2 1/2 Weeks post op TT

Dec 06, 2009

I had my TT on Nov 18Th and am doing very well.  The first week and a half were brutal, I'm not going to lie.  Thank God for pain meds, that's all I can say on that topic.  It seemed like after I got the drains out at 2 weeks that it was uphill from there out. Its almost like I've been getting better exponentially everyday.  I was off the pain meds at 1 1/2 weeks(took one to get the drains out) and have taken one at night to help with sleep.  I have been sleeping in my bed for two nights now and it's sore when I sleep on my sides but even that's getting better.  I will try not to take a poll tonight and see what happens.  I've gotten my Stage 2 compression garment and, let me tell you, that sucker is tight!  I thought my Stage 1 was, but NOOOO kidding, it was a laugh trying to put it on after my shower yesterday.  So, I have 3 band aids now, one on both hips where the drains were removed and one still over my bellybutton (it feels weird when I tried without bacitracian and a band aid) So, I tried to get it on after a shower and lotion, bad idea, wouldn't budge past my hips, so I thought I'd try it with underpants on.  It worked! But, now I've got my underwear on under the garment!  So I run to the bank, Target to get some t-shirts to wear under this thing and then home, thinking I'm gonna stretch it out while I have it on.  Get home, take it off, take off the underwear, put the new tank undershirt on(nice and long) and try again.  It was still a struggle but it went on and I wore it all day.  By bedtime, it was way too tight so I took it off and put on my Stage 1 compression garment and it almost felt loose. Very nice to sleep in.  Got up this morning, had a cup of coffee and put the Stage 2 back on.  Not as hard as it was yesterday, thank God, but not as uncomfortable as yesterday either.  I can't wait to get back to the gym(did I just really say that?)  I've put on a couple of pounds just sitting around and I don't like it.  I never did lose my appitite like some others do ( I hate them) so I'll have to get busy at the gym when I'm released. I'll try to post more often.

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Tucson, AZ
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Sep 13, 2007
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