The wait is over...Revision from Lap to RNY complete!

Apr 29, 2009

Hi Everyone,

I had my revision surgery on 4/21 from the Lap Band to RNY. It went really well, the only issue is that I seem to have developed a seroma at one of my incision sites that continues to want to drain. What a pain!

I'm still feeling a bit tired here and there. I am hopeful that RNY works much better than the Lap Band did. It slipped and caused me so many issues, that I am glad to be rid of it. I do want to emphasize though that many people are successful with the Lap Band and it really is a very personal decision. If I had known then (5yrs ago) what I know now, I would have never chosen it in the first place because it's very high maintenance and not as high of weight loss. But nothing ventured, nothing gained.

So, now I begin the new journey of the RNY. If anyone out there has a similar story of revision, I'd love to know how you are doing.


Hurry up & Wait !!

Feb 14, 2009

So, I had my consultation with the surgeon about 2 weeks or so ago. After having another UGI, it was determined that my band has slipped - I have a prolapse. I've also been told that I have a hernia as well. Dr. U, took out all the saline in my band. Now I can eat. I have heartburn and nausea more now, probably due to the slipped band. Alta Bates is working on approval now. I have Healthnet, Hill Physician's. My case manager has been great, very proactive and couldn't be nicer.

The surgeon's report and request for revision approval should have been submitted now. It doesn't appear that I'll have to go through the whole process again of psych appt, nutrition, etc in order to get a surgery date so that's great.

I sometimes feel that I should have been able to do this on my own. Why can't I lose the weight on my own. But I have tried for so long. The lap band was supposed to have taken care of it, and instead it's been a nightmare. I want to be clear that my lap band story isn't everyone's and anyone who may be thinking of choosing the lap band should still consider it. It just didn't work for me. The adjustments were never right, I have been constantly over adjusted & been throwing up (not Pbi'ing) almost everyday for a long time. The other issue was that I had mine done out of state, and it was extremely difficult to find a doctor to cover any adjustments or even to see me! So, I had to go back to where I had it done originally. Which was fine, but it was a pain. Plus now, I have co-morbidities that I didn't have prior to the lap band surgery - high bp, feet pain, stress incontinence. All sorts of fun!

Anyway, so now I wait. Wait for the approval, wait for the surgery date, wait to feel healthy, strong and finally be free of the weight. It's funny - - have you ever thought that this whole process you just hurry up so you can wait??

My revision will be here sooner than later and I have all the emotions I know are normal. I just wish it would hurry up & get here!


The Beginning of the Journey

Jan 17, 2009

I went to the informational seminar on WLS surgery at Alta Bates on Tuesday, and then had my first appt with the surgeon on Wednesday. I had to go through the seminar again because I've had the band for 5yrs... so I am going to have to basically repeat everything. I'm ok with it, it's what I expected. It's one of those things where, I'm not sure the Bariatric Surgery Center really knew what to do with me. I had the surgery in Idaho, 5yrs ago. I was clear in my several phone conversations what I wanted. I've been thinking of doing the revision surgery for sometime, and no time like the present!

There were about 50 people at the seminar, who all had the happy glow about them. They were hopeful, and excited. You could see it on their faces, and feel it in the air. To be truthful, I felt the same. The relief that I finally was going to get somewhere weightwise. The speakers did a good job of representing the good and the bad about wls and the differences between the band and the rny. If only I had known then, what I know now... I would have probably chosen the rny.

The surgeon I saw will not actually be the one who I will continue to see. I have to get an UGI to see where I am at, got all blood work done and then we can go from there. I throw up every day almost, and I am SO tired of it! Especially because I am not losing. What I don't understand is how one day I can eat soup, another day I can eat steak, and most das I can't eat at all. When I first got the band, I met an older man who had just had the surgery about 9 mos before me. He told me something I never forgot, and boy was he right... it's a fickle bitch! She let's me eat something one day, and nothing for the next 2!

I am excited and looking forward to having this revised to the rny. I want to look and feel better, and more importantly - be 40 and fabulous!! :-)

So I begin the journey again, with all the excitement and hope for the future that in the summer of 2010, I'll have a smokin' hot bod with an outrageous bikini!!


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Tracy, CA
Jan 24, 2006
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