Almost there

Sep 21, 2011

It's almost time to leave for Mexico. The surgery is on Monday Sept 26 so we will fly into San Diego on Saturday and crossover on Sunday. I think I've done everything necessary to prepare including tons of research and reading the OH forums, getting the necessary items and getting my head around the sacrifices that I have to make and the path I am committed to. I'm going to miss diet Coke and the constant grazing and of course the great BIG meals.  But I'm going to realize some major benefits as well. Besides the obvious weight loss, I expect my lower back pain to subside. That means I can stand and walk for more than a few minutes without sitting down or leaning on something. I'd love to run again. I used to be good at that. I want to discard my CPAP. I want my "internal" air conditioner to start working again. I'm tired of being hot all the time. I want to climb the stairs without my heart thumping and my legs burning. I want to put my socks on without taking a break between the left one and the right one. I want to pass a store window without recoiling at my reflection. I want to do more than 3 pushups or 10 sit-ups. I want to play squash again and maybe softball as well. There are many, many more "I wants". Now is the time to seize the day, to use this opportunity to be more by being less.

I want to thank the OH community for providing so much information and inspiration. It's so very cool to see so many people prosper in their weight loss journey. I've had nothing but kind words and encouragement. I want to thank my friends for their support, even the ones who don't agree with my decision. Their challenging questions made me work harder to ensure I had the information and confidence to move forward. I want to thank my daughter, a recent nursing graduate, who promises to "ride me like Seabiscuit"  if I don't adhere to my diet and exercise program. Finally, I want to thank my wife and soulmate of 30 years, who fully supports me with this decision, even though I'm aware that she would prefer I chose a different path. She recently told me that she will be a bit more  "clingy" as I prepare for my new life. Translation: It means that I will get even more kisses than usual. I cherish every one of them.   I'm ready.
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Surgery Date
Jun 07, 2011
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