4 years post-op

Jul 27, 2010

 I am down to 130lbs. I started at 255lbs. I was a 3X & now  I am a size 3 !!!!!  I have had a few complications ( bowel obstructions & hernia repairs) also I have a very rare thing that can occur after gastric bypass called hypoglycemia. My sugars go VERY VERY low ( 2's & 3's ) if I just have some sugar to bring it up it will spike & drop & spike & drop. So The difficult thing is getting some sugar in & then having enough room in my stomache for a fat & protien to balance it out & keep the blood sugar stable. That is my biggest struggle right now. I am very happy about my continued weight loss.


Two years post-op !!! :)

Jul 26, 2008

Well, SO MUCH has happened in the past 2 years!! I have maintained my goal weight od 135lbs (give or take 5 lbs up & down)  I have NEVER been healthier in my entire life & never had SO much energy!! I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to have this surgery! I feel very blessed!!!!  My daughter is almost 7 & I can do SOOOO much with her, it's awesome!!!  LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


About Me
Toronto, ON
Surgery Date
May 30, 2006
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 2
Two years post-op !!! :)
