Day 254 - In my 8th Month...

May 10, 2012

Well, here I am in my 8th month since surgery on September 1st. Day 254.....I think I'm doing great! Not losing fast but I really don't care. I feel like I am shrinking. I see that I'm shrinking. New clothes are getting baggier. People are really starting to notice. This sleeve  has been a god send.

BUT....I can see where it takes a Village to help you on this lifetime path…

• I still need to go to my Beaumont Weight Control Support Groups - Wednesday night and Club Bariatric as well as the cooking classes, nutritionist, psychiatrist, doctors, etc.

• I need to still have two trainers for strength training as well as still getting on the treadmill and swimming 4-5 times a week.

• I still need to focus everyday because I can see where I can fall back into old patterns...there's head hungers, boredom eating, tired eating, party eating still plague me. Temptation is around every corner...and just because I look good it doesn't mean that the weight will stay off. It can come back sooooo fast!

But I know with patience I can do's hard work...but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I really and trully believe I can do this for the first time in my life. Congrats to me!!


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 30, 2011
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