01/28/02-- Rec'd referral from pcp to have consultation with Dr Simon, Now waiting to get appt w/ Dr Simon for the consultation.

01/30/02--Rec'd a call from DR Peters from Peckville, going to my 1st support group meeting on Wednesday, Feb 7, 2002. Also going for my 1st consultation on 02/14/02.. hope its gonna be a special Valentine's Day...

02/06/02-- Called Dr Simon's office today, I have an appt for a consultation on Monday, 02/11/02. His secretary said, there may be an issue with my diet history, but she scheduled me for Monday, and will contact my pcp for more acurate dates if needed. I still am going to a wls meeting tonight in Clarks Summit where Dr Peters will be present.

02/07/02-- Went to my first wls meeting with Dr Peters. Met Dr Peters and Robbie, both were very nice. I liked Dr Peters, he was very imformative and didn't sugar coat anything. I like him alot. Im still going to keep my visit with Dr Simon on 2/11/02. I have my 1st consultation with Dr Peters on Thursday..2/14/02

02/09/02--Went to WLS meeting in Binghamton today. Met alot of very nice people. Got to put a face with the emails.. very informative. I am anxiously awaiting to see Dr Simon tomorrow.. hope all goes well.

02/11/02--Saw Dr Simon today. It was ok. Alot of repeat information from the wls meetings, and info read from internet. I didn't care for a few things, but I don't want to have any negative thoughts yet.. had nothing to do with the Dr, just his secretary. O well I still see Dr Peters on Thursday. Looking foward to seeing him again.

2/16/02--Saw Dr Peters on Thursday, Feb 14th, everything went ok. More or less just went over same info I already know. I will be seeing him again on the 28th of Feb to let him know if I definately want to go ahead with the surgery... welll I want it YESTERDAY. but he said he makes all his patients come back for a 2nd consul to be sure this is really what they want. So hopefully when I go back on the 28th.. we can set up some of the pre op testing.. and I can finally change my status to pre op.. instead of hoping..

2/28/02--Saw Dr Peters on Thursday, Feb 28, took the test, passed with flying colors. Now I'm at the worst stage.. now I have to wait to be approved by my insurance. So the next few weeks will probably stand still. Robbie told me all of March is booked and most of April, so if Im lucky... I will probably be looking at MAYBE late April or early May.. so Im on the first available list.. so..we wait. Did I mention... Im not a very patient person, and I worry tooooo much...lol so if I don't drive myself crazy.. this should be the easy part for me.. before reality hits & I actually get a surgery date. till then....

3/06/02--On my way home from work, hubby called to tell me Robbie just called to let me know I have a tentative date for 4/23/02!! YAHOO YIPPEE... only thing.. my ins requires a psych eval.. so all I have to do is go see the psych... and Im on my way!

3/07/02--Ok.. what a pain in the drain I had to get an appt to have the psych eval! But I finally have it set up for March 13th. Bring on the ink spots...lol

3/15/02--Ok.. psych eval complete.. now waiting for the psych dr to send report to Dr Peters so it can be sent to insurance for the real approval. So once again we wait... then if I get the final approval the pre op testing will begin. Still keeping my fingers crossed I can keep my April 23rd date!! Wish me luck! O I almost forgot..I didn't get to look @ any ink spots.. she did ask me tho if I see or hear things other people don't... let me tell ya it was hard to behave and just answer the question.. I almost blerted out "I see dead people" but I didn't think she would have seen the humor..lol so I was well behaved.

3//21/02--So much for spring... Im getting the run around with the psych completing my eval..first it was last Friday.. then 1st part of this week.. now end of week.. tomorrow is Freakin Friday.. and she say..well MAYBE tomorrow.. I am soooooooooo frustrated.. so far this is what's holding up my final approval for ins.. I'm really uptight about the possibility of not keeping my tentative date of April 23rd.. Im literally making myself sick worrying.

3/22/02--Well Robbie called the psych dr & asked for the eval... and yeah ...she rec'd it today.. so Robbie was going to fax it to the ins co. so hopefully by Monday someone will atleast look @ it & put it with my paperwork. So now we're gonna set up the appt with the dietician & the egd test. Let the torture begin....

3/27/02--Well... now we're off for the fun stuff.. egd test is scheduled for April 9th, along with Dietician appt. That's all for now.. will update when after that's completed.

3/29/02--Received a copy of my psych eval.. it says Im not psychotic.. that's a plus.. however it say however that the psych dr believes I should come back for therapy for behaviorial eating habits. Talked to Dr Peters.. he said he wasn't sure if that would affect the ins or not.. so hopefully it won't. He asked if I still wanted him to send it to the ins.. But I was under the impression Robbie had already sent it to the ins on March 22nd.. so I will call Robbie on Monday to see if it actually was sent or not. Hope all goes well....

4/02/02--Received a call from the patient advocate from my ins co.. IM APPROVED.. YIPPEEEEEEE HORRAYYYYYYYYY YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. The ins co said I do have to go see Dr Peters again...(?) so I go see him again on Thursday. Also have my testing set up for April 9th. The EDG, Dietician, & the anastesiologist(? spelling) & have my blood work all done the same day.. should be fun to be poked and proded all in the same day.. Also.. going to wls meeting tomorrow, Wednesday with Dr Peters in Clarks Summit. He just may be sick of seeing me...lol Almost forgot.. I will be having surgery @ Moses Taylor in Scranton.

4/12/02--Well I survived the edg test & the pre op testing. Don't remember alot, my mom said I was quite the chatter box...lol said some embarrassing things.. but wow gotta love the demerol. Now only thing left is the physical & history, then finally surgery date will be here if all goes well. Right now it's 10days to go & counting!

4/17/02--Pre Op Physical & history are now done & out of the way. So now.. I guess I'll start the final count down.. and only 2 more days of work. Just a legal break seems to good to be true.. let alone the most important.. MY SURGERY!!! Man this warm weather we are having is great.. but it is effecting old people let me tell ya! I work for Medicare.. need I say more..lol well 5 1/2 days to go...

4/19/02--Well today's Fridy.. TGIF.. and now only 4 days to go.I hope I don't drive myself crazy with anxiety...lol Lots to go before Tuesday...But my mom is coming to stay with me for a few days so that will help alot. TTFN

4/22/02--WEll....about 12 hours to go.. getting a little nervous now. Like Im forgetting something.. Well we'll see I guess. Also thanks for all the well wishes.. Soon I'll let ya all know if all the well wishing worked..lol So now the next time I update.. I will be on the other side.. Can't wait for the real journey to begin. Till then...

4/28/02--I made it! I came home from the hospital late Friday afternoon. Not moving real fast, but it feels good to be home. I go to get my staples out on Thursday, and get weighed for the first time...That will be interesting. I don't feel like I've lost any weight yet, but Im not eating a whole lot either, so hopefully the scales will be in my favor & I can move to soft foods. Right now Im still on full liquids. I do have alot of gas pain, but walking helps & so does the medication. Hospital stay.... was a little ruff. I didn't do to well the "ng" tube. They said it must not have been totally in place or it moved, because every time, I moved, I got sick, I could feel it.. not a pleasant thing let me tell ya. But I got through it, the only other thing that was bad for me... I didn't get to take a shower for 3 days.. but when I did, I felt a whole lot better. And when the "foley" was removed, that was a relief. So basically once all the baggage was removed, I was more comfy & more mobile, still hurts to walk but walking helps! Till next time...

5/02/02--Wow can't believe its been so long since my last post.. well I made it out of surgery ok. I came home last Friday afternoon. I just got my staples out on 05/02--all 32 of them. Doing good. I've lost my 1st 10 pounds forever!! YEaaaaa & I can also introduce reall food slowly again.. so bye bye soup & broth & forever jello! lol Now I still have to be careful until my incision fully heals.. but I can start my walking. Wish me well. ttfn.

5/22/02--Ok.. so it's been awhile since my last update.. whoopsie... Well, recovery has been slow.. but no major problems (knock on wood). Its taking me awhile to adjust to everything.. the eating.. and drinking.. slllllowwwwwwww.. and I thought I ate slow before.. well.. let me tell ya.. eat to fast.. and you'll be spending some time with the "tidy bowl man". I was having some problems with my stomach aching, burning.. so when I called Dr Peters.. I went to see him.. and he had me stop taking the meds.. and wow.. what a difference without them. I also have some pain/numbness in my right leg.. from my thigh to my knee.. but only on the outter side. Dr said it's probably from being on the OR table so long.. and it should go away. Let me tell ya.. first couple of weeks only being able to sleep on my back was a killer.. my leg would just throb! But now.. I can lie on my sides.. and that helps with the numbness/pain alot. Im 4 1/2 weeks post op and have still been asking myself what the Hell did I do to myself.. but everyday seems to be getting better.. and I've lost 26 #'s. I get weighed again tomorrow.. so I'll post if I've lost more.. think positive..lol till then..

6/21/02--Ok.. so no gold stars for me.. its been about a month since I last posted.. g'zzzzz I almost feel like this is confession...lol.. well I had my 8 week check yesterday, My weight loss is slow.. but I have lost a total of 35#'s since my surgery. Bad news.. so early on in my journey and I only lost 7#'s in 4 weeks.. can't imagine why.. I don't eat , I get sick.. and Im definately using the "hopper" lol.. but.. I know Im not drinking.. and with this weather.. I haven't been out walking. Dr P says. .with this surgery.. I should still be losing weight.. thought it was odd I haven't lost more.. but some is better than none. Good grief I hope Im not the statistic who won't lose much weight after all I've been thru.. Im gonna go read some profiles.. and see how others in my situation got themselves a jump start again. Till then...

7/13/02--Well.. it's that time again.. been awhile since I've been here... lol But I'm excited today & will tell all about why.. I went shopping today.. and bought a scale! Ok.. for all you people out there who don't have a weight problem, you won't get the true joy of such a thing as buying a scale.. but anyway.... I was shopping at Boscov's.. was actually looking for some patio chairs.. and I went thru the domestic dept.. and saw the scales.. now Im thinking to myself... cuz my weight loss has been slow... I know I haven't lost enough weight yet for an ordinary scale to weigh me... Well did I need a rod & reel to reel my jaw closed, when I picked one.. stepped on it.. and it weighed me! Ok so the second of glory was slammed by reality... when Im asking myself... ok.. I wonder just how acurate this thing is.. it was the floor sample.. so I thought.. well.. I need a scale.. So I'll buy it.. get home, make Dan (DH) weigh himself & see how acurate it is... welllll he just happened to weigh himself at work, so he knew pretty much how much he weighs.. and this scale was the same as what he weighed in on at work. So I get on the scale... and wa-la.. Im doing the happy dance.. since my last dr visit, I've lost another 17#'s for a total of 52'#s to date.!! I still am losing slow compared to some... but 17#'s has been my biggest wt loss... at the dr.. it was 7, 8 or 9#'s.. but now it was 17#'s. So Im happy for myself! Ok so Im babbling now.. such a small thing.. yet to me.. it's just AWESOME! lol

9/01/02--So Im bad.. its been over a month since I've updated my profile...big whoopsie for me...Well let's see.. what's new... o yea... weight loss.. I weighed myself yesterday... and to date since surgery on 4/23/02 I've lost a total of 73#'s. Still not as fast as alot of others.. but it's coming off.. and that's what counts for me! I feel great! No (knock on wood) problems... now that Im further out of surgery... and am getting back to semi normal ness.. I can honestly say.. Yes.. Now I would do this over again.. the first couple of months.. I was like.. no way hosey would I do this again if I had a chance to redo it.. but now... yes... I guess the saying.. sometimes, a good thing isn't exactly the easiest thing to conquer... or something like that.. I think you know what I mean.. well... all you pre ops.. I'm rooting for ya's.. and if you choose Dr Peters.. you in great hands! Till next time....

10/02/02--Well I've come to the conclusion... if I only post once a month.... I'm not bad, I'm becoming consistant...lol anyway... not a whole lot to tell.. I seem to be at my 1st plateau.. I've lost 82#'s... and haven't lost anything in the last 3 weeks... am I just a bit depressed... o yes.. but I'm walking more & TRYING to get some water to stay down. I can't tolerate water... it just seems to think it's a natural tidal wave when it hits my stomach, and comes back to see the sun...lol.. but anyway... so my wls to date is 82#'s. I've also decided not to get on the scales every other day..(hey ya never know..lol) I'm going to TRY to only hop on once a week.. hmmmm let's see how long I can not peek.. this is going to be like not peeking at x-mas...lol.. and I got pretty good at rewrapping peeked at presents.*S* Till next time....

10/29/02--Wow.. twice in one month for me... hmmm what could be up with that.. well let's see.... I'm losing weight again...yeaaaaaa I've lost 15 more pounds.. for a to-date total of 97#'s! Yippee.. Im almost 1/2 way to my goal! So Im feeling better.. and I got a new job.. same company.. different dept... and a Raise... can't beat that...lol plus my Birthday is Friday. So.. so far this week has been pretty good! Let's see what the Birthday brings...lots of presents I hope..lol Well not much else happening.. although they said it could snow tonite.. the first.. and just in time for Halloween.... I've been thinking of putting a more recent picture with my first one.. not sure how to do that. Guess I'll have to ask for help from the website... Till next time... Happy Halloween all!!

11/24/02--Well... I've finally hit the "Century" mark... I weighed in yesterday, and since my DS surgery on 4/23/02 I've lost 102#'s! Yipee.. I was beginning to think I'd never hit the "Century" mark. I even called Dr Peters to be sure I wasn't doing something that I should be. He assured me I was doing everything, and again emphasized to me... not everyone is the same, not everyone will lose the same or as fast... and Im still losing... and there are not problems.. (Knock on wood) I've also posted a new after picture on picturetrail.com . My profile is ms_sandy all lower case if anyone is interested in seeing any change.. It's still hard for me to see the loss.. but in the pictures.. seeing is believing... Hope everyone who reads this.. has a joyous Thanksgiving. Till next time....

12/22/02--Well...here I am again... tomorrow, the 23rd I will officially be 8 months post op. I've lost another 15#'s.. making my total THUS far, 117#'s!! Gone.. see ya.. hasta la vista.. don't come back...lol I've had no problems.. knocking on wood. My overall health is good.. my labs are good... and more importantly.. I feel good! And the clothing thing... is a good thing.. It's a great feeling to pick out a sweatshirt/sweater this time of year that you wore last year only to have it just basically hang on you. It really hurts the check book tho...lol
I hope everyone has a safe & joyous Holiday!

1/26/03--Well... This is the first post of the new 2003 year... and a little disappointing.. I've only lost 7#'s since December.. but then again.. 7#'s is 7#'s.. as long as it's coming off.. I am still grateful. Not a whole lot to report... the cold weather is getting olddddddddd..lol average temp the last 2 weeks has been maybe 10.... brrrrrrrrr . Till next time.

3/01/03--Wow.. it'a amazing how time flies by.. I was just reading my profile & to think.. this time last year.. I was waiting for my surgery date.. Down to the nitty gritty.. I had my check up with Dr Peters on Thursday, 2/27/03... My labs are all good.... the only bad part.. I don't have to see him till Early September... now how bizarre is that to say you won't see you're surgeon for another 6 months.. but Dr Peters has given me the oppertunity at life again.. and for that... I'm grateful to say the least!!
Well I weighed in.. official loss to date is... 135#'s!!! Can you dig it.. O I sure as blue blazes can...lol I still have another 65#'s to go to reach my goal weight.. but already I'm so much further ahead! If I don't lose any more.. I'll still be happy & healthier than I was before!! Disappointed Oh I'm sure.. but ... Hey I couldn't have done this much without the surgery.
Till next time...

3/21/03--Ok no one panic.. yep.. I'm posting 2 x's in the same month..lol I was looking at the new page of Dr Peters thru Obesityhelp.com... and noticed my last pic there was from Nov 02. Now I have to figure out how to add a more recent one. The pic from Nov I was 272, but now I'm at 232. So I want to share myself...lol So as soon as I can figure out how to add an updated pic.. it'll be here.. I really should write these things down...lol

4/25/03-- Well I'm 1 year & 2 days post op. To date I've lost 145#'s. I haven't lost any weight since my last post.. I've actually gone up a couple pounds.. only to come back to 232. I think I need a boost of some sort.. I hope I'm not done losing weight. I have to lose at least another 32#'s I think before I can seriously check into the tt & such.. I really really need to have it.. I itch soooo bad it's not funny.. it really sucks waking yourself up in the middle of the night only to find yourself itchin...it is sooo not a pretty sight.. powders & hydrocortizone is just not doing anything. I do see my pcp in the next 2 weeks.. hopefully he'll have a few better ideas.. Till next time...
Still haven't figured out how to add new pics yet. I did send an email to the help desk.. but nothing yet...

6/24/03--It's been 1 year, 2 months, & 1 day since my surgery. To date, I have lost 155#'s. Feeling pretty good. Recently had a consult with the plastic surgeon about my TT. I have been pretty much at a plateau.. but now I seem to be losing a little again. The plastic surgeon did submit for the approval for my tt.. so now we wait & see I guess.

7/03/03--Well.. I received my denial in the mail today for my TT. Hopefully it just means it wasn't meant to be YET. I am a little upset I didn't get the approval... it seems alot of people don't have a problem getting the tt approved... but unfortunately I have.

7/22/03--Still nothing new on my appeal... but I haven't really done anything about it yet. I have lost a few more pounds... yeah..lol bringing my loss to 160#'s gone. Hopefully more to go. I really need to add a new pic.. the one on my profile is from November... anybody have any suggestions how to add more photo's... please post in the message board or drop me an email.. thanks.

9/7/03--Not a whole lot to report.... I had my labs done on Friday & go see Dr Peters on Thursday... 9/11.. we'll see how they are. wls to date is 165#'s... still slow.. but slow is better than stopage....lol

10/08/03--Let's see.. got my labs back.. a few things on the low side... but Dr Peters wasnt too concerned. Robbie gave me a listing for suggestions to help get the levels up a little. Lost another 5#'s.. so my wls now is up to 172#'s lost.. yeahhhhh Still not quite under the radar (200) yet... I thought when I first lost 100#'s it would never happen.... but it did... so hopefully this was come soon. I have an appointment with a plastic surgeon on the 20th... hopefully some of the extra skin will be able to be taken care of with help from the insurance co... wish me luck all... I'm sure I will need it.

1/04/04--Happy 2004!! Wow.. it's been awhile since I've updated..however.. there's no news yet to update. My ins co requested add'l info from my pcp about my tummy tuck... I still haven't heard anything... I'm hoping no news is good news... but plan on making some phone calls all the same. My wls is still the same... I float from 200-205.. so my wls is 177-175#'s... and I feel good, soooooo. Now we wait... again.. lol

1/21/04--Wow.. twice in one month...lol first.. I heard back from my ins co about my tt..they want more doc about skin conditions & treatments tried & failed.... well what about all the extra skin.... this is soooo frustrating...
on a brighter note... I just returned from Phoenix, AZ from a 6 day stay. The weather was great..avg temp was 73 & sunny the whole time while it was freezin back here...lol
Any body with any info I could use on the TT would be greatly appreciated... email me please... till next time...

2/05/04--Well... I've written my appeal letter.. now we wait... yet again...and on a positive side.. I weighed in this am... and OMG>>>> I'm finally under 200#'s!! Im now at 197!! I hope it continues to come off off off...lol so now my wls since 4/25/02 has been 180#'s. Thank you again Dr Peters!!!! xoxoxo

2/13/04--Yahoooooo.. I got a call from the PS office.. I've been approved for my TT!!! The bad news... I have to wait until 4/8/04 for my 2nd consult... then find out when the actual surgery will be scheduled... but I'm approved..

4-28-04--ok ok.. so I'm not the best at posting.. but on the good side of things.. I have my date for my TT.. I'm scheduled for June 22nd. On the down side.. I'm back over 200.. I'm floating from 195-205... but healthy... still frustrating tho.. O yeah.. I almost forgot.. I had another WLS Birthday.. 4-23-04 was my 2nd Birthday.. doesn't seem possible...

6/16/04**Well the count down has begun.. just 5 more days till my TT & mastoplexy... I'm getting nervous... but at the same time.. can't wait to get rid of the extra skin.. Wish me well...

6/27/04** I'm now 5 days post op from my TT & Mastoplexy. I did come home with a drain tube from my TT. All in all everything thus far as been going well.... the "DT" is a pita... but will be worth the hassle. I also have a binder. Dr Daboni explained he had removed 12 #'s of excess skin. I will have a big smiley from hip to hip... and he did use the same incision Dr Peters created to tighten up my stomach muscles. So I pretty much have an upside "T". I go back to see Dr Daboni tomorrow so hopefully he will remove the DT... and we go from there. The pain scale they measure on a 0 -5 basis..with 0 being none & 5 the worst pain you've felt. I only had 3, 3.5... it's painful don't get me wrong.. but my mom & hubby say I have a high tolerance for pain... well crying will only make it hurt worse.... so the pain med's they first gave me were morphine.. but that seemed to make me ill... and that hurt like hell let me tell ya.. kinda like having to cough but ya don't really want to cuz it's gonnna hurt.. well being sick.. same thing just a bit more intense. So they stopped the morphine & I had demoral & vicadin.. and did come home with a script for vicadin. Well I'll post more after my visit to Dr Daboni... which did I mention he's located in Syracuse.. which is 1.5 hrs away... coming home was painful... but I'm gonna get ahead of myself & take a pain med b4 I go to help with the ride. But so far.. no regrets... I really like Dr Daboni.. but if only we can get Dr Peters to do some plastic surgery... yeah in his spare time he might say...lol Till next time..

7/11/04** Where to begin... well.. I've developed an infection on my right side...and a part of my healing incision opened up & is draining... not a pretty thing. The opening is almost 4" long & 1/4" wide. I've been in contact with the DR & have been to the office several times. I'm a worry wart by nature.. so this is definitely worrying me.. I have this gaping hole & all this infectious stuff is draining... However.. the dr has explained that the opening & the draining is a good thing with the infection.. because if it hadn't opened up on it's own.. they would of had to do an opening surgically... I also have a small opening where the "T" comes together and that also is draining... can you say lovely... so me being me... this whole experience is getting me down... when will I get better... Tuesday will be my 3rd week post op TT... I will be going to see the Dr again tomorrow. I did call this am and voice my concerns.. I feel like the problem patient.. and I hate that.. but at the same time.. I need the reasurrance. For anyone reading.. please wish me well.. On the positive side.. I have lost 15 #'s since the skin removal.. I think I mentioned that... but just something I keep reminding myself to help get rid of all the negativity I'm feeling... Till next time..

7/24/04** Well.. I've just returned home from a 4 day stay back at Crouse Hospital. The left side, the side I was worried was also becoming infected.. was just that. On Sunday am, a small spot from a stitch.."sprung a leak" and was draining. I went to see Dr Daboni Monday am.. and it was still draining pretty well.. so when he looked at it.. he ended up opening the little spot, which was a stitch.. he used his scissors & snip snip opened it up.. and the "yuckies" came POURING out. Big time infection. So I was admitted Monday afternoon & had to have mega antibiotics thru iv. So on Thursday.. he "butterflied the right side.. the side with the lovely 4.5" open wound.. it is still draining.. but with the butterflies.. it's expected to heal a bit faster...hopefully... giving me a little piece of mind also.. no more packing it. The little hole in the center I'm still packing with a 2x2... and the left side.. the side that won the stay in the hospital.. is draining a bit.. but no packing necessary.. it's just a wet to dry clean bandage with 4x4's. So I was able to come home and have to be on more antibiotics.. but hopefully everything will move forward.. not backwards. Wish me well.. Thank you Ann Marie for the kind words of encouragement. Hopefully I will be able to make the August meeting. I will keep my progress posted...

7/27/04 ** Had my follow up with Dr Daboni from being in the hospital. The left side has healed and so far no more infection from there. Now the right side with my lovely 4.5" hole... well it's clean.. no infection.. but the butterflies... sucture tape.. didn't do anything.... so 8 needles of some sort later.. he sutured 3 loose stitches to help close & heal this lovely "shark bite".. it reminds me of seeing a shark bite cuz it's rather gross all meat & yuk.. sorry... anyway... can you say OUCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it hurts like "HE double Hockey sticks to say the least". I feel like it's yet another 2 step forward to 5 backward... heal time... Dr is still saying no work till end of September... I can't imagine being out of work sooooooo long... but at the same time.... the pain I'm having.. there's no way I'd make an 8 hour day.. let alone driving. I think I'm just spoiled by the fact with my DS I had no problems at all.. and I really wasn't prepared for the "what if's"... and wholly reality has been with me since....
Well.. I think I'm done being a weint whannnn for now...lol Till next time..

8/06/04** Saw Dr Daboni today... he removed my stitches.. talk about wow.. almost an instant relief... still have the "Shark Bite".. and will for some time... that monster was hungry..lol but it is starting to heal & no infection... sooooooo. Still no work. I haven't been able to sit for any length of time.. and since I sit for 9 hours a day... not a happening thing right now. But hopefully in another 1-2 weeks possibly. No I'm not bored.. almost wishing I was better just to go back to work..lol But so far... that's where I'm at. I go back to see Dr Daboni in 2 weeks. Till then...

8/22/04 ** Saw Dr Daboni today.. "Jaws" is healing fine... and he gave me the go ahead to go back to work if I thought I was ready... so its off to work I go.

8/23/04** Back to work today.. it wasn't too bad. I was just really tired & pretty uncomfortable by time I got home.
Everyone kept telling me how good I look.. I can't see a difference... I'm thinking it's because they haven't seen me in 9 weeks.. guess I'll have to get the digital camera & get some pics & compare to the day b4 PS...

9/27/04** Well here it is... another month has gone by.. "Jaws" is almost gone.. all but 1/2" wound site left.. can't say I'll miss it when it's gone..lol Dr Daboni said everything looks just fine. We took pics for the next insurance battle for me to possibly get my thighs & bat wings... o now that was interesting.. the way they have you pose.. I was "Lmao" & even had the nurse gigglin.. talk about J E L L O.. lol then stand there.. pants around the ankles & pose & not laugh.. I don't know about anybody else.. but I found it amusing/embarrassing... so I had to LOL. Don't get me wrong.. it's a very serious issue.. and not an easy one I'm sure to go thru.. I've had a hell of a time with my TT.. but.. what was I going to do.. cry.. I choose to giggle.. sure felt better than cryin.. but anyway..
I sure hope to get to the October meeting.. its been forever since I've seen any one.. hope all are well.. till next time..

10/15/04** Well.. I almost don't believe it.. but I got approved from BCBS for my Brachioplasty (arms) & thighplasty (Thighs).. yep.. first try.. no appeals.. so I guess I'm a good poser..lol I'm still in shock.. I don't go back to see Dr Daboni until 11/23/04.. for my follow up /1st consultation.. "Jaws" is gone.. healed.. however.. I have a small spot where the "T" comes together that formed a nice little blister & broke open.. and guess what was there.. a stitch.. I'm almost thinking it was one of "Jaws" teeth..lol.. mannnn the problem I've had with these dammm disolvable stitches.. so I'm told it will work its way out.. but until it does.. it is still oozing.. I tried to pull out the stitch at the advise of the dr.. but to no avail.. I went to see my PCP who is not even a mile away..vs the trip to Syracuse aprox 100 miles away.. but it was gone. there was nothing there.. but the ooze.. and he too just recommended I keep it covered/clean & it will be just fine.
OOOOOO and before I forget.. I think I'll post this question on the main page.. but.. I got my first cold since I've had surgery 2.5 years ago.. I haven't been sick since my WLS surgery.. and this is the first cold I got.. and talk about making up for lost time.. unga bunga.. it's kicking my butt... just curious if anyone else has NOT been sick.. Well.. till next time.. Hopefully I will be posting when I will be torturing myself with the last of my surgeries.. knock on wood nothing goes wrong & I have a better recovery.. I'm just a glutten for punishment I guess... but it really needs to be done.. so I will be tough & ready & mentally prepared for the what if's this time..

1/13/05--Ok am I bad.. it's been awhile since I've last posted. I saw Dr Peter's today... you know how he gets that look when you're bad.. well.. I got the look.. My calcium & iron levels are low.. my own fault.. I've only been taking my vitamin suppliments.. no calcium... why.. brain fart I guess.. so it's calcium time & iron.. I'm enenic.. could be why I'm sooooo cold all the time.. so hopefully my system will get back on track & it won't affect my upcoming "batwing" surgery. Which is scheduled for 2/16/05.. we'll see I guess.
I hope to keep better posts.. and better care of my vitamins & such. Hope all are well.. Happy New Year to all! TTFN

2/27/05--Well I wouldn't want to confuse anyone & update too often..lol Well I had my brachoplasty "Bat Wings" done on 2/16/05. So far everything is going just fine. Dr Daboni also took care of the "Y" that wouldn't heal. Seems there were 2 sutures inside that weren't cooperating .. so he removed them.. and I also had alot of scar tissue there.. so he took care of that.. ( 2 c sections plus the WLS surgery & TT) so I have 7 stitches there.. the arms... who knows how many.. but they are dissolvables.. and knock on wood so far... no infections. The incision starts basically at my elbow... comes alll the way down under my armpit.. and down my side. I also had a bilateral mastoplaxy in June.. so he did a touch up of some more skin. The surgery was aprox 4 hours.. I was only in the hospital 24 hours.. basically an outpatient. I still have the stitches.. they come out this Thursday 3/3/05. So I will probably be back to work within a week from there.. I'll know for sure after Thursday. Till then..

3/29/05 ** Well here I am again.. 5 weeks post op & knock on wood everything has gone really well. No complications or infections.. I also received my next surgery date for my legs.. that will be May 18th... hopefully all the bad luck is behind me & that surgery will go as smooth as my arms. Hope all are well. TTFN

5/24/05F** O boy.. where to begin.. well I was scheduled for my thighplasty on 5/19/05.. along with a revision to my left arm.. there was some fluid left in there & my scar line was growing/stretching.. so Dr Daboni did a revision & now it should be ok. I also had a revision to my tummy tuck.. I had points on each of my hips.. I called them my "Madonna's" because they were almost cone shaped.. and I also had a revision to my middle.. there was alot of scar tissue there.. (that's the spot I had the pin hole that wouldn't heal because of the stitch that didn't dissolve).. and my legs... welllll seems that I had an issue with involuntary bowel movements. I guess it's not an uncommon thing.. when you're under normal people sometimes lose their bowels.. but with the DS I guess I was more sustible for it.. cuz it happened not once.. but twice. Dr Daboni stated they just got me all cleaned up & sterilized.. and it happened again.. and because of the already high risk of infection to the area... because of where it is.. he didn't want to take the chance & have my legs exposed & have bowel exposed to it.. I know nice.. real nice topic of conversation.. I think I'm beyond embarrassment at this point.. but what can you do.. But then again on the plus side of things.. Dr Daboni did do some lyposuction on my thighs.. so when he goes back in on June 20th.. my thighplasty might have a better result. So right now.. I have my arm which at first bothered me quite a bit.. but now.. my thighs are just really sore & bruised. "No Pain No Gain"... so they say.. so hopefully everything will work out.. Im sure it will. I guess I just like to take the long way around things.. I go back for my follow up on June 2nd.. so we'll see if there's anything new.. till then..

6/14/05 Well... my follow up went fine.. got my stitches out... everything was fine. I went yesterday for my follow up/pre op for the upcoming surgery on the 20th. With luck.. this will be the last of the big stuff. For some reason you'd think I'd be use to the surgery stuff.. but giving my last experience.. I'm pretty nervous actually... wish me luck.. till then..

6/28/05 O boy... where do I begin.... I came home from surgery on Friday. I was only supposed to be until like Wednesday.. but let me tell ya.. Holy SHIT.. and that's being nice.. sorry don't mean to offend anyone... but OMG!! For the first 2 days.. I couldn't even get out of bed. I have a very high tolerance for pain too.. and let me tell ya.. I don't know how people on The Health Channel or the Discovery Channel go home the same day or the next day after this surgery..let alone have your legs & arms or tummy or breasts done at the same time! I asked Dr Daboni if these people were realistic on how they go home so soon.. and he said no... he said alot of the tv doesn't even show a 1/3 of what actually happens or could happen or any complications.. they don't show that. I told him I felt like a super wimp because I've watched alot of these shows to try & help mentally prepare myself.. and HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
And of course.. once again.. I must be a glutten for punishment.. and having the issues the attempt should have better prepared me... butttttttt I was running mild fevers while in the hospital.. and wouldn't you know.. on Friday when I was discharged from the hospital.. on my Right leg... I had a spot that had opened up about an inch.. well by Saturday afternoon.. I have another 6" open. The difference with this one... there's tissue there.. so it looks nasty.. but there's something there.. where with my tummy.. there was nothing in there & it had to be packed... I mean you could physically put your hand in my wound.. the leg.. no.. we just have to basically lay the wet to dry bandage over it & keep it covered. But knock on wood.. it's not infected!!! So please keep your fingers crossed for me!!
I swear the gastric bypass surgery was nothing compared to this.. and again.. I think because I didn't have any major problems the plastic surgery part is more than evening out things. My best advise to people just researching & for those considering or waiting for Plastic Surgery.. go luck & may God bless you...
I'll keep you all posted. Thanks for reading...

6/30/05 ok... now my left leg has opened up & is bleeding & oozing. Needless to say I'm not dealing with the complications very well.. Called Dr Daboni... I'm already doing everything he's suggested.. keeping it covered/packed & clean... and I see him in the am (Friday).. happy 4th of July... goodness. It's really hard to stay focused & positive when it seems like your body is coming undone. Please keep me in all your prayers...

7/6/05 Pretty much everything is still the same...no infection...wound sites look good... still nasty as ever looking to me.. I still can't look at them without getting woozy... As of right now.. he is not going to stitch the right leg.. he said it's healing/filling in.. all I see is the big open flesh & Yuk... so we wait & see how things literally come together. I'm disappointed I will not be going back to work next week as anticipated... but there's no way I could sit for 9 hours at this point... let alone get up to discover my wounds had leaked through my clothes... that would be a nightmare.... so we wait...

7/27/05 ok.. I just posted.. hit a button (?) and it deleted my post.. unga bunga.. so here we go again... hope it doesn't dup...
"Pete & Repete" (yep I've named my wounds) are still on~board. But they're getting better. There will be a lovely scar.. similiar to the one from my TT... but as time goes by.. you really can't notice that one.. unless you're looking for it.. and "Pete & Repete" where they are... the only 2 people I can think of who would have the opportunity to study them would be the DH.. or the Gynocologist.. lol Dr Daboni told me he could fix the scaring.. but I was like... "hexing" him doing my best Vampire cross// back back.... saying o nooooo I'm done...lol he lol.. and said it wouldn't be anything like the initial surgery.. I thanked him sincerely.. and said really.. no thanks... I'm done... I just want to be healed. I hate being ill.. I'm a wimp.. the drainage.. the bandaging... the wound site... it just wigs me out. Speaking of being a wimp..lol I'm going back to work tomorrow.. Thursday the 28th... but only for 1/2 days for the first week and a 1/2. I wasn't really 100% ... but when I asked about when I should be thinking about going back.. the reply was... "when do you want to go back".. I was like.. I dunno... I want/need to go back.. but at the same time.. I was/am worried about the "What if".. he said not to worry.. If it turns out I'm not ready.. he will simply sign me back out until I'm either healed or more comfortable. So with the "Escape Route" available.. I think I'll be fine. With these ps complications.. If I don't have a "what if" plan.... I fret about the worst possible OMG's.... so this I think will be fine. I would love to honestly say with all the complications of the PS's I've had ( TT,Mastoplexy, Brachioplasty,Thigh lift, the revisions) that I wouldn't do it again.. but... after losing 200 + pounds.. and you have all that extra skin just hanging around.... I know I would. Sometimes I think the skin issue would have been ok... but I can still see it all before.. and I know.. eventually I would have it removed. It's a big self confidence issue also.. atleast it is / was for me. You lose the weight.. but then you have all that skin. Not to mention.. I was fortunate enough to have my insurance pay for all except my mastoplexy.. and that I still think if the Dr's office would have submitted it.. they would have paid.. but at the time they did not.. and if I wanted them to submit it.. they would have had to change my surgery date.. and if you're waiting for a date.. and you get one.... there's no way you're going to change your date after you've been waiting.. atleast I wasn't.. so I paid for that part out of my pocket. Ok.. I think I'm done for now.. ttfn.

8/26/05 Well.. I've been back to work now 3 weeks.. I started out only on 1/2 days.. that was a really good idea..by time Noon hit.. I was ready to go home & nap...lol The last two weeks have been ok. I was really tired though... by 7:30pm.. I was in bed out for the night. My wounds are doing fine... that are now only aproximately 1/4" wide.. if that. No more packing.. but I do keep them covered so no clothing fibers or anything gets in them... I guess I'm still paranoid of infection. I am however having a problem with my right leg being swollen. I went back to the PS & he had to use the hypo-dermic needle again to drain my leg where my dt was. That was nasty.. but it got alot of fluid out.. it's still swollen.. so I still have to be careful & keep it elevated. I also got a bright red rashy type ring right above my ankle that was a bit alarming.. So I had to be on antiobiotics again. The red has gone away.. but the swollenness is still there... when will it end.... soon I hope.... ttfn

10/28/05-- Yeahhhhhh ok if there was a bad postee award... I think I'd be in the running to win...lol but boy oh boy where do I start.. Well the leg... the right one that I've been belly~aching about finally did me in for a bit. On 10/15/05 I came home early from work (bartending) because I had the chills.. and thought I was just coming down with the flu.. well by 7pm I had a temp of 103.. so my "DH" gave me some juice & I went back to sleep.. well he came upstairs to check on me again around 9:15pm.. and my temp was up to 105.5.. he so pleasantly told me I had 3 options.. 1. I could walk to the car... 2. He would carry me... or 3. he was calling an ambulance for me to go the ER. Well knowing there was something definately wrong.. I chose option #1... so.. he called the "ER" first so they would know we were coming and just by chance maybe they would say stay home.. (yeah right temp of 105.5... temp @ 106 you can go into convulsions..) so we go to the ER.. they do all kinds of blood work.. and I mention my leg hurts... well we peel off the footed P.J's (yep footed p.j.'s I was freezing) and look at my right leg.. by my knee.. the spot that's been giving me some grief.... well "Holy Hub Caps Batman"... my leg was huge... and bright red & I didnt' think it could stretch any more if it wanted to.. Infection big time.. just looking at it.. well.. they drew blood first thing we get there... and then they checked out my leg.. ER Dr wanted to do a ct or doppler right away.. well the hospital I'm at they only do them on Tues & Thurs.. so he starts talking about transferring me to a bigger Hospital.. Binghamton is selected do to my insurance... so they call for an ambulance transfer.. but in the mean time.. my blood work comes back.. my HTH level is 6.8. Normal is 12-15. So now we have a bigger issue at hand.. where's all my blood... so I get transferred to Wilson Memorial Hosp.. get there.. they look over everything.. and Next thing I know I'm signing a release for a blood transfusion! Ok.. not cool.. I'm wiggin out.. I don't want a stranger's blood... blah blah blah... 5 pints later... my HTH is now 9.8. but in the mean time.. they looking at my leg.. deciding what needs to be done.. Sunday am.. I'm sent for a CT to determine if I have a blood clot or if it's an abcess. Abcess wins.. so Monday am.. I go in for emergency surgery to have it removed. They removed the abcess the size of a baseball... and I'm left with another lovely open wound 4.5 x 5 cm & 2.5 cm deep. So I'm in the hospital for exactly a week... they used a Negative wound Pressure machine on the site.. it promotes healing alot faster.. tube sticking out of my leg.. lovely.. and I have a Pic Line.. so I can receive iv 24/7. So I come home.. I'm supposed to have a pump waiting for me.. the company never shipped it until who knows when ... but I received it on Monday afternoon.. so I have home health nurses coming to the house to hook me up & to administer the iv. Well by Monday 10/24/05 I have a red streak going up my arm from the IV.. so that's removed & I'm taking the anitiobiotics orally.. and as of Thursday.. the wound vac is stopped due to my request... the home health nurses are supposed to change it every other day...and now want to wait 2 days in between to get me on a more convient schedule for them... wrong answer! Just remove it.. I'll pack it wet to dry myself as with the other open wounds.. so now today.. Fri 10/28/05 i go back to the Dr... to see what he says.. he may tell me hook up wound vac... yet again hopefully he will just allow the wet to dry bandages... we shall see. I swear.. it's make up for no trouble with the original DS surgery.. I've had my fill let me tell ya.. but I will keep everything posted.. thanks for reading... ttfn.

1/05/06~ Happy New Year!! Yeahhhhh you guessed it.. I post whats happening then leave ya all hanging. Well... Let's see... My right leg finally healed up nicely.. the scar line may show a bit but.. it's not so bad. But me being me.. and the luck I have.... can you guesss..... Yep started having problems with my left leg. It got all hard & you could/can feel the pocket of whatever... so I get all worked up.. call the PS and go get it checked out.. mind you this is a week & a half before X-mas.. (my luck.. it's right on schedule).. so I go to the dr.. and he gives me 2 options... 1. we can go into OR & remove it asap so we don't take any chances of a repeat performance as with the right leg.. or 2. we can numb it while I was in the office & see if we can drain it. Well.. 1 1/2 hr trip..we're there.. it's almost xmas.. don't really want to be in the hospital for the holidays... bring on the needles.. Well holy shit... can you say OUCHHHHHHHHHHHHH the dammn needles to numb me hurt like hell!! Then as he was poking me to drain the fluid.. not all was numb.. and did I about come off the table.... but on the brighter side of things.. he did get 2 full hypodermic tubes full of fluid. Didn't appear to be infectious.. it was clear not cloudy or bloody...so that was a plus... the swelling has gone down alot.. but there's still a pocket you can feel... so I go back again next week to have things checked out. ( I was supposed to go today but the PS had an emergency so they called to make sure I was ok.. and asked if I'd mind reschedling... everything is better..not 100% but I feel comfortable enough to wait another week).
But in the mean time... I got my yearly labs done... my red blood cells are still only at 10.2.. and Dr Peters is concerned with my calcium levels. Said they're low. He asked how much I was taking a day & I told him 1000mg..and he stated that was NOT enough & I along with alot of other people must not of been listening because he stated he tells everyone in the office they should be taking a minimum of 2000mg a day. I dunno.. I guess I didn't listen closely.. but I thought he said 1000mg a day.. so we will up that dosage. So anyone reading this.. if you're not taking 2000mg a day of calcium... you better start.. cuz if your calcium is low.. and you tell him you're only taking 1000mg... you're gonna hear it. Love Dr Peters.. I will truely pay closer attention. So with Dr Peters checking my labs... and my red's being low.. I mention the ER Dr on call suggested I have a colonoscopy to check to be sure I'm not losing blood internally. So Dr Peters stated he could do the test if I wanted... well.. since he's been there done that ( he did a hemoroid removal for me in 2003) I said that'd be great.. no sense tormenting someone new.. and I still don't like the idea of being poked... but.. I'll be out of it... so as long as I can't see or feel what's happening... just get it done.. and let me be better already !! lol So I'll keep you all posted. TTFN

2/04/06 Well... Dr Peters performed the colonoscopy 2 weeks ago.. and found some minor hemmoraging... so he gave me a lovely RX to help it.. well see how that works.
In the mean time.. my left leg still thinks it needs to out do the right leg. I had to go to CMC to have an Ultrasound of it..and at the same time.. they asperated it. It was a section 6" x6".. so I was thinking phewwwwwwwww finally... Yeah right. It pretty much filled up over night. So I called the PS & explained I had the asperation..and now it was back again.. so ok.. we'll make an appt & go over our options. Well... within 24 hours of speaking with him.. Wham.. all of a sudden it's infected... it's all red.. it's hot to the touch... I've got the chills.. and I'm running a fever 101.5. O boy.. here we go again I'm thinking... so hubby calls the office... gets the service.. Dr calls back... Friday am.. we're in Syracuse 9am. Get there.. first thing they do is asperate it again.. get 20cc in the office.. puts me on an antiobiotic... and says... soon as we get the infection under control... we'll need to back to the OR open it up... close off the pocket correctly... possibley put in a drain.... and stitch it up. By controlling the infection... he can stitch it like a regular wound.. otherwise.. if he has to open it while there is infection.... we end up leaving it open.. and we now know from all this lovely experience.. that means.. you guessed it... it will have to be packed... and heal from the inside out. Well it's only been a day.. and I swear it's bigger now than it was in the first place. I just want to be healthy already so I can get walking & just feel better.
So enough of me whining for now... I'll keep ya posted... and thanks for reading my dilema. TTFN

3/11/06~~ Ok.. where to begin... ok.. got the infection under control.. so I went in for surgery on 2/21/06. Everything SEEMED to have went well.. I was out the hospital by Wednesday (2/22/06) afternoon. Was only out of work for a week.. everything seemed to be moving in the right direction... Dr opened up the wound.... was able to stitch & glue it... everything seemed to be going well.... Until Thursday 3/02/06. I was at work... my leg was achy... but I didn't think too much of it.. I was really busy at work... so it was kind of in the back of my mind my leg was hurting... Well about 3pm hits.. and I just feel like crap... I'm chilled more than usual... ask a few girls if it was cold in the dept.. and they were roasting... nothing too out of the norm.. but my one girl friend says... are you ok.. you look really pale... and I'm thinking.. ok.. flu.. (dahhhhhhhhhhhhhh how many times have I've been through this... you'd think I'd know right away...) Yeah right..
I get home about 6ish.. and go right to bed.. well.. get undressed.. and look at my leg... the Holy Shit slaps me right in the face. The lower part of the incision (closest to my knee) as opened about an inch.. and the back part has also opened about 1.5"s its flaming red.. and draining. So me being me.. whiggs out.. Call for the DH... (who this man deserves a medal for all he's done & put up with me.. I truely am blessed to have him in my life) . So we call Dr Deboni's office (in Syracuse).. and get the service.. it's after hours.. He calls us back.. says ok... get a RX refill.. keep it covered.. and do a "wet to dry" pack.. keep it covered.... it should be ok. So I'm home all day Friday in bed.. have it up... have it packed.. & covered... it's still red... but ok have to give the RX time to work. Well... now it's Sunday am... get up.. it's pretty sore.. go to change the bandage.. and its opened up more... so.. You guessed it.. I'm a mess... Hubby gets me calmed down.. he calls Dr Deboni... ok.. be in Syracuse first thing Monday am.. unless we feel we need to meet him in the ER... Ok..we can wait another 24 hours.. so Monday am.. we head to Syracuse. Get to the office (which is right across the St from Crouse Hospital).... and he says.. we need to get antiobiotics by IV & keep a close watch to see what's happening. So I get admitted on Monday. Tuesday am... it's opening more... so Dr Deboni told me... what he will more than likely have to do.. is open the whole incision up.. and see what's happening.. but we'll wait 12 hrs & see. Well he comes back later to check on the wound.. and with a q-tip... he enters the top part of the incision.. and can go almost to the other end (toward my knee).. so there's a pocket again. So he tells me he needs to open it up.. otherwise.. it may tear itsself open.. or if it were to heal with that pocket still there.. we'd be back to square one. So Wednesday am... he comes & opens the incision back open. OMG!!!! I thought I was whigged before... HAAAAAAAA Holy Shit.. and that's not even a strong enough word. Definately something not for the weak stomach minded person to witness! I have an open incision about 12" long.. by 3.5" deep. Nastiest thing I've ever seen... nothing on the Discovery Channel Shark attack week comes close to what this looks like. Hubby took a pic of it so next week.. when I'm still whining "it's never going to heal" he can show me the last week and this week comparison... I look at the pic.. and just start crying! I mean I can see it.. cuz I'm the one packing it... but really unless you were to put your head basically between your knees... you really can't see the whole thing... where as if someone else were packing it.. they'd see it.. but because I'm doing it.. I see it.. but... then look at the picture... and the "Holy Shit" factor takes over.. I'm just not dealing with it all that well. So.. that's where we're at.. this point in time. Not a fun place to be.. but on a positive note.. I've lost 7 pounds.. probably because all that fluid is not building up.. never can complain about losing a few more pounds.. but dammmmmmmmm definately not the way I'd prefer to get down a few more pounds.
Wish me well... and keep me in your prayers.. I'd really appreciate that. Thanks for reading... ttfn

5/10/06~~ Well..the incision if just about healed. No more packing... and I'm no longer covering it with a bandage. It still is visable & has a light scab 2" long.. but nothing like before. I see Dr Deboni in a week & a half.. no real worries...knock on wood. There will be quite the scar however. He did tell me he could touch it up in the office.. but I'm not exactly sure what that will entail... so I will have to ask more questions.
On another note.. all of a sudden it seems like I have all this extra skin that just wants to wiggle around. I don't know if it's because I'm finally healing & everything is relaxing now.. but I have a good hand full of skin I can grab from my belly... and I have a fair amount of skin on my back. I mentioned this previously w/ Dr Deboni.. but he said we won't even discusss anymore possible surgeries until next year with all I've been through. I'm not ready for more at this point in time myself actually.. but down the road.. I think 1 more time.. we'll see.
On yet another note.. my mom is ill. The Dr's at first thought she had a stroke.. but upon ct's & an MRI.. they discovered she had an aneurism.. and had to operate. She came out of the surgery ok.. but will now have alot of PT. She has slight slurred speech.. and seems to get confused easily now. Hopefully all will heal in time.
Thanks yet again for reading my profile... and keep me & my mom in your prayers. ttfn

11/12/06 Wow what a surprise to see all the changes on OH. I've been playing with some of the options.. hopefully I can spiff up my profile/story to make it more colorful.. but I haven't gotten that far yet.

Well on Tuesday 11/14/06 I'm going back in for more PS. Yep.. I'm serious. I know I know.. I was just reading my previous posts on how I was done blah blah blah..lol but this back skin.. just is not pretty.. and my Ins is going to pay for it.. so It's coming off. With this surgery.. I'm really nervous because of all the issues I've had in the past.. but I'm hoping because I'm aware of what could or MAY happen.. I'm a little bit more prepared. At least I'll know what to expect. One of my fears is .. this surgery because it's on my back.. I will be face down. Now I'm not sure when it's done if I'll have to sleep face down.. but I'm a "back sleeper"... so we'll see how that goes. I'll keep ya all posted... Wish me well.



5/22/07 Holy cow.. it's been a year since I've posted.. am I badddddddddddddd. lol  And how could I forget to post on my WLS Birthday.. which was 4/23/02.. so It's been 5 years since my WLS Surgery.. again.. I can't Thank Dr. Peter's enough.. Luv ya Doc!!!

Well.. everything is going fine.. no infections.. I still have a problem w/ my right leg swelling now & then.. but w/ a support stocking it seems to help control it. But other than that.. no issues.. I think I've had enough issues.. lol

I did have my eyelids done in March.. was in & out in a day.. no complications what so ever.

I finally joined a gym back in February.. that's helped alot. I've lost 12#'s.. just toning up some skin. It's amazing.. after all the PS I've had.. and w / losing a little bit more weight.. how floppy my skin seems. So the gym is helping. It's just hard getting there more than 2'xs a week.. it's a good 35 minutes away from me.. I live in "East Ba~Jesus"..lol but it's ok.

Hope everyone is well.... TTFN

1/13/09 wow.. I can't believe how time flies.. almost 2 years since my last post!  Sorry Doc.. I know I said O I'll always keep my profile update.. and look.. its been a year & a half!  But with not posting.. it's kinda a good thing.. no complications.. still feel great.  My weight goes up & down 5-10 lbs.. but I'm between 160 & 170  vs 377.. so I'm very happy with the outcome!   I do want to come to a support meeting.. I'll have to get my butt in gear & call Robbie to see if they're still the 1st Wednesday of each month.. and where they are located.
I hope everyone is well.. and wish everyone a great 2009.

About Me
Lanesboro, PA
Surgery Date
Jan 27, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Feb 10, 2002
