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Like some I don't know where to begin and I don't want to bore but, I will let you know a little about me I started getting heavy around the 5th grade and slowly started getting heavier and heavier each year. I remember making alot of my clothes in high school because none of the clothes that were half way cool looking, yes I'm from the 80's, came in my size. Shopping for my prom dress was the worst. Talk about humiliation, ugh! Luckily I had a real good friend that agreed to go with me and that seemed to make it a little easier to deal with.

Music Video Codes - MySpace LayoutsAfter the birth of my son, Mitch, in 1988 I joined Nutri-system and walked alot. I think I lost about 25lbs and started looking and feeling better but, I couldn't afford their meals any longer and had to go back to regular food. And as you can probably guess gained back the weight and then some. Then in 1995 when I became pregant with my daughter I weighed in at 307lbs! Holy cow, how did I get this heavy?.....I remember the dr telling me not to worry about gaining any weight that the baby could just survive off my excess fat...great. Luckily for me I didn't gain any weight....I still don't know how but it surpirsed us all.

Skip to 2003 I weighed in at 365lbs and was treated for a heart condition and congestive heart failure. My cardiologist told me that I needed to loose weight or I wouldn't be around for my family. I joined Weight Watchers and lost 20lbs in a couple of months. But, unfortunately it wasn't fast enough for my heart and my dr recommended wls....and here I am.

I had surgery March 14, 2006 and have never felt better. The only real problem I had with the surgery was for the first few weeks feeling very nauseated and that was quickly fixed by increasing my dosage of prevacid. I did pretty much what the dr said and I seem to be handling food okay. It really has helped being able to read the message boards and the feedback from everyone on this site that have been through what we are going through.

I truly believe that God has opened all the doors to get me to where I am today....he closed a few in the process but, always managed to open a new and better door. Without my faithful prayer warriors, family and friends I wouldn't be the person I am today...thank you all!




About Me
Ojai, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 23, 2006
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 3
December 9, 2006
7 months out
