I'm Back Online

Dec 09, 2006

The Computer Crashed The Day After My Bday. Glad to be back online and able to post on my blog.

Have yet to lose any weight ... well okay, to be honest ... I haven't been trying to hard.

I've lost weight  before so I know I can do it , so why am I having so much trouble getting started now.

Hubby said today that if I get out and walk everyday for a month then he will pay for a gym memership for me. Guess, I have reason to get my rear in gear now.

It's My Birthday

Nov 30, 2006

Yep, I am 36 years old today and you guess right if you think I had cake to celebrate ... well it was really two cupcakes.

Just Got Back From The TRACK

Nov 29, 2006

My 11 year old son and I just got back in from walking the track at a local University. We walked around it twice and I think I could have done a few more laps but did not want to over do it since i pulled my calf a few nights ago.

I did okay with my eating today except for eating way to much garlic bread at lunch. Looks llike it's going to be salad for lunch tomorrow to make up for my naughtiness today.

I've done good today

Nov 28, 2006

I decided that joining WW was not worth my $ because I've done WW on my own at home before and i still have all the info I need to do it again. I did really well on counting points in 1994 and lost 20 lbs in 2 months and got down to 205 lbs ... the same weight I was at 9 months pregnat almost 12 years ago. Here I am now at my all time heavist of 250 lbs.

I have done really well on my eating choices today but i'm not really to go back to counting points yet. I am just trying to find the will power day by day to make better eating choices and try and get a little exercise in everyday.

Can't Sleep

Nov 27, 2006

Well, I thought it would be a good idea to take a nice walk after dinner . Ask hubby if he'd like to join me and as he stuffed a twinkie in his mouth ... he sais no.

I go out and notice the cool night air was not cold enough for a jacket so I set off on my walk. I get down to the corner of my block and as I cross the street, I felt pain shot through my calf muscle. Must of pulled it.  I kept going ... saying to myself that I will walk the pain off. Did a slow walk and THEN it happened again (pull calf muscle) as I crossed back arcross the street to get to the house. I limped the rest of the way home.

About Me
Nashville, TN
Nov 27, 2006
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 5
I'm Back Online
It's My Birthday
Just Got Back From The TRACK
I've done good today
Can't Sleep
