Nights and Calories and Excercising Oh My!

Sep 02, 2009

Working nights is tough.  The night after working I am so not tired from sleeping during the day that I can't sleep during the night.  I've literally been awake since eight last night, it's now 7:16AM and I'm sleepy but have no desire to sleep. 

Working nights also makes it hard to get any exercise in.  I work 2330-0730 and then usually stay up until 0900 wake up around 1700 or 1800.  This would be the perfect time to hit the weights and walk, but working nights makes you tired even when you've slept.  This equals no energy.  Which equals no exercise. So my only days that I can really exercise are my days off. Which is about one to three a week scattered here and there and like I said the day after work you sleep and then stay up all the next night which means you have to sleep the afternoon away so that you won't be tired for work the following night.

You can see the dilema I face when working nights right?  But I hate working during the mornings.  Just can't do it. So I wouldn't have it any other way.  I worked mornings when I was doing my placement for school and luckily that wasn't too hard because I was used to being up for school in the morning.  But some days I was like a walking zombie.  I just wasn't totally there for about an hour into work. I don't think the people that worked there liked that very much because I wasn't very helpful to them at that time. Oh well, they were the ones getting paid to do it, not me! lol.

I wrote that motivational board that I'd been talking about last night while I wasn't sleeping.  It says right at the top NO MORE JUNK! lol. It's hanging right beside my anti-anxiety motivational board.  I hope it works.  I could've used it Tuesday morning when I went shopping with my dad and was so tired from working that I bought junk food. I bought ice cream and cookies.  And then I ate them.  I guess sleep deprivation is a trigger for me when it comes to eating.

When I first started at my job, I was barely eating.  Now I eat on average three meals a day and three snacks.  It kind of goes like this with my day starting at 1700:
Cereal with skim milk and some fruit
Then at work: 4oz of chicken, 1/2 cup brown rice and reduced salt soy sauce. A piece of fruit, low fat jello, a fruit cup in water, and diet pepsi.
I drink about three 500ml bottles of water throughout the night too.
In the morning when I get home I have another bowl of cereal again with skim milk.

Obviously not enough food.  And I do snack a lot and mostly, lately at least on bad stuff. So my calories are still high.  The thing about calories is that I don't know how many I'm supposed to have to lose weight. I've been reading on the forums that it's like 2500 per day to maintain current weight. But I think that sounds a little high, doesn't it?  I'm going to check my health tracker and see how many I've been consuming on average. I though 1400 was good to lose weight but if you're supposed to be 1100 more than that then maybe I'm starving myself. So confusing.  Maybe I should post on the forum.


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