what a day

Oct 26, 2010

okay I came home last night at 6;30 p.m from a staff meeting and there was a message from Julie asking me to return her call ..... the first thing I thought was OMG they cancelled my appointment!!!!  Iphoned back and left a message for her to call me. That night I read some books about wls very good info So the next day at 11:45 I get the call from Julie saying that my surgery would be on the 8. my mouth flew open in shock........ I then said well that means  I will have to start the pre-op diet now today and she said yes. we talked about my pre-op dr. appt and I directed her to the dr. that had performed it.  she said she would get back to me by the end of the day.. So at around 2:20 she called back and said that they have decided to leave the surgery on th 16.  I have to say that was fine by me.

I have to say that I am getting scared, afraid of death and dying. I find myself looking at the kids wondering if anything
happens if they will be okay? they are so young and I love  them so much. WHAT AM I DOING????  I plan on spending lots of time with them and hugging them as much as I can. I think that this maybe part of the process?

That all for now


About me

Oct 23, 2010

well lets see I have been overweight my whole life. I am 33 and have 3 young boys who i love more than anything. I have a huge family history with type 2 diabetes and lost 2 aunties who were only in their 40's very scary.    I have managed to lose some weight but was never able to keep it off long term. I finally had enough and decided in 2008/09  to ask my Dr. about  wls.  The first few responses was that my bmi was not high enough.In the fall of 2009 I was diagnosed with type II diabetes she re-wrote the letter and I received a appointment date for June 2012.  My Dr. heard about the program in Manitoba and referred me.  I received the call in August and the appointments where all lined up.  So that brings us to the current day!! 

that all for now


Phoned and found out the day

Oct 22, 2010

so I phoned Julie after waiting over a week to hear something or anything. The day that I have been waiting a while to hear is November 16, 2010 sounds like a great day to me!! I was given  3 weeks notice  2 of which will be used to do the pre-op diet which consists of 2 shakes 1 bar and 2 cups of veggies a day. We are also allowed diet pop, low cal drinks, sugar free jello. I have to tell you though I was very happy when I was told that I could still have coffee even if i can only have 2 teaspoons (approx) of skim milk but hey, could be nothing at all. So for the next week I am going to make sure that I cook my favorite foods and enjoy them,.in moderation of course( that is so funny to say that)I do live 4 hours out of the city so I was really glad that I had already purchased the shakes and bars, (which came out to 180.00 something) otherwise it would have been another drive for me.



About Me
Aug 23, 2010
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