That CAN'T be right.......

Jan 04, 2010

   I have Hashimoto's and went off my meds for the last 3 months....WHY?? I have no idea....but the good news is that I went back to my endocrinologist yesterday. I had my blood taken and sent off to the labs and will soon be back on my medication. He was the first doctor that I talked to about having the Gastric Sleeve done in February. I was worried that because of the Hashimoto's, that I wouldn't be successful. He was very supportative and felt that with the right dose of medication and my commitment to the WLS, that I would do great!! The bad news is that when I stepped on the scale, I weighed 14 lbs heavier! That can't be right... I just keep gaining..... I have been really down since then, but trying to be positive at the same time. After is just around the corner. I am experiencing the " what if the sleeve doesn't work on me." I find myself doubting MYSELF!  I have blocked off January 15th as "THE" day to start off my journey. That is when I will put myself on my own pre-op diet. I just want to wean myself off of soda's, starbucks, carbs and sweets and start focusing on more protein intake and a low calorie intake. I want to prove to myself that I CAN do this by losing as much weight as I can before my surgery.  Wish me luck and pray that this black cloud of doubt will leave me forever!! 


About Me
Dallas, TX
Surgery Date
Nov 02, 2009
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