
Jan 14, 2010

So, you will notice that I lost 2.2 lbs this week, 0.3 lbs short of meeting the 2.5 lb a week goal.  However, I am still ahead of my planned weight loss since I lost 5 lbs last week.  I am really excited.  I feel like I may actually be able to reach my goal by April.  I am just taking  it one week at a time and within that week, one day at a time... moment to moment.
Good news, my husband and I are rearranging our house.  Moving our bedroom to the downstairs bedroom, moving my sons to our old room, etc... well, this means that I will have an extra empty room.  We are making it a fitness room.  My children are very active in sports (Tae Kwon Do, Baseball, etc) and this will provide them a place to practice and condition while allowing me a place to workout at home when I am unable to go to the gym.  Hate to repeat myself, but I am super excited!  Now I just have to make order out of the chaos he created in moving everything at once.  Still, completed our bedroom last night and it looks amazing.
I was able to go to the gym this morning and I am full of energy.  I have not even had my morning coffee yet and still the energy is flowing through me.  I want to go dancing this weekend.  I hope I can make it happen.
I will check in later.
Have a good weekend.


About Me
Cincinnati, OH
Nov 20, 2007
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