12 months pics

Apr 15, 2009


This was my favorite "fat girl" outfit...             My new outfit size 16 pant and XL Jacket
size 34 pant and 5x shirt       


12 Month Anniversary... I made it thru the year

Apr 15, 2009

1 year ago today I was going in for my surgery.  I can't believe it's been a year.  So many things have changed. I am no longer circus fat!  I am down 152# pounds!  I have lost 16 inches from my waist, 16.5 inches from my hips, 14 inches from my chest,  and 2.5 inches from my neck, and numerous other inches from all over my body!  I have gone from a size 34 pant to a 16, a size 5x shirt down to a 1x.  I can wear heels again without feeling like a clydesdale.  My naked body looks like a melted mushy candle, but I can hide all that yucky skin and look decent in nice clothes. 

I don't get winded going up and down steps anymore.  I can sit in a booth comfortable, and I don't feel like everyone stares at me in public anymore.  The weight loss has really slowed down this last month, and I still want to lose another 30-40 pounds; not sure if it is feasable or not, but I will try.  I have been lucky that I can tolerate most foods without a problem.  I cheat once in a while, but I feel normal when I eat now.  I don't want the huge meals anymore, and I don't usually feel hungry.  Some days I still struggle with the protein & water, but this is a life long journey.  I will continue my journey and hopefully help others along the way with what I have learned so far. 

Thanks to my wonderful husband who has been by my side through this whole process.   He stood by me through my horrible depression when I was first denied the surgery, then through all the hoop jumping to get the surgery approved, and me balling my eyes out on the morning of surgery.  I could never have made it without him!  Thanks to my wonderful sister too, who has shown me the way, like only a sister can.  My parents were also supportive and that meant a lot as well. 

I never imagined what an entire year could bring... now for the next year and beyond!!!


Me presurgery at 344#                                      Me 1 year post op at 192#, total loss of 152#

I am in the same clothes in these pics, I had to fold the shorts together in the back and use a hair clip to keep the shorts up in the new pic.  I wanted to have a before and after pic of myself with the same clothes.  It really shows the difference



Mar 16, 2009

Today is my 11 month anniversary.... I have come a long way from where I was a year ago!!  I have lost just over 150# as of this morning!!!  My official weigh in this morning was 193.2#  

I don't ever remember being below 200.  I know when I met my hubby back in 1998 I was around 220#, and that was after dieting for months from a high of 280# back in 1997.  Just think.. I packed on over 100 pounds in less than 10 years.  I am so glad that I finally had the courage to get this surgery done.  I had thought about it for a long time, but was pretty much a big chicken. 

I am often asked by others if I have any regrets about this surgery... my only answer is:  YES... THAT I DIDN'T HAVE IT 10 YEARS AGO!!!  I feel like I missed some of my life, being as big as I was.  I was active, and traveled, but with limitations.  I can't even begin to count the number of times I felt embarrased about being to large to do something.  Like sitting comfortably in a booth, airplane seat, or amusement park ride.  I have so much more life to live now!!! 

I have come to realize that I will not get to my goal of 170# by my year anniversary.  I know I should be greatful for the loss I have had so far, and I am.  I just can't help but wonder, if I had exercised a little more, eaten a few bites less, taken in more protein or water, would I have been able to get to my goal.  I guess you can't look back too often.  I will keep going forward.. knowing I can get to my goal of 170, even if it is a little longer than a year out!!  After all, I know there is no way in hell I would have lost 150 pounds by myself!!!

1 more month to go til my year!!!!



Feb 24, 2009

YIPPIE!!!   I can't believe it, I finally made it below 200!!!!  At 10 months and 1 week out from my RNY. 


I have been diligent over the last few days with getting 100 ounces of water in daily.  I am thinking that this helped to break my stall.  I hope this round of weight loss lasts for awhile.  No matter how much more I lose, I am happy with my RNY.  I know I can get to my goal of 170#, however I don't think it will be by my year out like I was hoping. 


9 Month Mark

Jan 26, 2009

I hit my 9 month on January 14, 2008.  I started at 344, and am down to 210 (134# down).  I was really hoping to be at the 199 mark by now, but I know it will come.  I have been in a major stall since christmas, but I am trying to up my exercise hoping that will help. 

I started at a 5x shirt and 32/34 pant, and am down to a 1x shirt at 18 pant.  I feel great, getting a little sick of the skin already, and I have like 40-50 pounds to go.  I am hoping that since I have not lost any weight as of recent that my exercising is helping my abs.  I look fairly good in clothes with my under body armor on to hold everything in. 

My hair loss has slowed significantly which I am very glad of.

The only thing I am having trouble with is being cold.  I wear long underwear and a turtle neck under everything righ now.  It doesn't help that the temps have been below zero the last few days here. 

I have been a little bummed the last few days about the stall, but my hubby has been supportive and trying to encourage me.  He even says that if I stay where I am, he is still proud of me.  I know I can do more, and might just have to work at it, but I WILL GET TO MY GOAL!!!! 

I go for my labs next week, and hoping that everything is still on track.



Dec 29, 2008

Well I made it through the holidays in one piece basically.  I had 10 people at my house for Christmas dinner.  I cooked way too much as usual.  I made a prime rib (which got a little over cooked); a turkey that was so tender if fell apart so I couldn't present it on a platter, had to just put chucks of meat out; and a ham that was absolutely delicious.  Had all the trimmings too, dressing, fresh broccoli, fresh cauliflower, green bean casserole, yams, mashed potatoes, and carrots.  My mom and MIL brought all kids of cookies and pastries.  I did let myself have few nibbles of them, but I think I faired OK.  The scales shows that I am down 3 pounds for the week, and my goal was to just maintain over the holidays.  I didn't want to tell myself no goodies, then be mad at myself when I knew I would have to have a little taste.  I have realized for sure that I won't see 199 for the new year like I had been hoping, but I do know it is in my future.  I really need to get back on the wagon, and exercise more, and log my food.  I had been logging my food just up until the week before Christmas, then I got so busy with all the Christmas crap, it sorta fell to the wayside.  I think I really need to keep the log going to keep myself accountable.  Until next time....

8 Months down

Dec 17, 2008

I have made it to the eight month mark.  The time has gone by so fast.  I am pretty happy with my progress.  I am down to 213.6#, (that's 130.4# down since surgery).  I am still looking forward to the day that I am below 200, then ultimately 170#.  Then I can hope to see 150 (I think).  My hunger is starting to creep back on somedays and that does scare me!!!  I have not done this to only go back to where I once was.  I have to admit that I could be exercising a lot more, but sometimes I just don't have the energy to do that after working my 12 hr shifts at the hospital.  I still see the "circus fat" girl when I look in the mirror, but I know there is a difference.  I have run into some past co-workers who haven't seen me in a year or more, and they were very suprised at the difference in me.  The loose skin is starting to bother me more, especially the panni area... I just hate it...period!!  I do love being able to walk into any store and be able to buy stuff off the racks.  I have definitely been hitting the clearance racks when I have been out shopping.  I am down to about a size 20 pants, and 1x shirt.   2 pairs of jeans that I bought for vacation this past August have made it into the goodwill pile, they were practically falling off; what a great feeling!!!!  Until next time....


LA Convention

Nov 02, 2008

The convention is over.  It was a long weekend, but fun.  I met lots of new friends, and interesting people.  Had an absolutely wonderful time listening to Ron Lester, his courage to share his story was very touching!!!  I loved talking with Laura Preston.  She is truly an inspiration, and so much fun to be around!!!  Melting Momma and Eggface were fabulous!!!  Funny, entertaining, and great cooks!!!  I am so glad I was able to attend the OH convention, I look forward to going to more in the future!!!


Halloween 2008 in LA

Nov 01, 2008

I made it to LA, to go to the OH 10th anniversary event.  Tonight we had a halloween party.  I dressed up as Dorothy, even had the red glitter shoes.  Met a lot of really nice people.  The conference should be great fun and very informational all weekend.  I am so glad that I found OH!!!!

6 Months have gone by already!!!

Oct 16, 2008

Today is my 6 month surgerversary!!!  I am down a total of 108#.  I am so glad I finally had this surgery done!!  I don't feel like a freak any more when I go out in public.  I can fit comfortably into a booth at a restaurant.  I can wear a size 22 pant now, down from a 34/36.  I am wearing a 2x or 3x shirt, down from a 4x or 5x.  I can exercise better.  Over all I feel so much better.  My husband has been so good to me; always supportive and always telling me how good I am looking.  I did think I would be down a little more by now, but when else could I have lost this much weight, and I know it is going to stay off!!! 

About Me
Toledo, OH
Surgery Date
Apr 06, 2008
Member Since

Before & After
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Friends 60

Latest Blog 17
LA Convention
Halloween 2008 in LA
6 Months have gone by already!!!
