down 2 16.9oz bottles of water and 2-3 protein suppliments.  I am sipping all the time, when I am not drinking I feel very full.  I have a fear that I am going to cause a leak in my belly by drinking too much. 

I certainly don't feel dehydrated or hungry.  I am regularly using the toilet, so my output is good and I am not concerned about dehydration.  However, I KNOW that I am not drinking as much as what GHP wants me to be drinking.


First night home.

Mar 16, 2012

I am sure that everyone has the same desire after surgery, the want/need to go home.  Go where your comfortable and where you can whine and not worry about offending anyone.  I have found that my pain has increased with being home, and I think it's because I am not being woken up every 4 hours to walk the halls. 

I was upset because a week before my surgery our beloved Laz-E-Boy recliner took a nose dive and needed to go.  The chair was bought almost 12 years ago and was going to be my source of comfort coming home.  Unfortunately, the springs sprung and it had to go, it was just really bad timing.  So instead of being in a reclined position, I laid in bed with a wedge to keep me somewhat upright.  This was fine, until my back started to ache (I am a belly sleeper) and I had to get up.   So around 3:30AM I am huffing and puffing around the house getting my pain meds together to stop the intense pain in the right side of my abdomen.  I ended up sitting on the couch in the living room watching Toy Story 3 on knocked out about 45 minutes later.

So I have been very good about keeping up with my meds.  Dr. Kemmeter ordered me Valium and Lortab for pain and muscle spasms.  He wasn't kidding when he said I would be sore for several weeks.  I think he really fought with the scar tissue in my abdomen from my gallbladder removal, and I seem to be quite a bit more sore than some others.  I was hoping that the post-surgical pain would similar to that of my gallbladder removal, and it's not.  No where close to it.  This is by far, more painful and more movement inhibiting than that of my gallbladder removal and 2 previous c-sections. 

So, after not sleeping so well last night my Mother and Husband are on a mission to find me a recliner to be able to relax and elevate my feet and even sleep in.   They are going to pick me one up today, because I am just not able to find a comfortable position to be able to rest in. 

I am still really struggling to get in enough fluids and protein.  I am doing the best that I can, I feel like I am getting more and more in every day, but it just doesn't seem like enough.

Damn...that was rough!

Mar 15, 2012

So my surgery was Monday, 3/12/12 and everything went just fine.  My surgery was about 4.5 hours long due to scar tissue from my gallbladder removal, otherwise, completely uneventful.  I was very comfortable after getting to my room to rest, I didn't feel the need to use the pain medication very often and I was up and walking that evening.

However, it was Tuesday when the shit hit the fan for me.  I started to have a lot of nausea and abdominal pain. They said that I had a lot of swelling and esophageal spasms.   I couldn't swallow anything, I had dry mouth and was all around miserable.  The physician's took me off from all pain meds because they felt it was making my nausea worse, and honestly all that did was make my nausea bad and the abdominal pain horrible.  I was a miserable patient for a good 8 long hours before they gave me morphine and zofran and finally I had some relief.  And, bless the nurses, let me sleep for a good 6 hours without waking me up. 

The next day I was a different woman, up and walking, drinking and feeling a BILLION times better.  So much better that I decided I wanted to take a shower and wash up.  Unfortunately, during my shower I twisted a little and had immediate pain.  Yep, I strained an internal stitch and yes, it hurts.  But I kept ice on it, kept up with my oral pain meds and kept walking and it lets me know it's there...but it will get better with some time.

I was able to stay an extra day because of my rough post surgical day and the fact that I took in NO fluids for the first 2 days after surgery.  I am glad that they did, it gave me a little bit more time to heal and rest before coming home.

So now I am on the mend and really struggling to get in as much fluid as I need.  Dr. Kemmeter did tell me, if anything, DRINK WATER.  Keep myself hydrated and get the protein in when/if I can.  So I am here sipping away and doing the best that I can. 

Everything is booked.

Mar 09, 2012

I got my call today from St. Mary's surgery scheduling.  My surgery is booked for 12:30 on Monday, 3/12/12.  I was really hoping and wishing that it would be scheduled in the morning, but it's not the case.  I was warned, however, that Dr. Kemmeter typically does his DS's in the afternoon after doing RNY and Band placements (because they say those are "easier".  The DS takes time, they said their record time was just over 3 hours, but can go as long as 5 hours depending on scar tissue and other complications.

Having had my gallbladder removed back in 2009, I am worried about having scar tissue making the surgery more difficult.  The longer I am under anesthesia the more difficult it is for my body to wake up, and I am sure that is pretty normal with everyone. 

Well, at least I will be able to maintain a sense of normalcy for my kids.  I will get up as usual around 7AM and get my son up and ready for school, breakfast and on the bus by 8:20.  And get my daughter up, dressed and fed and ready for preschool before I even have to report to the hospital.

I am worried about being crabby.  I will be 18 hours without food and get really bitchy when I am hungry.  But, I will survive.  I am pretty sure that the surgery will feel similar to the gallbladder so I won't be too overwhelmed with that. 

Until Monday, it's life as skating practice for the kids tomorrow and grocery shopping.  Time  yields to no one...
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You've got to be kidding!

Mar 05, 2012

So today was my pre-surgical appointment with the PA and a product check.  I've been on Dr. Kemmeter's pre-op diet now for 9 days and was expecting to lose some weight.

So I go in, step on the scale...and I've lost a measly 5 pounds!  5 pounds, I was devastated.  I have been following this diet to the word, no cheating, lots of water, ONLY product and taking my vitamins.  5 pounds.  I was hoping for 10, maybe 15.  This diet is a high protein, low carb/fat/calorie diet.  I am restricted to 800-900 calories and drinking 64oz of water per day.

I almost burst into tears at the physician's office because I was so, so disappointed.  The PA I saw was aware that I was really disappointed that I hadn't lost more weight, he just simply said that I may be the type of person that loses weight slow and steady and that he was not disappointed with my progress.

Either way, my surgery is still a go for next Monday.  I got my labs drawn and so I am ready to go.  I will continue to follow the diet until Sunday evening, then it's nothing after 6PM.

10 days and counting...

Mar 01, 2012

Well, today I have started Day 6 of my pre-op diet.  While I am restricted to 800-900 calories a day, I have found that sometimes I struggle to break 800 with the diet food.  I am eating, TRUST ME, I am eating but the calories just don't always get above 800.  I've had a couple of days where I have had to eat a couple of sugar free jello cups just to get me to 800 calories for that day.  Just last night I was short almost 200 calories, so my night snack was a turkey stick (heavenly good) AND a snack bar and with those I broke at 860 calories.  Frustrating.

I have found the food on the diet to really not be that bad.  I doctor up the enchiladas with a good salsa (freebie) and spice up the spaghetti and meatballs with garlic and oregano and believe it or not...they are quite good!  The snack bars I bought were Lemon Meringue and Caramel Crunch, and honestly they are like candy bars to me!  I also really, REALLY like the honey mustard jalapeno pretzel sticks.  I am also a HUGE fan of the Irish Cream Hot Chocolate, it is very good and will more than likely purchase another box or 2 to have post surgical.  It is smooth and flavorful and is packed with protein.

However, I did purchase a Strawberry/Kiwi fruit drink, while LOADED with protein it made me very sick to my stomach.  I cringe just thinking about it now!  However, I bought a whole box of the stuff and therefore I will drink the 6 remaining packets PRIOR to surgery, because I will not drink it afterword.  The Cream of Tomato soup is another one that is tough for me to swallow.  I am not a huge fan of tomato soup to begin with, however this is really thick and grainy and just blah overall.

I have not cheated.  I really thought that giving up milk would have been the worst part, but it really hasn't been that bad.  With me drinking 4 16.9oz bottles of water a day, I haven't missed my milk.  I have been very good around food.  I have continued to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner of my family.  So have been good with making waffles, scrambled eggs, peanut butter sandwiches, hamburger helper, fish, steaks and veggies.  While I have said out loud, "Please eat so I don't have to smell it." many, many times I have done really well.  

So far it's been difficult while being out and the kids get hungry.  Just the other day we had to pull our son from school for an appointment and he missed his lunch.  So we went to McD's and got him some chicken selects and a chocolate milk.  So I got to sit in the car and smell the chicken...that was tough.  But I made it though.

My kids have been very supportive, they know Mommy is on a special diet and that I am going to have surgery soon.  But I keep reminding them that this pre-op diet is temporary and that I will be able to eat a more "normal"  diet in a couple of months.  But that the trade off is that I can ice skate with them by the end of the year or ride some roller coasters at Disney World.

Eye on the prize...
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Ducks in a Row.

Feb 25, 2012

On Friday morning I got to meet with the PA, Exercise Physiologist and the RD's.  It was a VERY small group, just me and 2 other women who were having the sleeve done.  I was able to get through everything, it was a little overwhelming at times, but was good overall.

I opted to partake in the 2 medical studies going on here in Michigan for WLS patients, I figure it would be good to give them more statistics to help more people get this surgery in the future and/or to help them improve their process.  They talked a lot about what to bring and what will be expected of us in the hospital.  With me having a DS I will be looking at a 2 night stay in the hospital, no big deal. 

The Registered Dietitian were entertaining, they helped us order our pre-surgical food and get our vitamins in order.  I was a bit worried with how much this was going to cost, and after everything was totaled up, I was right!  ($185)  They talked a lot about what to expect pre and post surgical in regards to what we will be eating and how much.  It was informative and fun.

Then we met with the exercise physiologist and he was wonderful.  It's nice that he didn't come in the room like trainers from "The Biggest Loser" and start demanding we run on the treadmill.  He spoke about what our goals were and why we wanted to lose weight and it was inspiring.

We also got to meet with the PA in our group, he went through the surgical process and other stuff.  It was informative, then we were to meet with him one on on.  I was pretty happy to know that I was 7lbs lighter than my last appointment there.  The PA had me sign contract agreements, went through my medications and made some slight changes.  He has lowered my blood pressure med (which is AWESOME) and gave me a script for Lovenox that I will need to be on for 2 weeks post operative.  I have a common bleeding disorder called Leiden Factor V, and my blood clots very quickly, so I am more prone to clots.  However, I've had 2 c-sections, my gallbladder removed and a right leg fracture with hardware placement and have NOT had any clots.  So it is solely precautionary. 

I start my diet tomorrow, Sunday 2/26.   It is a prepackaged diet that will have my caloric intake from 800-900 calories a day.  They want me to drink 64oz of water each day, and I can have sugar free jello and Popsicles.   I am nervous because this is bringing me closer and closer to my surgery.  I am wanting to lose a good 30lbs with this diet, maybe more if I can increase my exercise.

Tonight is my last "normal" dinner for a while.  I know that some people may go a little crazy, but I think I am going to get a Hawaiian pizza from Pizza Hut and call it good. 
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About Me
Caledonia, MI
Surgery Date
Jul 24, 2011
Member Since

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