Holiday Break

Nov 08, 2007

Hello Readers!  We have been very busy and have not had time to discuss or vote on our next book.  Let's get through the holidays and then in January, discuss Sept and Oct books and start our reading back in February.  This will give the new people time to catch up on their reading.  Have a safe and happy holiday season.

September's and October's BOM

Aug 19, 2007

   Sleeping with StrangersAfter a brutal hit in Tampa on high-profile rapper Big Bad Wolf, contract killer Gideon, the star of this fast-paced thriller from bestseller Dickey, jets to London for his next assignment. On the plane, paranoia brewing just beneath his poker face keeps him wary of two mysterious passengers who could be either harmless squares or hired guns out to avenge Big Bad Wolf's murder. This constant uncertainty over who's in the game and who isn't keeps Gideon—and readers—on edge as Gideon navigates London's underworld and pursues a personal vendetta. Dickey occasionally shifts away from Gideon's point of view to that of another hit man who has just received his next contract: Gideon. The plot is taut, fast and bold—total blockbuster entertainment, replete with an abundance of sex, violence and James Bond touches. A tense cliffhanger caps a wild ride. The next installment is due in August, which for many readers won't be soon enough.

Waking with EnemiesPicking up where Sleeping with Strangers left off, Dickey's latest novel finds hit man Gideon in London, where another assassin, a mysterious man with a broken nose, is hot on his trail. Gideon's most recent target was a rapper, Big Bad Wolf. The rival rapper who hired Gideon for the hit, Sledge, was recently assassinated, and Gideon assumes he is the latest target. The nonstop narrative follows Gideon as he evades the assassin, searches for the truth about his hooker mother, continues his involvement with tough girl Arizona (who wants Gideon to kill her older sister), tries to figure out who ordered the hit on him and finds time for some explicitly chronicled fantasy sex. Though the revelations about who's behind what are a stretch and the ending is a little too much on the rosy side, there's a lot of fun to be had in watching Gideon work his brutal trade, and the high-octane narrative will have readers burning through page after page.

August 2007's Book of the Month (BOM)

Jul 13, 2007

 Thong on Fire: An Urban Erotic Tale
by Noire

It's a hard knock life for Saucy Sarita Robinson and the rules of the game are clear: get yours or get had. When her father gets popped in an armed robbery and her mother turns to drugs, Saucy is left to scratch out a life for herself on the streets of Harlem, and this city-slick vixen refuses to become a victim.


Young, hot, and hungry for the spotlight, Saucy has a full package and uses her assets to get whatever she wants: 128th Street has its own rules, and she knows them well. With sex as her weapon of choice, Saucy hustles her way straight into the heart of the hip-hop underworld, preying upon any man -- or woman -- who might help her get ahead. But Hottt Saucy just can't get enough. Her calculating nature and insatiable appetite for power and prestige tempt her into dangerous waters, and before long she finds herself in too deep. The shot callers of the hip-hop world have a few tricks for Saucy -- a gutter plan to force her back onto the very streets that she came from.


But Saucy refuses to go down easy. She plots her revenge against some of the most powerful playas in the music industry, never suspecting that her enemies will fight back...and fight back hard.

July 2007's Book of the Month

Jul 12, 2007

A Piece of Cake: A Memoir

Cupcake Brown (that's her real name) was 11 in 1976 when her mother died. Custody of Brown and her brother was given to a stranger—their birth father—who only wanted their social security checks. He then left them with an abusive foster mother who encouraged her nephew to rape Brown repeatedly. Brown got better and better at running away. A prostitute taught her to drink, smoke marijuana and charge for sex. Her next foster father traded her LSD and cocaine for oral sex. Eventually she went to live with a great-aunt in South Central L.A., where she joined a gang. Almost 16, having barely survived a shooting, she decided to quit gangbanging. Drugs were her new best friends. A boyfriend taught her to freebase, but then there was crack, which was easier. Before long she was a "trash-can junkie," taking anything and everything. It wasn't until she woke up behind a Dumpster one morning, half-dressed and more than half-dead, that she admitted she needed help. Brown conveys this all in gritty detail, and her struggle to come clean and develop her potential—she's now an attorney with a leading California firm and a motivational speaker—ends her story on a high note.

Cupcake Brown

About Me
Jul 12, 2007
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Holiday Break
September's and October's BOM
August 2007's Book of the Month (BOM)
July 2007's Book of the Month
