5 Months Out - Set Backs and Victories

Aug 18, 2008

I am almost at the half way point next month will be my 6-month Bandiversary.  I am pleased to report that I am at the half-way mark with my weight loss.  I hope to lose at least 120 lbs in a year.

This time has been full of set-backs but also victories.  The set backs include getting things stuck in the band.  Having to get unfilled three times in these short 5 months.  Facing the demise of my marriage and feeling like a failure.  The victories are celebrating the loss of 60 lbs, securing a great job, finding my place with friends again, meeting wonderful people who WANT to KNOW me!  Wow.

Life is a journey, and i am going to make mine worth the price of admission.  I know I was born for greatness.  I am so glad to be heading in that direction.

Two Months In - A Lot Has Changed

May 23, 2008

Ok two months in.  I have lost 42 lbs.  I have also lost a husband, which was supposedly due to the band but I know it wasn't.  Amazingly, I am very happy and excited about ALL of the changes in my life.  Looking forward to the next chapter in my life. As a even more sexy single.

One Week Post Op Wrong - Sorry I lied

Mar 18, 2008

I just learned last night that you cant place the scale in a carpeted room.  Therefore, the 27 lbs was incorrect.  (Can you tell I never weighed myself before).  I actually lost 17 lbs in the first week.  I am still proud and I think that I made significant progress, but I feel bad that I mislead others.

Please know that was not my intention to deciveve.  The scale is now in the bathroom and I will be reporting good numbers going forward.  I guess now, I know why they call them "bathroom scales". LOL.

One week pre-op - 27lbs lost

Mar 17, 2008

I would be lying if I didnt say I got on the scale 7 times this weekend just to make sure it was right.  I went from 305 day of surgery to 278 in the first week.  I know this may be mostly liquid but I am loving this. 

I am not too thrilled about the rash that broke out around all of my incision locations but Dr. Spiegel called me this weekend (while he was on vacation no less - I LOVE HIM - to tell me what to do about it.

I can not stay off this site, I get so much encouragement and hope from it.  I just hope I can do the same for someone else.

To anyone reading this, good luck.  If you are questioning the surgery I would recommend it.  If you are in the Houston area I would definitely say check out Dr. Spiegel.  He and his staff are very busy, but I wouldn't have another doctor.

About Me
Humble, TX
Surgery Date
Mar 11, 2008
Member Since

Friends 70

Latest Blog 4
5 Months Out - Set Backs and Victories
Two Months In - A Lot Has Changed
One Week Post Op Wrong - Sorry I lied
One week pre-op - 27lbs lost
