10 Month Update

Sep 19, 2013

I'm not very good at keeping up with my blog, but every now and then is better than nothing at all I suppose. I just wanted to give a little update. I am 7 weeks away from my one year surgery anniversary. As of today I have lost 126 lbs with the VSG and total overall weight loss of 174 lbs. That's just crazy to see those kind of numbers. I never really thought It was possible to lose this kind of weight. Every day I feel better and have so much energy. I'm still tracking my food on MFP and exercising 3-4 times a week. I wish it could be more, but right now I'm taking care of my mom who is very sick and I run a business and take care of my family too. It's amazing that I even have time to sleep... well that is actually something I need to work on...

I'm really excited because I finally got an appointment with Dr. Blackstone on November 21st for my one year check up and to discuss part two of the duodenal switch. I still have 80-90 lbs to lose and I don't think I can do it with the VSG alone. Don't get me wrong. I love my VSG but the weight loss is really starting to slow down. I struggle with the same 2 pounds for a week or more sometimes. So where I used to lose 10 pounds in a month, I'm now barely losing 3-5 pounds a month. I'm scared that I won't reach my goal weight and get to a healthy BMI with the VSG alone. Therefore I want to talk to Dr. Blackstone about finishing my DS.

Also, I am going to be doing two 5K runs this fall. The first is on October 12th. It is called Paint the Town Purple. This run is going to benefit Amberly's Place, which is a local shelter for victims of domestic and sexual abuse. So this one is really special to me and even if I have to walk the whole thing, I will finish. Then on November 9th I'm going to be doing my very first 5K Color Me Rad.  I've always wanted to be a part of that.  So I can't wait. I've been training and getting myself ready by doing the Couch-to-5k program. I'm really taking my time with this and I'm having a hard time getting past the first week and moving on to week 2. Like I said, even if I have to WALK, I'm doing both of these 5K's. Not much else to say right now, I'm exhausted and will probably write more tomorrow.

Nighty Night :)) Zzzz


About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 24, 2007
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 26
