Nov 6,07    I got home on Fri and doing well. Hoping to go back to work this Thurs. Having hard time with the diet as it the same one from before surgery. I open a can of soup and want to get sick! Not getting my protien in and all my h2o but, it will come. Im off to bed chat later..take care  

Oct 11,07
Hello, Sorry about not updating sooner! I a new mom again after 15 years! Its all going well, but my band! Im going to have surgery on Oct 30th -07 and Dr. P is going to take the band off and do the gastro bypass or one of the other surgerys. I find out which one the 17th for sure!  I started having trouble in about my 7th month with jello like stuff coming through my nose at night and coughing. I called Sue and found out that is a side effect of the lap band. We took out some fluid and that made things much better but, I gained weight. Well I gave that some time and we trying putting it back and that didnt work at all. So, Dr. P said the only thing to do was take it out and do a diff surgery. Well thats what we are going to do now! I need to get this weight off as Im now 38 and have 2 kids. Which keeps Larry and me very busy! We love every minute of it.I lost over 100 pds and then after my weight leveled off we got pregnant!! I got my girl I have always wanted. I also lost my parents. My dad passed in  Dec 05 and my mom 4 months later  Apr 06 . Its been bitter sweet for me. My brother is having gasto bypass on Oct 18th in MN. Well thats all for now I will try and update ofter surgery. Later

About Me
Durand, WI
Surgery Date
Oct 19, 2003
Member Since

Friends 2
