Gwen M. 15 years, 7 months ago

Bonnie, Best of Luck for a smooth surgery and recovery! I hope you have fun on the "losers bench!"

J G. 15 years, 7 months ago

Bonnie, Isn't it great-it's soon to be your time, girl! Whoo Hoo! I'm wishing you a flawless surgery and a smooth-as-silk recovery. Just think, soon you won't have to use that scale upside down anymore! Ha, ha. -Jenny

Redhaired 15 years, 7 months ago

Bonnie- I know this has been a long time coming for you and I just know you are going to do terrific. You will be in my prayers for a successful surgery and an easy recovery. I can't wait to see you in December to hear all about it. Please give Dr. A and the gang my love. ~~Red

Redhaired 15 years, 7 months ago

Bonnie- I know this has been a long time coming for you and I just know you are going to do terrific. You will be in my prayers for a successful surgery and an easy recovery. I can't wait to see you in December to hear all about it. Please give Dr. A and the gang my love. ~~Red

Renee2007 15 years, 7 months ago

Bonnie, your day has finally come. I am so excited and happy for you. It's the start of a new life! I wish only the best for you and you will be in my prayers for a smooth surgery and an easy recovery. I look forward to sharing in your journey.

mellysarah03 15 years, 7 months ago

Yay! So happy for you! Good luck cant wait to see ya on the other side!

kat19136 15 years, 7 months ago

Good Luck, and wishes for a speedy recovery!! Hope all goes well, will be watching your progress!! I am right behind you!! ~~Kat~~

1MoreChance 15 years, 7 months ago

Yay Bonnie!! It's finally your turn! I'm so excited for you. I pray that everything goes well for you and that you have a smooth recovery. I'm saving a spot for you on the losers bench! I'll talk to you soon! ~Ronnie
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