Focus and grinding

Feb 02, 2012

Happy New Year all...

Approaching my 2 year anniversary since my RNY in April 2010.  I would have loved to met my long term goal of weighing 175lbs from 316lbs.  As of today 7 months since I had the baby now back at 235lbs.  Not exactly proud of those numbers but they could be worse and yes I still look coming real soon.  Coming from size 26 and holding at a 16 currently I promised to rant and rave too much but my goal has always and still is to be in that magic size 10.  I've started back at the gym and enrolled in 2-3 classes per week, added some walking during lunch at work and cutting back on my favorites carbs, cokes and chocolate.  Funny they all start with the letter c...which also goes with 'CONSPIRACY' lol. 

Anyway just dropping a line to see how all is doing.    See you back in a couple of months when I've dropped at least another 25 lbs! 

Stil love my RNY!


I'm back...

Oct 12, 2011

Well OH...I'm back!

It's been a very eventful post-op year.  For additional update....RxY on April 19, 2010 at 8 months post-op found out I was pregnant with my second child.  After losing 90lbs in 8 months I gained 30 lbs back during my pregnancy.  Delivered a beautiful and healthy baby girl on July 3.  Since my deliveray I've only lost 14lbs.  After 3 months of staying at home and enjoying my newborn I've returned to work and also returned to my weightloss focus and motivation.  I've started back at the gym and I must confess...haven't quite kicked the coke's but just not drinking them as often.

While I'm overjoyed of my newests addition I am a little upset with myself that never got a chance to take full opportunity of the 1 year honeymoon phase following the surgery.  As anyone will tell you the weightloss is a work in progress after that first year it doesn't drop off as fast but I am determined to get there!

Posting some pics of baby Desiree...and me with the additional weight gain:-( 


1 year Surgiversary!

Apr 20, 2011

It's been a long ride OH...hope everyone is doing fine and still progressing well.   I am currently 7 months preggo and very proud to say I've only gained 13 lbs the entire pregnancy.  Given the comparison to my whopping 72lbs I gained during my first pregnancy I am so very well pleased.

Baby girl is doing great and we're due early July.  Looking forward to losing the baby weight and getting back on my weight loss grind.  By now I planned to be at my total postop goal.  So by the end of 2011 I'm pushing to meet 175!

Moving forward and not looking back.  Will post some pics really soon.


Preggo update

Jan 11, 2011

Finally hit my second trimester and pleaesed to say that I've only gained 3 lbs.    Looking forward to keeping that number under 10lbs to make it all the while easier to jump back in my post op status in July.

While the first trimester was a lil rock based on the way I felt every day.  I am feeling so much better, not 100% all the time but at least close.  The pregnancy was a complete shock but we are none the less thrilled and anxiously awaiting our lil joy.

Good luck to all the 2010 patients who are still on their losing journey.  I can't wait to join you again:-) 

Still loving my RNY!

Happy New year 2 all!

7 month post-op Newsflash

Nov 19, 2010

Today is my 7 month surgiversary!  I am still pleased with my weightloss results.  As I was under the impression that i was hitting a plateau and not dropping any pounds, I found out that I am PREGGO!  Yes, preggo...I am beyond thrilled and overjoyed!

I'm 7 weeks and due July 8th.  I will meet with the surgeon next week to devise a new dietary plan to ensure the baby gets all the require nutrients needed ect...  I still have my goal of an additional 65lbs that I want to drop but I can wait for that and get started after the baby arrives.  My surgeon says I can expect to gain about 10lbs during the pregnancy but from my previous pregnancy of gaining 72 lbs I gladly welcome the 10lbs. 

So while I'm walking on another's still cloud 9!..

Talk with you soon and will be posting some early baby bump pics soon.


6 Month plateau

Nov 04, 2010

Wzup OH....

Just dropping a line to say hello and see how the OH fam is doing.  Embarking upon my 7th month as of November 19.  Amazingly I hit a plateau due to stress in my life which cause me to snack a lil more and then on top of that took a 3 week break from the gym.  In an essence I gained 5 lbs back and I was not a happy camper.  But I got my renewed focus and back on my grind officially. 

My sister is getting married on December 11 and my dressed just arrived.  I'm so proud of the look but it needs a lill altering to it.  yes it's too big (can i get a whoop whoop) My goal is to drop 10 pounds by the wedding date and the ultimate is to finally hit 199lbs by January 1.  So there you have it in a nutshell.....this holiday season will be a lil tight for me but I have goals in my view and will accomplish them.  Big party coming for the 35th birthday this March.

Holla....Still loving my RNY

6 Month Surgiversary!

Oct 19, 2010

Today is my official 6 month Surgiversary

And yes I'm doing the happy dance as I couldn't be happier and than where I am in life right now.  Looking back 6 months even a full year ago I can't believe the "Me" that I used to be.  But I'm loving the "new" and embracing the newness each day, week and month brings. 

Alot has changed not only on the scale but me from the inside out and I'm well pleased.  I have no regrets and will recommend to every person who has struggled with losing weight due to obesity.....DO IT AND GET YOUR LIFE BACK!

Yesterday was my 6 month follow up with the surgeon and I'm happy to report  all is grand looking and feeling great. Still have a long ways to go as I head towards that long term goal of 165lbs.  So OH things are moving along and I'm excited about all that's in store for me thanks to my RNY.

Much love and strength all on this journey. 

"Nicole I love my RNY Walker"

1 comment

5 months

Sep 14, 2010

This week on the 19th will mark my 5 month milestone!  Things are still going great as expected.  I've finally reached the 230 family, as of today weighing in at 236 and I'm pleased.  My face is looking smaller and smaller which I absolutely love. 

Does anyone else look at their old pics and want to burn them.  Apart of me says no because that was who I was at the point in my life but then it's like "she's dead" who wants to keep looking at her. lol

I've made the definite decision to have my arms done and after seeing the plastic surgeon, I wil take his recommendation and wait another 6 months to reach my goal weight of 170.  This would avoid the possiblity of needing a brachioplasty revision.  My arms are huge and it's hard to fit into the size 16 shirts that I can wear now.  Yes, 16 from a 24/26.

Working out is still going great after a back injury from lifting weights i've resumed my routine.  Adding a jump rope class for cardio and it's killer.  My legs are still soar but I'll suck it up because I am loving the results

Still loving my RNY...

Still doing it new

Sep 01, 2010

Wzup OH.  Finally reached my goal for the month.  Down another 10lbs and I'm thrilled.  Marked at 240 and I don't know what to do with myself.  Hot as ever, just cut all my hair off to mark the new me.  The cut itself is killer and just sets my whole new look off.  Just call me "turning headz'  Will post some pics very soon.

My workout routine is going well, still standing strong with Zumba and I've added a cardio kickboxing one day a week.  Honestly that class liked to killed me the following day but it was fun and worth the sweat. 

All be encouraged and keep working!  On my way to ONEderland very soon! 



Aug 19, 2010

Hey OH...

The scale is moving slowly but it's moving.  At a whopping 243 which I haven't seen low numbers like that in over 14 years.  I am well pleased with the current phase and anxiously looking forward to hitting my 100lb loss at 218.  My goal is to reach that by October....I THINK I CAN>>>>I THINK I CAN!

Went to family reunion this pass weekend and felt like a superstar with all the ooh's and ahh's from everyone concerning the new me.  Life is great and as usual I LOVE MY RNY!

About Me
Fort Washington, MD
Jun 15, 2009
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