2 years 3 months POST

Sep 14, 2009

Busybusymom is back and still busy with 3 kids going 12 directions.  Fortunately, since my WL, I can keep up with them...most of the time.  I'm still wearing all my same skinny clothes from the summer 2008 when I was at my peak of lost weight, and at 1 year out feeling great momentum.  Back then I was taking TaeKwonDo and exercising regularly, and barely ever bending a rule.  1 more year out, and the story is a little bit different.  I'm still smart with most of my choices at meal times.  I look for protein first and small portions.  Busy life sometimes undermines me when I haven't been to the grocery store and only carbs are hanging out around the house.  Also, I rediscovered ice cream (a little too much ice cream) and that's something I need to forget about again.  Gained around 10 lbs this summer after over a full year of maintaining a really great weight level.  TIME to get back on track and renew old GOOD HABITS instead of the old bad ones.

I'm motivated!! Our 20 year anniversary is coming up 2 months and I'm determined to squeeze or maybe even slide into my old dress for the day.  Can squeeze in if I lose my 10 lbs gained, and can slide in if I get busybusy and lose all the way down to my goal weight which was just about 8 more pounds.  So, 18 pounds in 2 1/2 months.  I'm going to GO FOR IT!

Jump starting with a liquid diet for a week or two just like before surgery, then going to get back in the post-up mindset.  

Follow the rules!!  
No drinking and eating at the same time.  

Little bites on little plates.  

Mentally tell myself that unhealthy food is gross. "Eeewww..., why would anyone want to eat a greasy slice of yucky, slimey, gonna clog up your system, not even particularly interesting piece of pizza, even though the kids think it's a slice of heaven."  
Drink water, favorite herbal teas, more water.  
I am thirsty, NOT hungry!

Use Fitday.com.  That was a big helper before, and

Get inspiration from OH.com.

I did it BEFORE, I can do it again!!  And this time it should be even TONS easier.That's gonna be my mindset, at least!  Being positive always helped me before.  


10 months

Apr 14, 2008

Feeling great.  Slow losing this month, but stall broke last week.  Visited doctor, and they adjusted my goal weight up a few pounds for my frame.  I'm wearing size 8 pants and even some small tops.  I'm only 10 pounds from their goal, although I'll still try to go for a few more.  

Non-Surgical Victories this month...
- Ran in to store and bought cute bathing suit in less than 20 minutes.
- Started yoga and pilates and more regular exercise routine
- At doctor visit, they measured that I have lost over 18 inches around my waist since the beginning.
- Everyone tells me I look younger.  So, looking younger at 47 than I did at 37.

Had 2 incidents of foamies this month.  First time that happened.  Need to continue to be careful about eating fast.

9 months

Mar 27, 2008

9 months out and feeling great!  Size 10 skirt is so loose, and I just bought it!  I've crossed the 100 lbs lost mark just this week.  It's hard to believe I actually got there.  I'm still motivated to keep going all the way to by skinny goal.  It's going to take more exercise and keeping vigilant about what I eat. 

Feel like I'm 10 years younger in just 9 months.  Praise the Lord for helping me to find this surgery and for all the support I've had to regain my health.  The VSG got me over the hump.  This board gave me confidence and encouragement.  Fitday taught me to manage the details.  My family loved me through this and helped me tremendously.  I feel like a little miracle has been worked in my life.  I've been positive and committed through the process, but it's been SO EASY in comparison to my other struggles in the past with losing even 5 pounds.  I can't take credit for having will power or strength or wisdom over this challenge.  It has been simply an answered prayer, and again I say "Praise the Lord".  Let me use my renewed health for His Glory.

8 month surgiversary

Feb 26, 2008

8 months since my surgery day,  Feel great.  No regrets at all.  No problems that I'd really consider to be problems.  I take 2 viactiv chewable vitamins, 2 citrical calicum chews, 1 Vitamin D, and an occasionnal sublingual B12.  Starting Vitamin A this week after low test results, and will get back on Zocor for cholesterol (which has been high since I was thin).  Some weeks I'm better about exercise than others.  Know that I need to follow the rules about water, exercise, and protein to make the final finish on my WL an overwhelming success.  Herbal teas during the day help me while I'm working at computer or driving in the car.

Still don't feel hunger like pre-surgery!!  Only a few times in the last several months where I felt the munchies, and it was usually because I stayed up too late or ate too small of meals and mixed fluids too soon throughout the day.  Getting back on track is much easier than every before.  Using fitday and this board is my support group.  I can't underemphasize what an important role those 2 tools have played in my success.  

3 more gone! Slow but steady

Feb 25, 2008

It's been slow, but discovered 3 more pounds gone  over the weekend!  I could tell my clothes were feeling more loose.  Imagine how it would be if I had been exercising these last 2 weeks.  I'm charging ahead!  Been lax on some of the rules like drinking enough and a few too many snacky carbs.  But, my journey is not complete.  This is just the home stretch and I need to keep focused.  

Girl Scouts cookies have invaded the house since I'm the leader and cookie mom.  I've been SO GOOD so far.  Not even 1 cookie.  Next year this time, I'll try them again.  But, I'm adding no GS cookies to my Lenten promises.  No GS cookies.  No GS cookies.  Gotta sell them fast so I don't have 100+ boxes staring me in the face.  

Still on track and feeling good

Feb 18, 2008

I'm still on track and feeling good.  Been in a slow WL mode for the last several weeks, but my clothes are fitting more loosely, so I feel good about that.  Not being quite as vigilant about keeping track on my water intake and occassionally taking snacky bites in between meals which is not a good habit to fall back in to.  Exercising a few times a week, but should bump that up at notch if I want to make my Feb 29th goal.  I'd be content if I never lose these last 20+ pounds, but wouldn't it be great if I did.  Might need a personal trainer or something to help me get to that milestone.  I need some muscle to help burn those last pounds.  I'm thinner, but pretty soft and squishy.  With clothes on, noone call tell, but bathing suit weather is coming.  I need some muscle tone.

People who haven't seen me in a several months, go into shock and say I look SO different and younger.  Sometimes I have to explain about my surgery when I'd prefer not to, but I'm pretty much over the embaressment of discussing it.  I tend to talk more about how I eat protein first and manage my intake closely using fitday. 

keeping momentum

Jan 29, 2008

Gotta keep the momentum going.  Feeling great.  Size 12 pants feel good and not tight any longer.  Earned my orange belt in Taekwondo last night.  Actually interested and wanting to exercise now that the weather is not artic outside.  Really want to hit my next goal by my birthday.  Then my final goal by my 1 year anniversary.  I'm thinking I can do it.  Seemed like a pipe dream not that long ago.  Hubby has lost 20 pounds using fitday, low carb, and following my example for smaller portions.  His enthusiasm here at the beginning of his WL journey is a good reminder for me to keep my momentum and stick to the rules that will help me lose more and maintain.  Life's stress is easier to handle when you are healthy too.  Need to drink, drink, drink!!  Always have good food options around the house, weigh and use fitday daily, go to bed before the late night snack habit nags at me, and focus on cementing these new better health and eating habits for LIFE.  I'm doing pretty good here, but old habits can re-emerge if new habits are not strong enough. 

Great Day!

Jan 18, 2008

Great Day!

Went to aerobics for the first time.  It's a low impact, rocking to the oldies kind of class, but it was just my speed.  I remembered how to do the grapevine, broke a little sweat, and didn't feel like a total spaz since I was the young chick-a-dee of the bunch at 46 years old.   Not a geriatric crowd, but everyone was 50+ including a few men.  We did a bunch of floor work and weights at the end, and tons and tons of stretching.  It was just what I needed.  The instructor is about 4'10", probably in her 60s has a bunch of positive energy.  She's my new hero.

After that, I went for a detox body wrap to celebrate the 5 pounds I had lost since Christmas.  I got on the scale beforehand, and the day for even better!... I lost 2-3 MORE pounds!  It's been really slow losing lately.  So, that was a wonderful surprise.  Now that exercise this morning could NOT have made a difference that quick, but I feel like it was my little reward.  

Detox wrap was relaxing, but the jury is still out on whether is will be as helpful at the Power wrap I did before.  I supposedly lost inches during the wrap, but I gage it more by how my clothes feel.  These size 12 pants are getting more comfortable already.  

I'm also thinking about joining the masters swim program for a early morning work-out.  I'm at this stage where I need to try a variety of things to find out what really works in my schedule and appeals to me with regards to exercise.  Just a GREAT DAY!

Clothes noticably looser, but scale stuck

Jan 16, 2008

Need to find that tape measure.  My clothes are noticably looser.  I wore the size 12 pants yesterday that were "way too tight" less than a week ago, and they were snug, but zipped up without any problems.  Tried on some clothes at Macy's and even some of the Large tops were droopy on me.  I can handle a Medium if the fabric is not too clingy.  I can't quite figure out what style looked best on me, so I didn't buy anything.  I want to avoid the "all black" look I wore before, but I don't want to look like a 46 year old pretending to be a teenager either.  

My fitted 16 pants are looking droopy and too big.  I've really only got about 3 pairs of pants and 5 shirts that fit me, and everything looks a little big on me.  It's  time to go shopping, I guess.

Getting another body wrap to maybe help ease the transition to size 12 pants.  Why buy 14s, when 12s are just around the corner?  

Sure would like to see that scale bump down a few pounds.  I'm ready to see another 3 pound jump.  I've been patient, following the rules, and staying positive.  I'm ready for the pay off though.  

TaeKwonDo is fun with my daughters.  I did trip and fall yesterday during the side step runs.  My dumb ankle just got caught on the rubber mat and I landed squarely on my knee and bad hip.  Got a bruise and a little soreness today, but seems like I escaped without injury.  It scared me a bit.  Mostly, I know that a fall like that 6 months ago could have been a serious problem.  

I'm getting focused on exercise now as the WAY to lose the rest of my excecss weight.  I can't let up on using Fitday.com either.  My husband has lost 14 pounds just using fiday the past 2 weeks.  I'm happy for him.  He can lose weight just thinking about skipping 3rd helpings.  It's nice to have him on board eating healthier now that I'm past the 6 month mark though.  I don't need the carb temptations around the house.  Kids are ticked that there are no treats around except fruit.  Poor sugar deprived babies.  I think they will survive though.

Scale moving again!!

Jan 06, 2008

Scale moving again!! Yippee!  It dipped into the 150s a few times, but I'm going to wait a few more days before I update my ticker to reflect that.  My skinny jean skirt feel loose. A good friend who hasn't seen me in 6 months said I looked SO MUCH younger, and that she never remembers me looking this thin. 

Kids are all back in school starting tomorrow, and exercise program gets ramped up tomorrow too.  

Did discover that my stomach does not like popcorn though.  I ate a little boy scout popcorn before bedtime and spit it up later than night.  It's wasn't bad, but that's the first time that has ever happened, so it's enough to swear me off of popcorn.  It's something I can live without,

Battling late night snacking a bit.  It's not from hunger though.  It's more boredom and staying up too late again.  Need to just make myself go to bed by 10:00. 

About Me
Apr 15, 2007
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 68
10 months
9 months
8 month surgiversary
3 more gone! Slow but steady
Still on track and feeling good
keeping momentum
Great Day!
Clothes noticably looser, but scale stuck
Scale moving again!!
