8 months

Dec 08, 2009

I am 8 months post op now and doing great.  I hit the 100 lb loss mark on Thanksgiving.  I am currently going through the process to become a support group leader and start a group for Calvert County.

9 Days Post Op

Apr 15, 2009

Well it has been nine days since surgery.  I think I went into the surgery with Dolce and Gabanna rose colored glasses on.  I know it is major surgery, I just wasted prepared for how I felt in the hospital.  One of the worst things I had was the gas pains.  I had them in my lower abdomen and would have to say they were worse than labor pains.  At least labor pains ended after a minute or so before the next one started.  I couldn't move without having excruciating pain.  I also had trouble with my heart rate being elevated.  This caused all the nurses great concern.  One thing that could cause the elevation is a leak.  So, off to the xray department I went for an upper GI the day after surgery.  I was given the most vile thing I have ever had to drink (kinda like battery acid).  One drink of that and I was vomiting profusely in the xray dept.  Let me tell you that was not a good experience.  The doctor gave me some shots for naseau and wanted to take me back to do the test again.  I said NO.  I cannot go through that again.  So, we had the talk that if it was a leak and they don't treat it, I could die.  After some conversing back and forth with my husband, the doc came in again and leveled with us.  They really didn't think it was a leak and I wouldn't have to do the test but had to be watched very closely at home. 

It has been an okay week.  Since starting purees, I can now get in enough pain meds to help with the pain.  I received some meds for naseau which has helped too.  I am no way no how getting in enough protein or water.  I did manage to get in and out of bed last night for the first time by myself. 

Finally I want to say how much I love my husband.  He has been so wonderful.  He has done everything for me, made me food, showered me, held me and is always reassuring me it will be okay and everyday it will get better.


Time to get everything in order......

Mar 31, 2009

Surgery is just a short 6 days away.  I am trying to get everything in order, the house, work, laundry, grocery shopping and oh yeah all those places I must go to for the food I won't have for a while.......I am nervous yet calm because I know this has to be done.  I will fall apart at the hospital I am sure........wish me luck and I will post more later........

Big changes coming soon...

Feb 02, 2009

I received the call today that I am approved....(only took a week).  Surgery is scheduled for myself on April 7th and for my husband on May 5th.......let the nerves begin....
1 comment

Still Plugging Along

Dec 10, 2008

Completed my fourth month of supervised weight loss appointments with Dr. A last month.  Also saw the Pulmonologist/Sleep Apnea doc for clearance.  Next week's appointment with mark the 5th month.  It seems the first three months flew by and now things are dragging.  I still have not started an exercise regimine.  Why can I not get motivated?????

Four Months and counting.....

Nov 17, 2008

I have my fourth visit with the surgeon's office this week.  My PCP sent some files to the surgeon but so far it is nothing they can use to submit for approval.  Now I have to contact them again with a more specified list of what I need.  (although I thought i was pretty specific I assume they didn't really check).  Since I had to re-schedule the pulmonologist appt, that is this week too.  I am regularly attending the Crofton Support Groups and enjoyed being on TV on WBAL last week.......LOL

Time to Update

Oct 15, 2008

I guess it is time to update my profile.  I have had two months of weigh ins with Dr. A.  My third in next week.  I see the pulmonologist on Friday.  I already had my psych consult.  I will finish my monthly weigh ins in January so between now and then I will finish the necessary tests.  So, here is hoping I can have surgery in February. I still have not started any exercise routine.  I really need to get the ball rolling on that.

August 17, 2008

Aug 18, 2008

I finally completed "My Story" and cried while writing it.  I had my consult with Dr. A the beginning of the month and was impressed with his office and faculty.  Now it is time to get some the testing done.  My husband has also decided to have surgery so we will go at this together.  I will have my surgery then a few months later he will have his. 

I have attended two Crofton support group meetings.  I would recommend these to anyone who has had surgery or is thinking about surgery.

About Me
Owings, MD
Surgery Date
Apr 28, 2008
Member Since

Friends 36

Latest Blog 8
Still Plugging Along
Four Months and counting.....
Time to Update
August 17, 2008
