August Update

Aug 16, 2009

It has been six months since my surgery and I am still doing well.  I had to be hospitalized overnight earlier this month for dehydration because I picked up an intestinal bug somewhere.  It was not related to my surgery but Dr. Jamal decided to check me out via a CT scan followed by an endoscopy and things were fine inside.  I feel fine and things are going well but it was an eye opener to the fact that I HAVE to keep drinking water even if I don't feel good.

My weight loss continues and I am down 80 pounds from last August when I had my last physical.  I haven't seen Dr. Jamal for my six month post op appointment until August 21st and I'm interested in seeing how much I've lost according to his records.  My weight loss has slowed down but I think it's because I am only about 9-14 pounds away from my goal weight.  Everyone says the last 10-15 pounds take forever to come off and I think that's where I am at.

Have been exercising at Curves three times a week and walking or working out on the Gazelle three days a week.  I need to be more faithful about the walking because it's hit and miss and usually not as long as I should be walking.  That would help my weight loss continue to be strong until those last few pounds are off, I think.

I am currently down four sizes in clothing and may or may not go down another size.  I am fine with where I am size wise and somedays can't believe I'm that small.  Never thought I'd say that!  This journey is amazing and I'm so happy I am on it.  There are days when it seems like I never had the surgery and then other times when I can't believe how much the surgery tool helped me lose the weight. 

This is it for now and I'll try to post again after I have my appointment with Dr. Jamal on Friday.  Thanks for checking in on me and check back again.



About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2003
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 10
