I've been away too long!!!

Aug 28, 2008

Wow, ok, I've been away from this OH website for far too long now.  I survived the wedding LOL and we had a SPECTAULAR time!!  Things could not have gone much more perfect...the weather was beautiful, my dress was a hit, Mike (my husband) behaved himself and had a BLAST, and we danced our a**es off that night and partied like rock stars!!  (Just to give you a 'for instance'...our entrance song for the reception was Thunderstruck by AC/DC!!  And then we did a hi-five line after everyone was introduced.  FUN FUN!!!)

As of today, 08/28/08, I am down a total of 143 pounds!  And I just passed the 7 month  mark.  INCREDIBLE.  UNBELIEVABLE.  So, freaking AWESOME that I can't even begin to tell you how it feels.  I've surpassed the half point mark to my goal, and stil have about 130 pounds to go, but that's ok.  I know I can do it.  I'm on the right track, and know that if I keep playing the game right, I'll succeed.  ;)  I'm not perfect tho, don't let me fool you.  I still need to see my counselor/therapist at least once a month to kind of 'recharge' and regroup.  I get in these emotional funks and it's hard to get out alone.  So, its still a struggle everyday, but worth every ounce of effort.

A problem I have been having tho, is my lack of 'girlfriends'.  I really don't have a lot of close girl friends that I can just call up and chit chat with.  My oldest friend of 15 years and i had a falling out a couple of months ago and we don't talk anymore - and I honestly think that it is better that way, but I miss having that friendship, that closeness, that trusting person you can tell anything to!  Its been bad, since I've been calling my mom like every day, unloading all this stuff on her, and that's not right....I need to make some new friends, but it's hard and its scary!!  however, I've joined a scrapbooking club, which will hopefully open up some new doors for me, and will also keep me busy and get me working on all the scrapbook projects that I've started and never finished!  And I am teaaching 2 water aerobics classes this fall, so I'm sure I'll be busy!!

Well, if anyone is reading this, let me know how you are doing, and if you have any comments, I've love to hear them!!  :)  God bless, and good luck to everyone out there!!

5 days till the wedding!!!!

Jul 14, 2008

Well let's see, I'm getting married in 5 days (OMG) and I'm down 123 pounds, and I'm doing really good.  I could probably be doing a little better on the exercising front, but hey YOU try planning a wedding and fitting in a vigorous exercise regime in!  I try and do something EVERY day, even if it is just running up and down the stairs a bunch.  (Mostly that's just to burn off some nervous energy!)

But overall, I think I'm doign pretty good.  I think I'm harder on myself than I should be, but I'm an over-achiever so often I think that if I'm doing 'average' that isn't good enough....call me crazy I suppose!  HA!  LOL :)

Well, I will try and post some more pictures soon, as I've got my 6 month surgiversary coming up and I will post some of the wedding day!  YAHOO!  When I log on next, I will probably be a married woman - big changes in my life.   oh boy!  :) 

5 months post op

Jun 23, 2008

I see that I haven't kept up on my blogs like I should have.  But I'm out enjoying life and enjoying being ME and haven't thought about posting lately.  Sorry!

I am now able to go to the movies, mow the lawn, do lunges, run around with my dog, tackle a flight of stairs like it's nothing, and I feel GREAT!!!  As of today, I'm at 339.8 lbs, which is down 112.2 lbs!!  That's almost how much my sister in-law weighs!!  I've lost 11.5 inches in my HIPS alone - can you believe it?!  I'm wearing clothes that I wore to France when I was 18 (1998) and some of my favorite clothes have been 'retired' to the box for the garage sale.

I started out this journey barely squeezing into a size 32Tall stretch jean, and a 30/32 top.  I now wear a baggy pair of 26 jeans, and 22/24 tops.  My purple dress from when I went to France fits me perfectly.  My Red WIngs jersey fits, my concert t-shirts fit, and all my comfy pants are too big.  Bittersweet, but worth it.

My wedding is in a little over 3 weeks, (July 19th) and I go tomorrow to get fitted for my dress.  I'm quite excited about that, since I know I've dropped more sizes since I ordered it!  (Luckily, it should be easily taken in)  And I'm really looking forward to the wedding.  I've also got my 10 year high school reunion coming up on July 3rd and am a little nervous, but at the same time, not so much.  I am almost exactly the same size that I was in high school - so everyone will probably say I haven't changed a bit LOL  Oh well, I suppose everyone wants to be the size they were in high school, so I should be so lucky!  LOL

Well, I will try and keep posting more - it's just been so busy with the wedding plans and just LIFE that I haven't been a post happy gal.  To all those out there reading this - let's keep up the good work and keep moving down that path to health and happiness!! WE ARE WORTH IT!!!!

2 1/2 months post op

Apr 06, 2008

Today I realized that there are definetly some changes that are taking place.  First of all.....life in general isn't such a chore anymore.  I can just go outside, rake the yard, play around with my dog and fiance, and be ok.  I won't be out of breath, I'm having fun, he's having more fun b/c I'm out there with him, and I get OUTSIDE and am enjoying life!!!  We're planning more things this summer to keep me active and occupied.  And the funny thing is, we like 'forget' about food!  Sounds weird, but we'll be having so much fun and will come home or come inside and be like "Oh, ya know what....we haven't eaten in like 4 hours, I need to eat something, then we can go "  Its just amazing.  What I love the most is that we'll be doing something, and Mike (my fiance) will say "Ya know, 3 months ago you couldnt do that..."  and I'll kind of stop, think about it, and go "OH MY GOSH, you're right!!!  YAY!!!"  :)  

Well, might as well give a stats here for the record....down to 377.6 pounds (that a loss of 74.4!!!) and I've lost 55.5 inches overall too.  (Granted I measure like 13 places, but still....I think that's pretty damn good!!

K, I need to go think about dinner now, I hear Mike opening and closing cupboard drawers.....

I'm in "3" land!!!!

Mar 01, 2008

OMG!  I got up this morning and weighed myself and I'm offically under 400 pounds!!!!!!  YAHOOO!!!  399.6 never looked so good!  I came running out of there shouting the number to my fiance and my dog and jumping up and down, since I think the last time I was at this weight was probably about 6 or 7 years ago!!

Just had to share.....so excited!  And yesterday I started 'cleaning' out my closet and have already started quite a large pile of clothes that are too big already!  Let's keep it coming doowwwwwnnnn.  YES!!!   

1 month post op

Feb 23, 2008

So, one month down, and 22 pounds gone since surgery (48 lbs overall!) and I've lost 6.5 inches in my hips/butt, 5.5 inches in my bust, and 4" in each thigh!  HOLY CRAP!!  I'd noticed some changes in the way clothes were fitting and sitting in a Dr office chair, but didn't think the changes were that drastic!  OH, it just feels so good to be on the 'losing' side and starting to feel really good about myself.

People have started noticing my face getting thinner and even my fiance said that he can wrap his arms around me further now.  (Which REALLY made me feel like a million bucks!  )

Oh and by the way, I was having a hell of a time trying to get a new avatar posted.  It kept telling me my pics were too big, so I searched on OH for forums with the same question and found this website:
It's awesome!  And it works!  Plus, that way if I ever lose the link, I can go back to my blog HAHAHAHA

11 days post op

Feb 03, 2008

I was so happy when I got on the scale this morning!  Down 41 pounds!!!!  Well, 15 since surgery, but 41 overall since my highest weight when I started this process.  SOoooooooo excited!!  The most I ever lost on a 'diet' was 30-35 and then it would just stop and I couldn't lose any more.  So, for me to be at 41 right now and still losing - means the world to me!!!

On the flip side, I'd probably give my left foot to chew on something that resembles REAL food!!  String cheese, a cracker, a piece of toast, A SALAD, my god ANYTHING!!!  It's not that I'm craving food, but rather the action of EATING something, instead of drinking my dinner.  (Which by the way used to mean that you were drinking beer for dinner! LOL)

I go to pureed on Valentine's day, and am anxiously awaiting some scrambled eggs or mashed potatoes - and with some fat free cheese for pete's sake!  Let's get some flavor!  Ugh, this full liquid business is for the birds.  Bring on some substance!!  

Making my way

Jan 27, 2008

4 days post op and things are going pretty good.  I get a little sore at times, but then I just take some pain meds, eat a little something and usually I feel better.  I've begun walking up and down my driveway and around the yard.  I'm not quite ready to go down the road yet - we live kind of on a highway - plus my fiance doesn't want me walking too far when no one is home in case i get light headed.  It's been so cold here that it takes me just as long to get bundled up as it does to go for a walk! LOL  I'm way up north in Marquette, MI which no one seems to know where it is...no I don't live by Traverse City, I live about  hours NORTH WEST of there!  (Sorry, got a little frustrated when everyone I talked to downstate in Ypsilanti thought 'north' was Traverse City.  Shoot, there's a whole nother half of the state up here!  most people think we're either part of Wisconsin or Canada.  Ugh, oh well.

So anyways, finding apetitzing things to eat has been a challenge.  I've discovered some Campbell's Hearty creamy soups which have been delicious!   My fiance really likes them too, which is nice cuz I strain out a 1/2 cup of creamy soup and he eats all the rest with the chunks!  LOL  Works for me.

I weighed myself today too, and was so pleased to see that I'm now down a total of 29 pounds!!!  (Granted that's only 10 pounds down from surgery discharge, but hey I'm not complaining!)

I'll keep ya posted as more drama comes along.  :)

36 hour post op...

Jan 26, 2008

Well here I sit at my computer roughly 36 hours post op.  I had my RNY - laparoscopic - surgery Wed the 23rd, stayed in the hospital til Fri morning and then started the long trip home.  We live 7 hours away from the Barix clinic in Ypsilanti, MI and that's a trip without stops every hour!  So, we took a detour and stayed with my mom last night (in Sault Ste Marie) to break it up and then travlled the rest of the way this morning.

I have to admit....I'm glad I'm feeling as good as I am right now, but I'm still no where near being normal!  There's some pain, there's some aches, there's some gas....and some more gas.  LOL  But overall I have to say that reading everyone's comments and encouragement on OH and the Barix Clinic discussion boards has made the world of a difference.

The night before surgery, and actually right up unitl I was drugged before surgery, I cried.  I was so scared and so worried that I'd fail, and just so unsure of what to do I bawled my eyes out.  My mom and my fiance were there to tell me that it's normal to feel that way and I'll be fine and it'll be ok cuz they are there to help and so on.   That now, I'm so thankful they were there and so thankful that I did this.  It's gonna hurt for a few days/weeks, it's gonna be tough to figure out what I can eat for 20 days on liquids and another 20 days on mush...but I can do it.  I know I can.  I wouldn't voluntarily allow some man to cut me open and rearrange my insides for nothing!  LOL

So anyone who's on their way to surgery or anyone who's scared before or who just had it, please feel free to email me.  I'd love to keep in touch.  I should be online quite a bit on and off for the next few weeks, as I'm off work and can't do much but walk and make smoothies  LOL

-Becky  :)

10 days till surgery

Jan 13, 2008

Time is flying by....so exciting!  I took some pics today of me that might prove to be good 'before' pics.  It's so hard to tell what I might 'shape into'.  Everyone keeps telling me I'll turn into a hottie, and frankly that is so hard to believe!  I've never been the one who's caught people's eyes because I'm pretty...it's either been b/c I'm the who's got beautiful hair or I'm the one who just told a great joke and made everyone laugh.  One big hurdle I will have to overcome will be to be ok with people looking at me.  I've been hidden for so many years and it's been comfortable.  Now, I need to break free and shed my 'armor' and be the butterfly that's been hidden in this cocoon.  (Sorry, I'm a bit of a writter and get carried away inthe details at times LOL)

Overall tho...if I close my eyes and ask myself if this is the right decision, I hear nothing but YES'es.  Good things, smiles, positive thoughts, dreams coming true, living a healthy and happier life!  God has lead me down this path and I will follow.  I will succeed!  =oD

About Me
Marquette, MI
Surgery Date
Nov 16, 2007
Member Since

Friends 28

Latest Blog 14
I've been away too long!!!
5 days till the wedding!!!!
5 months post op
2 1/2 months post op
I'm in "3" land!!!!
1 month post op
11 days post op
Making my way
36 hour post op...
10 days till surgery
