One Month Post-op - Happiness and Anger

Jan 18, 2010

I can hardly believe I am already over one month post-op!  I went to my one-month appointment with my surgeon yesterday, and he was very happy with my progress... 26 pounds down since surgery, and 40 overall.  My pulse was drastically lower, and my blood pressure was normal for the first time in years!  I feel like a whole new woman.  I can't wait to see the changes when I get further out from the surgery, because I already feel better than I have... well, ever!  What a powerful decision this was for my life!  My tastes have changed completely too.  I love baked fish and steamed cauliflower the very best, two things I never would have touched before.  What a difference!

The only downside of this whole process relates to my job.  I teach music at two different elementary schools.  I requested the time off for my procedure and my follow-up appointments from the school board, and they approved it.  However, my principals seem to be extremely passive-aggressive about me missing so many days.  I chose to do the operation right before Christmas break so I would only miss one week instead of two or three.  I thought this was the right decision, but ever since, I have been paying dearly for it.  I am on a "growth plan," which basically means my bosses don't think I'm capable of doing my job.  The only basis for this plan is the fact that I had a sub for five days (even though they were approved).  Now they are in my classroom every day, observing my every move.  I have to run my lesson plans by the district fine arts coordinator every week.  Worse yet, I told the principals the nature of my procedure and asked for confidentiality... but now, everyone knows.  I have had to deal with snide comments IN FRONT OF THE STUDENTS.  I don't think I will be keeping my job at the end of the year, that's for sure!  Work stinks right now.  I sit on my bed in the morning and feel like crying when I think about coming to work.

On the upside of everything, I have my health.  That definitely counts for a lot, in my book.  No matter where I go or what jobs I have, I will be active and healthy now.  Is it worth it?  I think so.  I'm just paying dearly in the meantime. 


About Me
Henderson, NV
Surgery Date
Oct 22, 2009
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