August 2006 ~ I am 55 years old and very happily married to the love of my life, Dixie Chick ~ Lindy~. We married on May 19, 2006.

I'm 53 years old and have been fighting Diabetes for 20 years. I feel I need this surgery to extend my life another 20 years. right now I weigh 370#'s and very miserable.

5-11-04 I went for my preop today and Gilda the nurse got onto me about gaining 17 #'s in 5 months. worried about my liver being enlarged. Dr. Shimer also cautioned me, but I told him let's go for it the worst thing that could happen was they would just sew me back up and reschedule. Not realy scared because God will take care of me.

5-12-04 Had my surgery and everything went well. Stayed in the hospital for 3 days. I was so cotton mouthed after the surgery that the Barium I drank for the leak test was nasty, but it was so cold and wet. Dr. Shimer fixed me up with a belly girdle which greatly helped in walking.

5-15-04 Came home today and slept in recliner for 10 days. Of course that's my normal place of sleep anyway. Don't seem to have any problem in consuming liquids.

5-18-04 Went for first Dr. visit but hadden lost but 2 #'s. Dr. said that I was still swollen. I didn't panic because I knew it would get better.

5-25-04 Went for my 2 week check up. Everything was healing just great. I lost 21 more #'s. That's a total of 23 in 2 weeks. Not having any problems eating, but cold water gives me a little trouble.

6-8-04 Went for my 1 month checkup. All my incisions have quit draining. Feeling great and started back walking. Lost 19 more #'s for a total of 40#'s in a month. New weight is 347.

7-6-04 Went for my 2 month checkup. I had a scare 3 days ago and had to make my self throwup not to be gross. I had something stuck which I think was some chicken. Have found a few things that don't set well, but not many. Eating mostly fish, yogurt, cottage cheese, and green vegetables. I'm getting plenty water and protein. Using Unjury unflavored because it's so versatile. I lost 13 more #'s making me a total of 54 lost in 2 months. I'm down to 333#'s. I want to lose at least 90 more. I hope to be down at least 100 by October for hunting season. Then I'll climb a tree like a squirrel. Went to my PCP also and he took me off all my diabetes, BP, and diuretics today. I'm so excited.

7-11-04 Still monitoring my blood sugar before my next PCP appointment 7-30-04. Everything still running 90-95. The best thing is that my dizziness has just about gone away completely. Man it's great to be getting healthier by the day. Now if I can get rid of this bad breath I'll be happy. I've worn out 2 toothbrushes. Ha. Ha. Just call me the Tic Tac kid. Of course everybody tells me that's a good sign of weight lost because it means I'm burning excess fat and the bad breath is a by product of this. If I had to do the surgery again I'd do it in a heartbeat.

7-14-04 Went to PCP today and he ran a blood screen. The only thing he found wrong was that I needed to be on iron and Vitamin C for anemia. He feels like that is the cause of my dizzyness.

7-20-04 Weighed to day and found out I'm down 65#'s after 10 weeks post op. I think I may be getting a stricture. I pureed all my food for the week. It may be I'm eating too fast and not chewing well enough. I'm going to keep a close eye out this week.

7-27-04 I go to the hospital Wednesday to be checked out for a stricture. Hoping it's not, all indications it is. Will keep you guys updated.

7-30-04 Just got out of the hospital today after spending 2 miserble days there. I had a mass in my pouch the size of a tennis ball. It was a mixture of food and crushed up vitamin C. My dr. also repaired a small stricture. I have to go back next Tuesday and scoped me to see if the rest of the mass is gone.

8-4-04 Doctor released me today. He has my problem worked out and now I'm hitting on all 8 cyliners. Ha.

8-16-04 I'm officially down 75#'s after 3 months and got a clean bill of health from my dr. from my 3 scopings. I was surprised when I bought some pants that I haven't wore that size since 1973. Man It feels great.

8-25-04 I'm 3 1/2 months post op right now and have lost 85#'s. Feeling good about myself and you guys have a good day.

9-8-04 I checked the scales today and I'm down 95#'s in 4 months. Isn't this WLS great. You guys have a good day.

10-6-04 I've been stuck at this mini plateau for 2 weeks now. Last week one of my dear OH buddys told me I needed to increase my water, protein, and exercise and I should jump start my weight loss. Well this morning I found I had lost 4 more pounds which puts me at -99. YEA BABBBY can you tell I'm excited. ha. I'm one pound away from the century club and a month ahead of schedule of my 6 month goal of breaking th century mark in 6 months. I love my OH family and the support they and my regular family have given me mainly my loving wife. Without yours and their support this wouldn't be so exciting. I'll keep you guys posted on the progress and may God bless. I started this journey at 387#'s and I now weigh 288#'s. I'm 48#'s from my goal weight. Keep me in your prayers.

10-27-04 Well right now I'm 5 1/2 month post op and still holding at -99. It's about to drive me crazy. Heck if I don't lose another lb. I feel I've accomplished something. Will update later.

11-25-04 Still stuck, but had a great 16 days hunting in Arkansas. Will update later.

8-12-05 Well the 3 1/2 month plateau is gone. I've been yoyoing with a 5# weight loss and gain and this week I went back to basics and lost a total of 11#'s. I've now lost 105#'s. It's good to back on track. Later.

2-16-05 I've lost another 3 lbs. Don't really have an appetite much these days. My wife asked me to leave because she was not happy. I'm now living with my mother. Talk about embarassing being 53 years old and living with your mother. This rollercoaster ride of WLS definitely takes it's toll on marriages. I know God will bring her back after she has caught up on her new life since her WLS. I've now at 280 lbs. making a grand total of -108.

3-2-05 Well nothing has changed much with my wife. She has so many issues to work out. Only God whom I pray to everyday knows the time when she will come back to me if ever. Only he can help her now. I'm now at 274 lbs. for a total loss of 114#'s. I'm 34 from goal. Everybody please keep us in your prayers. Later.

5-13-05 Well it's been one year since my surgery. I've lost 120#'s but wife is still gone and probably won't be back. It'll get better though.
6-4-05 I've been busy getting my life together. Man refurnishing a house is the pits and work. Ha. You know when you least expect it people pop into your life that can change it at the drop of a hat. I've met a nice lady who wants to take things slow.

6-26-05 I'm trying to keep my profile updated regular. lol Right now I'm trying to break a plateau by going back to basics. I've increased my water and started back exercising. That's something I haven't done the past 5 months since my ex and I started this split up. It's time move on with everything. I'll try to keep this updated more often. Later.

7-17-05 It's time to update this again but not much to post other than had my 54th birthday 7-8-05. Got a very good birthday wish from the board and I was given a gift of a special song for me to listen to when I get down and lonesome. Live is good. Later.

7-24-05 My Baby Girl put a special surprise video on my profile tonight. Lindy XXXpress I love you so much for that. You are special. To the rest of my XXXpress daughters Dixie, Shireen, and Teann the new addition I love ya'll. More love goes out to Carol, Tooter, Debbie, Grace, Sassy Cathy, G , last but not least La Davis for being there for me when times were hard. There are so many more . I just wanted my OH family to know the love I feel for them. Thank you so much for letting me into ya'lls lives. Later.

8-4-05 Today one of the special people that frequents our board was operated on. Dixie Chick came through it with flying colors. She is was one of the dearest friends I have become associated with in my time here at OH. You keep on being an angel to so many. From the bottom of my heart Lindy I love you Baby Girl. May God bless.

10-14-05 It's been a while since I've updated. I guess the really big thing that has happened lately is that my home survived Hurricane Rita with minor damage. I want to thank Lindy aka Baby Girl for keeping my OH family updated. Lindy you are the greatest. Love you Baby Girl. I started tracking my food on Fit Day to get the weight loss moving again. Ya'll wish me luck. I guess that's all for now Later.

6-7-06 On May 19th I married one of the most awesome person in the world. She is a wonderful person, mother, and spouse. Lindy Faye I love you and the kiddos with my whole heart and soul. You are the rock that gives me the strength to make it through each day and the glue that holds our family together. I love you sweetness and thank God everyday for bringing us together.
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My Deer Wife and Me on Our 6 Month Anniversary

August 2006 My step son was diagnosed with Asperger's, which is a high functioning form of Autism. Keep him in your prayers.

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Spruced by: PROTEIN PRINCESS on September 3, 2006

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Post op

12 Months Out -120

About Me
Surgery Date
May 02, 2004
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Friends 23
