Upcoming 9 month post op appointment

May 02, 2010

I can't believe it has been 9 months already since I've had surgery.  On my last post I announced that I was 100 lbs down.  Sadly, today, I report that I am 3 lbs up from my last post and sitting with only 97 lbs lost since surgery.  I'm not real happy about that, but, I am taking steps to rectify the situation.

Last week, I met with a personal trainer to try and shake up my routine a little bit.  I felt the meeting was a success and I will be implementing those new exercises into my routine.  I am so bored with my workouts and going to the gym.  I am trying to incorporate some new things into my life because being stagnant is NOT the business.

I see my surgeon on Thursday and I'm sure she will have something to say about me only losing 19 lbs since my last visit.  I know how to turn this around, I just have to get myself back on track.  Somewhere I have allowed myself to slip into some nasty old habits and it is my responsibility to myself to make this right.

So, here I am re-pledging myself to myself to get me back in order.  No bellyaching about 'oh woe is me ~ how did this happen/what us gone do....'  I just gotta git 'er done.  Bottom line.

I'll be back on Thursday to report my appointment with my surgeon.


100 lbs lost as of TODAY!

Apr 15, 2010

Just had to write that down.  What an exciting moment for me.  I'm more encouraged now than I have been this whole journey.  Can't believe that 8 1/2 mos ago I was @ the hospital getting ready for surgery and weighing in @ 347. 

Thanks for all of your support and encouraging words ~ I love this site.


Size 16 jeans ~ who? Me! Yeah!

Feb 21, 2010

I'm so excited to report that I am now in the coveted size 16 jeans that have hung in my closet for a little over a month.
I actually thought it would be April some time that I would be in a size 16 and I tried them on on Saturday and they fit, with wiggle room.  Now if I could just get these arms to shrink ~ I'd be the happiest girl in the world.

I cant even begin to explain how incredibly happy I am.

Also, I realized this weekend, while at the gym, that I really need to invest in some gym gear that actually fit.  I'm still wearing sweats that are a size 26/28 on a 16/18 body.  How retarded is that!  I cant seem to let them go, but, I better before they embarrass me and end up on the ground and me looking like a fool with my pants on the ground. lol


Had my 6 month appt w/surgeon

Feb 15, 2010

on 2/11/10 and she is really pleased with my progress, considering I am a revision.

Total weight lost since surgery is 81 and 88 lbs since Jan 2009.  I'm very happy with those numbers.

I have 17lbs til my 2nd goal of 249 ~ I'm excited about that.

What I have learned in these 6 months and 12 days since surgery is...

1.  My body and weightloss is like no-one else's...I am an individual and my results will be based on me.

2.  Food addiction is REAL.

3.  I do NOT dump ~ ever!  Boooooooo!

4.  Exercise is key to my success.

5.  I still cannot see my 81 lb weight loss like everyone else.

6.  How I feel about me, is totally up to me.

7.  My closet has totally changed ~ nothing left from date of surgery but the dress I wore on the day of surgery.

8.  Hair loss is real

9.  I'm still struggling with my water intake.

10.  Iron was low at 6 month appt.  Now taking iron daily.

11.  Can wear size 18 clothes.   Shoe size has not changed. :-(

12.  I hate my arms ~ totally gross.  I dread the summer months...needing plastics asap!

Looking forward to seeing what the 2nd half of this 1st twelve month journey has in store for me.

                         August 2009                                                                                                  February 2010

1 comment

6 month ~ check in ~ Yay!

Feb 04, 2010

What a fabulous journey this has been.

Let's see...

Lost 78 lbs since surgery & 85 lbs since Jan 09.
BMI now 38.6 started @ 51.
Wearing a size 18/20 started out in 26/28.

That is a wonderful accomplishment.

I really feel great ~ even when I think about the weight that I still have to loose, I'm still encouraged. 

Today I can honestly say that I love the skin I'm in, even these saggy/baggy arms of mine.


I am obese ~ YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 10, 2010

So happy to no longer be Extremely Obese!!!!!!  Next stop, Overweight.
Ok, just wanted to share my excitement ~ carry on...

You have a BMI of 39.7.
This indicates that you are Obese.
Your BMI is generally high enough to qualify you for bariatric surgery if you have comorbid conditions such as diabetes (type II), hypertension, sleep apnea or other potentially life-threatening diseases.

The table below shows value ranges and what they mean.

Range Meaning
less than 18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Normal
25.0 - 29.9 Overweight
30.0 - 39.9 Obese
40.0 - 50 Extremely Obese
over 50 Super Obese

First week of 2010 and...

Jan 06, 2010

I'm doing pretty good.

Have made the usual resolutions to eat better, work out more, be happy, yada yada yada.

Cant really measure how well I'm doing since it is only Wednesday, but, I will say this, I feel extra extra good!

Yay me!

Last day of 2009, I lost about 380 pounds of dead/stagnant weight and let me tell you ~ I am happy.  Wasn't even upset when I got the dreaded "why you end this" phone call.  I was so focused and so clear that nothing that was said had any effect on me.  I just let it roll through one ear and out the other.  I'm so glad for therapy, weight loss, and self confidence!

2010 is going to be the best year yet.  I let my 30's get away from me with me practically handing my life and my life decisions over to others, but, this year is something different ~ I'M DIFFERENT!

I am so blessed to have my tool.
1 comment

Last day of 2009 and I'm

Dec 31, 2009

still extremely obese.  My BMI is 40.4 ~ lol ~ 3 days ago it was 39.7 and I was just obese.  lol. 

Oh well ~ I have all of next year to get it right!

I love my RNY because without it I would not be .4 points away from my BMI goal of obese.  So, yay RNY!

Have a fabulous, safe, and Happy New Year to all of my OH Fam!

Range Meaning
less than 18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Normal
25.0 - 29.9 Overweight
30.0 - 39.9 Obese
40.0 - 50 Extremely Obese
over 50 Super Obese

30 lbs to 2nd Goal

Dec 20, 2009

And I am excited about this!

Had an interesting weekend ~ found myself in a situation that I hadn't been in since surgery.  This weekend I had an over powering urge to just overeat like crazy.  It was as if I could not stop myself.  I was so disappointed in myself afterwards.  Because of some none sense going on in my life, I allowed my self to engage in the very behaviors that got me to 354 in the first place.

An emotional eater, I truly am!  I have got to get my arms around this, so help me Jesus!  I just can't afford to allow myself too many more weekend like this ~ I am so excited about begining a new chapter in my life and the thought of allowing some situation with a person that will no longer be apart of my life to derail me this badly makes me wanna cringe.

I thank God for this site where I can truly express the highs and lows of my weightloss journey.  You all are my angels.

Back home from MS ~ T-Day was wonderful

Nov 29, 2009

Yeah, that was my plate, and it was good, except for the sweet potatoes ~ I don't know why I even try with those things, they just smell so good but taste to yuck .
