One Year

Mar 16, 2010

Well one year ago today I weighed 400 lbs (I think...thats where my scale stopped and it read an error, so maybe a little more).  I woke up that morning and drank a protein shake for breakfast.  For two weeks I drank protein shakes and ate broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, the green veggies I was allowed to have during my pre-op diet.  I lost 24 lbs pre-op.  Since then I've lost an additional 108 pounds, for a total of 132.  I feel great.  I completed a physical fitness test last night and I ran a 9min 18 sec. mile.  I was thrilled.  The weight loss has almost completely stopped, but I don't care.  I feel great, and I'm healthy! Thats all I care about.

Century Club

Jul 29, 2009

I'm so excited to report that I am now a member of the Century club!  I climbed on to a real scale today and 300 was slightly too heavy, so I bumped it back to 299.8, and there it was, balanced.  I was so excited.  Great 4 month surgi-versary present!

Haven't Posted in a while

Jul 11, 2009

So it has been quite a while since I posted.  I have had great success so far.  I'm sooooo excited to say that I am only 8.2 lbs away from 100 lbs lost!!!  I will at that time be in the 200's for the first time since my Junior year in high school.  Today I am smaller than I was when I finished my junior year in high school.  The past few weeks I have been stuck at 318, but I finally started losing again.  I got down to 311, and then thanks to the help of a stomach bug, I made it to 308.2.  I could gain some of that back as I rehydrate.  I can't wait to see a 2 as the first number on the scale!!!  My first big thrill was to be able to weigh on my parents' scale.  It has a max weight of 350 and its been 3 or 4 years since I could weigh there.  It hasn't been easy...but its all worth it...299 here I come!

Already hit a plateau!

Apr 14, 2009

Well I'm 2 weeks and 2 days out from surgery.  After an awesome 44 lb weight loss starting with my pre-op, I have hit my first plateau.  I gotta say, even though I was expecting it, I wasn't expecting it 2 weeks from my surgery date.  I had a 2 lb. weight gain for no reason, and then I've been stuck there for 2 days.  I'm going to keep going with it and I know I'll start losing again.  I'm just wanting big losses quickly!  But patience is a fruit of the spirit!  


Apr 06, 2009

Well, I've never written a blog before, but wanted to update anybody who was wondering.  My surgery went well and I came home 2 days later as planned.  I had a lot of pain from gas but other than that was doing fine, although it is difficult to down those wonderful tasting clear protein drinks!  Saturday around lunch time I had my first bowel movement and it was nothing but blood.  I wasn't too concerned because I was told to expect some blood. After the second one I called the doctor.  They told me to moniter and see if it continues.  It continued all afternoon Saturday and they had me come to the ER Saturday night.  My hemoglobin was fine and all my vitals were good. I was admitted and an endoscopy was done Sunday morning.  They found that I have a bleeding ulcer.  The seam where my pouch connected to my small intestines was ulcerated and was bleeding.  In the words of my surgeon it looked like ground beef...This they tell me is actually pretty good because it can most likely be fixed with medicine.  I am currently being treated with carafate, a liquid that lines the stomach and coats the ulcer.  The bleeding has greatly subsided and is minimal now.  Thanks be to God!  I have to remain on clear liquids two extra days until my follow up appointment.  Hopefully then I'll be able to switch to pureed.  I've lost 34.6 lbs to date since I started my pre-op.  Thanks to everyone for your support.

About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 15, 2008
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 5
