I have been big my entire life. Never the fattest kid in the class, but definitely a big girl. I was a tomboy and always athletic and sporty. When I was 14 I remember going on my first diet (Weight Watchers). When I was 16 I spent the summer at "fat camp." It was actually a good thing for me and I learned a lot about behavior modification. Unfortunetly I did not practice what I learned. My senior year in high school I lost 40 pounds by doing some other drastic type of diet.

I got married at 19 then had 2 children  and divorced by the time I was 24. By then my weight was in the low 200's. I was no longer an active person and struggled with diets over the years.

Finally when I was almost turning 40 and at my heaviest I decided I needed to change my lifestyle. I decided I needed to get more active and do things I enjoyed doing when I was younger and was active. I started by just walking around the condo complex I live in. It was actually hard at first and my legs and ankles were always so sore after. I gradually worked up to walking further. I started riding my bike. I started hiking and joined a hiking group...that REALLY helped me out. I also got a steady hiking partner to hike with on a weekly basis. Pretty soon I was able to hike 4-5 miles. I also supplemented all this with trips to the gym for weight resistant training. As far as food went I LOVE to eat, but I tried to do what I learned at camp all those years ago. I just cut back on everything. At the time I was out of work so I was able to focus on all of this, it was kinda like my job! In 9 mos I had lost 50 pounds and I was feeling awesome!

Now 4 years later I've put back on about 20 of those pounds. I have still maintained my workout regime. I think I'm pretty much addicted to being active. I feel guilty if I don't get out everyday and do something...walk, hike, biking etc.. Unfortunately I realized I still don't have control when it comes to food. I work with several people who have had some kind of WLS and have seen the fantastic results first hand. I finally decided to research surgery, and came to the conclusion that I will not ever be able to lose and keep my weight off naturally...so it's time for medical technology to help me out. I cannot wait to be thinner, healthier and fitter!!!!!!! :)


WOW MOMENTS! -- **An ongoing list**

-Work clothes are getting really loose and baggy.

-I've noticed I have MORE room in the bathtub while bathing

-Had to get smaller size work pants cuz they were falling off!

-Had to get a smaller pair of jeans cuz they were falling off!

-A 26 yo young man was hitting on me at a bar and said I was "hot"...then I told him I had a 23 yo daughter! hahaha! (12/19/06)

-First airplane ride since WLS (12/20/06)...and the tray table did NOT even touch my stomach when I put it down!

-Had to adjust my car seat a couple of positions forward because my body is too far away from the steering wheel. (12/26/06)

Was able to fit into a size 16 jeans. Last time I wore a 16 it was 1980 I was in high school. (1/17/2007) 

Went to Las Vegas to see the Go-Go's. Met up with lots of friends who had nice things to say about my weight loss. Also was ecstatic when 4 of the Go-Go's made complimentary comments towards me. Jane Wiedlin even said "DeDe I wanted to shout out on the microphone when I saw you how beautiful you look." :) (1/25/07)

Got into a pair of size 14 work pants! (2/21/2007)

Went to get facial at the place I've been going to for the past 10 yrs. My esthetician, Nina, saw me in the waiting room and said "Are you here to see Vicki?" I said "no I'm here to see you." She said "DEDE oh my god I didn't recognize you...you are HOT" LOL (2/24/07)

Picture of me and my nephew Kaden (and his mean look!) on June 26, 2007

As of July 1, 2007 WOWs......

-Wearing size 12 pants (and some of them are getting loose)

Wearing size (womens) Large and those are becoming loose

Able to jog 20 minutes on the treadmill continuously w/o stopping. My goal was to do this before I reached my 45th bday on July 21, 2007. I reached my goal almost a month early!! :)

Got into ONDERLAND..and I weigh what I weighed in 1982 when I was 19.

Life is just BETTER! :)

About Me
San Jose, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 12, 2006
Member Since

Friends 25

Latest Blog 13
So I had a Tummy Tuck and Breast Lift!
August 2007 update
July 1, 2007-- 194 pounds.
April 20, 2007
February 26, 2007- 3.5 mos since surgery
January 20, 2007-- 11 weeks post op
January 4, 2007 - 2 months post op
December 27, 2006
December 7, 2006- 5 Weeks post op
November 23, 2006- Thanksgiving! -- 3 Weeks post op
