Jul 29, 2014

I suppose this update is LONG overdue. I had my Lap Band Surgery in Feb 2009 and now a little over 5 years later, I find myself a down little over 248lbs weighing in at a NICE and HAPPY!


I have been INSPIRED…

Jun 15, 2009

Well I have to say that this past weekend at the OH conference here in the good old windy city was so much fun I just can’t wait till the next one. Next time you all see me I will have my sexy ON!!!  As I know I’ll be quite smaller by then….. Cheers to all of us for our success……  

How inspiring!!!!!! to meet every one and hear so many different stories.  How wonderful to feel such a connection with people I have never met but share so much in common.


          I walked away with something rather unexpected from the conference….. I now have a deeper passion then ever to help others win the fight over obesity.  As I explained too many of you I am currently taking Nutrition Classes in hopes of making a career change that will allow me to do that…. But since the conference I am even more committed to educated, inform, and inspire others… So watch what I do next.  I promise to post when I have more information to share with you.


1 comment

Something from the Gray Matter

Jun 14, 2009

For months I have been trying hard to find a way to describe how I feel since surgery.

I am now four months post-op and I can’t believe it.. The time went by so quickly. But, here I am… I can’t believe that a year ago April I was 418 pounds.. and here I am 270’s??? some where in there. I don’t feel like a different person honestly I don’t,, though to talk to people around me you would think that was the case. But, I feel more a sense of freedom that I haven’t felt in a LONG TIME…. Suddenly life seams possible. I want to experience new things. I want to educate myself. I want to give more to others. Suddenly just being here is not enough.. I WANT TO LIVE… I want experience life.  



Oct 21, 2008

Well 6 mo have passed and to day was my last appointment with the dietitian.. Since starting with her I have met my goal for insr and srgry. I am well on my way to and happier healthier self. I am very proud of myself................................

HOLLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 04, 2008

TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is a milestone.

I am amazed....

So far the supervised diet has been very exciting.. I am down nearly 70 pounds. Soon it will be time to send in the paperwork to get insr approval. But, today is a PROUD moment.

TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am down 4 sizes since May when I started this journey. And TODAY I am waring the pair of jeans that started this whole thing. Back in my when I noticed my favorite pair of jeans did not fit, I made a promise to myself that instead of buying NEW JEANS, I was going to get a SMALLER WAIST. As of TODAY,, that has happened Today I am waring those jeans. The fit,, they are actually LOOSE.

TODAY!!!!!!!!!! I can finally see the finish line.

GOING ON TOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 02, 2008

I have,, been contacted by a booking agent out in LA who wants to book me for 7 nights at the famous COMEDY SHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I played there several years ago... and had SUCH A GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! Time. They told me to let them know when I AM FREE and they would love to get me on the schedule.. I really want to do it. But, do I want to do it NOW While Im still FAT or do I want to wait till next Summer when I am MUCH THINNER. Either way I have the material. But, do I want to be SEXY?? or do I want to be FLABBY?? and when can I get away???
I will have to figure it out.


Sep 18, 2008

How does "FAT MAN" the Musical sound? A friend of mine from the IMPROVE community have come up with the concept of a new project called, "FAT MAN" the musical. No details but the ENTIRE cast will be FAT. Watch for the updates to come later.

12 pounds in a week???????????? WHAT??

Sep 13, 2008

I went to my weekly Weight Watchers meeting... SHOCK is the word. I did increase my workout efforts this month in hope of have some bigger losses.. I wasnt ready for this.
When I got on the scale at Weight Wathers this morning at 9:00 showed that a had lost 12 pounds this week.. Now I didnt believe it so I told the lady to start over twice and what do you know each time still 
           12 pounds that means that on my own with our surgery I have lost about 61 pounds since June??? Now I have to decided to I take this to the limit an risk maybe having the insr co turn down my claim or start to slow it down a little?? Ive never had this problem before.

And the AVOLANCH STARTED HOW??????????

Sep 09, 2008

As posted below. I had a binging weekend. I eat just about NOTHING good for me I even drank ALCOHAL  and lots of it. The problem started with My "2nd City" reunion. I went with no game plan and LOST CONTROLL..
All of my performing buddies from the famous '2nd City" came to town for our annual reunion. There were many well known names there most of who I had worked with or taken classes with MANY YEARS AGO. This weekend was about performing and THE PARTY of course. So I PARTIED,, and performed...  I did fine until Saturday night when MARLA WALSH my good friend (she's a jewish lady from the North-shore) provided the food for out cocktail recption. I was doing fine at the party though HUNGRY, and tempation was staring me in the face all night for a while anyway, I just kept my sights on the LOW CAL end of the table... But, then suddenly like out of no where... I spotted MARLA'S Matza Balls. (Matza Balls Stuffed with goates cheese rolled in Panco and DEEP FRIED in PEANUT OIL!!!!!!!!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek.) Well I said I would have one.. Then about four-six glasses of White wine later I noticed that I had forgotten what I was doing and well relised I had popped about 15 in my mouth. Well okay 20. So that started the roll down hill from there the rest of the weekend just seamed to become a free for all.. I lost my head.
Next time I go to an event like that I have to plan better to keep myself under controll. So all though UPSET when I finnaly came up from the BUFFET for air I have learned something from it and will no better next time.
I went to a Weight Watchers meeting to confess. Surpizingly I gained only 1/2 pound.  So I guess I didnt do as much damage as I had thought.

I tripped..

Sep 07, 2008

 I have been very good for the past 3 months and have been extremely proud of my success thus far. Until today, I have only had a few mild moments of weakness.. I have cheated now and then with small things. A cube of cheese, a peace of lunch meat, a peace of chocolate. Today,, however I binged.. I dont know what the trigger was. This morning it started with a beagle. by lunch time I had had a McDonald's hamburger, a bag of gummy bears, a bag of pretzels, 2 hard boiled eggs with mayo for dipping, and a non diet sugar filled LARGE coke. Im feeling guilty right now. Im afraid to get near the scale and afraid to go to my Weight Watchers meeting next weekend.  I HATE this feeling.
But, I guess tomorrow will be a new day. I hope I have the strength to fight the urges.

About Me
Woodstock, IL
Surgery Date
Apr 29, 2008
Member Since

Friends 35

Latest Blog 32
HOLLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!
GOING ON TOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12 pounds in a week???????????? WHAT??
And the AVOLANCH STARTED HOW??????????
I tripped..
