Hello again...

Nov 20, 2009

 Hey Team!

Been a while since I have had the chance to update...I hope everyone is doing well in their journey. As for me...everything has been a roller coaster. I go through emotional/mood escapades these dayz. Don't get me wrong I am feeling fantastic and love the success of my surgery, but sometimes I question whether or not I am too skinny now. I think my brain is still so used to seeing that old overweight Cari that it's having a hard time letting me get used to the "new" Cari. I get pissed sometimes b/c of my arm skin...but everywhere else I am pretty at ease with. I am finding it difficult to eat more food...because my mind thinks I need to eat more food to start gaining some of my weight back becuz I feel like I am getting too skinny, but as much as I try I just cannot seem to EAT more! Never in life did I think that I would be telling myself to "Eat More"?...haha...crazy...Then...maybe its just the people who knew me before who find it so strange that I am skinny...I wonder if people who have never met me think that I am too skinny? Or do I look normal?...I dunno...but I was told I would go thru some of these mental obstacles too. Well, I am still very pleased with my surgery results and my health overall. 


What Up!

Jul 29, 2009

 Hey OH! Just wanted to come through again. Everything is sooo great. I am so blessed. One thing tho...the Doc said to start getting in 110 grams of protein per day...I am trippin because 65 grams is hard enough. So, that will be hard....but I am up for any challenge. Still studying for this LSAT on September 26th. I am expanding my options for places to go for law school now. I was content on staying in Dallas and staying close to home, however now I am starting to look into expanding my horizon. So I am thinking maybe Howard in DC...or even L.A. maybe...Berkeley has a good program or UCLA....not sure...its probably going to wind down to who's offering the most mula if you know what I mean. Undergrad loans are already high enough. Anyways...still haven't found that special someone in my life yet...but I am staying positive about that...I am sure he will come when its time. God knows whats/who's in store for me. Alrighty...keep it gangsta! Haha...jk. 

Woooo Loving Life!!!

Jul 19, 2009

 HEY OH! Sorry...it has been toooo long. I am doing completely amazing. Just returned from Disney World yesterday. Back to work tomorrow. I just wanted to stop by and see how all of my OH friends are doing. I see most are doing gr8. Here is my before and after (or shall I say after/before). I went to the doctor a week ago and as he flipped through my chart I did not even recognize who it was in the photograph. I am extremely blessed and I thank God everyday for what he has done for me. Ok, well everyone keep safe and beautiful.

After and Before


May 13, 2009


Just wanted to give an update as to my progress so far. I am doing really well. I feel great!!! I am just considering myself really blessed at this point. Today I am at a weight of 214 pounds...I almost wanted to take a picture of the scale because this is so freakin amazing!!! I have graduation to go to on Saturday so I know when everyone see's me this will be a shocker. But I have been pretty comfortable telling people these days. I am 14 lbs away from the 100's...I told my family I plan on having a small party when this happens. I do not even remember the last time I was under 200 lbs...man...this is crazy!!! So since surgery on December 30th (286lbs)...I am down 72 lbs in 5 months!!! Im gunna keep on truckin'!!! :-)

Loonnng Time

Mar 29, 2009

Hey OH!!
Its been a long time for me since I have been here. Glad to be back. I have uploaded some pics too!! Everything is going soooo gr8! I feel good and I am loving life even more that before.

Ok, just wanted to check in. Holla!!! 

Collar Bones!!! YAY!!!

Jan 27, 2009

Haha...I finally have seen A difference!!!

1 comment


Jan 22, 2009

 So I went out last night to a probate (sorority.fraternity release ceremony of new members)...this was my first time seeing practically anybody I know since surgery besides my mother and my brother. I am just a little confused about the whole thing. Here is why. So far I have lost about 25 pounds...but I really can't see that huge of a difference on myself. I mean...my clothes do fit a little looser. So I saw some friends/sorors from school who came down...but I am not sure what to think. They looked at me...and I could tell they saw something different...BUT NO ONE EVER SAID ANYTHING...I am trying to figure out if I am just being paranoid here. Well...I am going to Houston tomorrow...and some of my closer friends are there...so maybe they will actually be bold enough to say something instead of just looking. Maybe I am just searching for some kind of response...and being impatient about getting one...or maybe I am just being paranoid...who knows...oh well...just needed to vent that out. I am sure soon enough people will start to say things when my weight loss looks extremely apparent, almost to the point that I will be sick of the attention. Ok well ta ta.

Woooo Hoooo!!! Football Sunday!!!

Jan 18, 2009

 Steelers and Arizona Baby!!!

feelin good feelin great...feelin great feelin good how are you

Jan 08, 2009

Well just giving an update on life lately. It has been pretty slow. I finally cracked open the LSAT book yesterday. Man, Feb 6th is looking too close, I will probably end up switching to the next date this spring. My energy level has actually creeped up a little more today and I still have 3 weeks of short term disability left...wow...what am I going to do for 3 weeks!!! Well I am going to take advantage of it because Citi (my company) can wait. I never realized how much work took up of my life. But right now I am feeling really happy. My cousin is studying abroad for his architecture program at Syracuse in Italy. I am going to finally get my passport next week (payday) and look into getting a ticket to visit him around March (my bday). Very excited about that. I have ALWAYS wanted to go to Europe. I have a feeling I will be planning a lot more out of town trips this year :-).

I keep getting calls from Sorors about my school's (Baylor University's) biggest yearly stepshow that is on Jan 30th...to see if I am coming. I mean, I love stepshows, and I usually always like going to this one, but I dunno. One side of me wants to hold off seeing a lot of people...and then wow them when I am at my goal weight. But that just may not be possible. Oh well, I might just give in if I can find just one more fly outfit in my usual size. Well hopefully when I shop I may have dropped a size or so by then....I dunno, we will see what happens when the time comes to start searching...if I decide to give in and go. OK well...that is all. Holla atcha soon.

hey chickadee

Jan 05, 2009

 Well...I'm on day six. Feeling ok. Haven't really left my house but about twice since I've been home 12/31. My energy level is reeaaallly low. Lately I have just been surfing, tv, walking around the house, playing GH (guitar hero), talkin on the phone and maxin and relaxin. I feel like a bum because I am usually out all day doing different things, but there is still some soreness so I do not feel like my normal self yet. I have my appointment to get my staples out tomorrow morning so that should be some good daylight. I am proud of myself for taking all of my vitamins everyday, but that damn protein is killing me. It's nothing to chew up a few vitamins in the morning, but I dunno what to do about this protein situation. I mean...I have been getting in about 20-30 grams a day, but my doc says I need to get in at least 40 for the first 2 weeks, then 60-70 later on. Ughhh. Well I of course will continue to try.

About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 17, 2008
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