Denied and looking for alternatives!! :(

Apr 28, 2009

Ok so those who have applied to OHIP lately know what I am talking about....things are getting tough to have surgery of choice.  I have too many opinions on this, so I won't bother boring you with the details  lol

Since I am a "healthy" mobidly obese person (oxymoron much??!!)....I don't really have anything to appeal with :(    I am not diabetic, I do not have HTN or cardiac problems (that I know of).....So little ole me with  my sleep apnea, big belly, edematous lower legs and aches and pains, does not really stand a chance with an appeal.

Had I moved on this last year...I would be laughing now as I would be more than 100lbs lighter, but only having found out about DS and OOC being a reality/possibility and NOT being aware of the changes coming to OHIP...I messed myself up.

Whatever.  I have other stuff going on and had not been on here much after being laughed at for wanting OOC forms filled out for RNY by my original doc.  SO that being said, I let him get the best of me and the jokes on me anyway!!

Moving on from that whole mess....Iwas going to reapply to OHIP for VSG when I found out I have been given the option of self pay as a loan...The loaner would like to see only one surgery in my future and the best chance for me to lose as much weight as I can with the one surgery...that surgery being DS.    VSG = potential revision later on to lose more weight & RNY = same thing....both fear of regain :(    Therefore, why not self pay?

This being said, now to find out if my current doc (who DID fill out my OOC forms) will help me with everything on this end.  I am not sure how this works but I am hoping he is least enough to help out...the rest I can do on my own. 

All I am looking for a is someone who is willing to help me with pre op and follow up care and since he was willing to do that as it was, what has changed, right?  lol  Yeha's to hoping!!

I have my doubts...but we'll see.  I have not yet bit the bullet to call him and ask him for fear of losing all hope doing this and having to go back to OHIP...for potential denial again :'(

Wishing life were simpler!!

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