11 weeks post-procedure

Dec 29, 2015

Eating and exercise... There's no rhyme or reason I think.  LAUGH  Why do I say this?  Because I've had weeks where I ate few calories, did great workouts, and lost maybe one pound - if anything.  Then I have weeks where I've measured my food, worked out ok, allowed myself maybe something slightly fun (frozen yogurt for example) - and dropped FOUR POUNDS.

Today's weigh in has me down 41 lbs from my procedure.  That's 41 pounds in eleven weeks.  A few weeks back I said my goal was to lose 50 by mid/late February.  I don't think I'll realistically hit that goal at this point - I have only 17 days left - and 9 pounds.  But whatever I lose, I'm going to be happy with it.  And I hope at least ONE person who doesn't see me often (many of whom I'll see in a few weeks) notices the weight loss!

I know.  I'm not losing weight for others - rather for myself.  But for any of us who've struggled... there's a special joy in having other people complement our achievements and take notice of what we've done.  Actually - this goes for ANYTHING in life really.  But certainly applies to weight loss in particular!

At this point my diet is open to whatever I want to eat.  I tend to stick to the same things a lot.  Bocca burgers (70 calories, 14 protein), 1/2 a baked potato (80 calories, 1 protein), 1/2 cup of veggies, and of course... my cheese.  Which I measure every single time I eat it. 

I'm doing better at this point at "eyeballing" serving sizes - but I don't rely on this.  I weigh, count, and measure everything.  Unless I'm eating out.  LOL Even then, I try to keep a mental idea of what I'm eating and what I've been served.

Looking SO forward to the -50 pound mark...

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Chicago, IL
Surgery Date
Feb 10, 2001
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