Update your OH profile

Oct 02, 2015

Update your ObesityHelp profile so you can use the upgraded features! 


Life at Goal Weight - Then Weeds Grew

Sep 22, 2015

This article was just published on the OH Blog by one of my many favorite OH pro authors, Angela Taylor.  She really "gets it" as far as the psychological aspect of WLS.

I reached my goal weight and maintained it for a number of years.  Then, life happened!  I moved from a place that I loved and had lived for my entire adult life.  From there, things went downhill for awhile.  I'd left friends that I'd had for many years, a job that I loved and pretty much my life!  My husband and children are thrilled where we moved.....me, not so much.  

After the move, I started regaining weight which resulted in a couple of weight regains, which I've almost lost.  This article hit me because it is exactly what happened to me.....Her list of "Obesity is the result of something" was at the ROOT of my regain.  

I'm going to work on pulling the remaining bits of my weeds!


Early Bird ends TOMORROW, 3/27/15

Mar 26, 2015

Don't wait!  The Early Bird discount for the #2015 ObesityHelp National Conference ends TOMORROW, 3/27/2015.  You'll get education, info, motivation, make friendships and memories that will last you a lifetime.  Check out what other attendees say about going to an OH Conference.  We hope to see you there!

OH2015 Early Bird

OH2015 Early Bird Registration Closes March 27th

The OH2015 ObesityHelp National Conference Early Bird Registration closes on March 27th. Registration includes access to all conference activities on Friday & Saturday, plus lunch on Saturday.

Just $75 (Save $10) – Reserve Your Tickets NOW

OH2015Map2015 ObesityHelp National Conference

October 16th & 17th

Embassy Suites Raleigh-Durham
201 Harrison Oaks Boulevard
Cary, North Carolina 27513 USA

Each year, ObesityHelp.com brings together hundreds of conference attendees that are navigating their weight loss surgery journey with a common goal of weight loss, improved health and wellness. There is always a very special connection among our attendees, one where you can look around the room and know that others right there beside you understand the stigma of obesity and also understand what it is like to make that monumental decision to have weight loss surgery.

Whether you are a pre-op, post-op, or a seasoned weight loss surgery veteran…the ObesityHelp National Conference is for you. We are making the journey together through education, support and celebration!


2015 OH Conference-Early Bird Flies Away 3/27

Mar 20, 2015

If you're considering going to the OH Conference, buy your tickets before 3/27 so you take advantage of the early bird discount.  Here's the 4-1-1 on the Conference:


Knee Replacement Surgery - Grateful for WLS and OH community

Feb 24, 2015

I had a total knee replacement surgery a couple of months ago.  A few months before I had the surgery, I made a post asking for anyone that had it to share their experience.  I received so many members reply to me with their experience and encouragement to move forward with it.  I was iffy on having it until that post and all the support I received from members.  I needed it badly but probably would have put it off longer without all posts about members' experience and encouragement.

Two months later, still in outpatient PT, I had the first of two sessions of testing and measurements.  My PT told me that I'm doing extraordinarily well.  I've worked very hard and been committed to being successful with the new bionic (lol) knee.  Members strongly encouraged me about PT which I've done.  I still have more to go but feeling great about it at only two months out.  

I was reflecting back over the past few months and that post and replies that made such a difference to me.  No longer am I practically crippled to walk around my own home in pain.  One of the many things that stood out to me were in the replies telling me that I'd be glad that I had the surgery.  They were right.  Thank you!!

Lastly, when I had WLS in 2001, it was to lose weight and look better.  I had some co-morbid conditions but honestly it was lose weight and look better.  If you're considering WLS and don't have any co-morbid conditions or any issues right now, it won't always be that way if you continue being morbidly obese.  It will catch up with you unfortunately.  Mine caught up with me.  Due to being morbidly obese for so many years, I had to have a total knee replacement too many years earlier than the norm.  Better late than never but I'm so grateful that I had WLS.


#2015 National OH Conference

Jan 22, 2015

Will you be attending the 2015 ObesityHelp Conference in Raleigh, NC on October 16 & 17?

Join the #OH2015 event page on Facebook to keep up with the latest event information and to meet others who will be attending! 

Join us on Facebook!

See you there!!!


The impact of morbid obesity years later

Dec 15, 2014

When I had my WLS in 2001, I wanted to lose weight and put my diabetes in remission.  Thankfully, I accomplished both.  I wish I'd had my WLS years earlier.  The impact of being morbidly obese for many years is still present in my life today. 

From years of being overweight, obese and morbidly obese, my knees are bad.  Really bad.  One knee is so bad that I'm having knee replacement surgery.  I have so many people, including my ortho surgeon, telling me I'm too young to have knee replacement surgery.  Having WLS and being morbidly obese is so much more than excess weight and the size of clothes I wear. 

I wish I'd knew then what I know now.  Now I know and I'm determined more than ever to get healthy and take care of the physical limitations I've been living with for quite a few years.  My goal after I have knee replacement surgery and spine/back issues I'm having is to return to walking in 5Ks and a local Turkey Trot.  I know I'll be there!


I wish I'd known then what I know now

Nov 21, 2014

As I'm facing knee surgery from my many years of being morbidly obese, I have some regrets.  Being morbidly obese, I didn't have any thoughts about the wear and tear the extra pounds had on my body.  I wanted to lose weight to look better.  Period.  That was my only reason for wanting to lose weight. 

When I had surgery, I had Type 2 diabetes which did scare me.  Thankfully after my surgery, I haven't had any issues with my A1C so my diabetes has been in remission for 13 years.  Whew, I escaped any medical concerns.  Wrong!

From all those years of carrying another person (147 pounds I lost from WLS), I didn't escape health concerns because now my knees are shot.  Really shot.  Bone on bone.  My ortho surgeon told me that I'm too young to have knee replacement surgery but I'm also too young not to be able to walk without pain so the knee replacement is just not an option.

I really wish I'd known all those years ago what I know now.  Being morbidly obese isn't just back then but takes a toll on our body that can appear many years later which is what's happened with me. 

If anyone is on the fence about whether to have WLS, please know that the impact of morbid obesity is a serious one and can have long-lasting benefits years later after you lose weight. 


Knee Surgery and WLS

Nov 06, 2014

Due to many years of being obese, my knees are bone on bone.  I went to my ortho surgeon and have scheduled a date for my surgery.  I wish I would have known all those years ago that being obese would have so many consequences.

My surgeon told me that I'm too young to have knee surgery and that I will probably need another knee surgery later in my life.

Being obese for years is more than just losing weight.  It has long-term consequences for our health.   


13 Years!

Oct 23, 2014

Yesterday was my 13th year surgery anniversary.  It was a different surgery anniversary than I've had in the past.

While I knew it was my anniversary, it was overshadowed by other things in my life.  I attended a webinar that I had fairly low expectations of.  Gratefully, I was wrong.  It was a great webinar for me for a number of reasons.  After the webinar was over, I was very inspired and motivated.  The webinar was prominent in my mind, and I had a motivating conversation about it with a close friend.  Other things were getting things done for work, one of my sons was stressed about a test he was taking today, my other son had his last soccer practice for the season on one of the teams he plays on, my husband had a rough day at work, we watched the World Series and then the day was over.  My husband and a friend of mine emailed me early in the day wishing me a happy surgery anniversary which was very nice.

It struck me this morning that in years past, I've been reflective and sentimental about my surgery day all those years ago.  While I'm still sentimental about my surgery day and I reflected back a little today, my 13 year anniversary was different.  At first, I was concerned that my surgery day anniversary had lost its meaning.  However, that didn't last long.  When I thought back over my day yesterday, I was happy.  The things that happened yesterday are my life.  Good things are going on for me in my life.  I am happy.  My focus yesterday was on good, positive things.....my future, my family, my friends and positive decisions (knee issues), being on track for my health. 

It doesn't mean that I'm not grateful for my WLS or my surgery anniversary isn't important to me because it definitely is and I'll always be grateful.  To me, it shows me that my "todays" and what I have in my life now are special and important to me as well. 


About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 04, 2003
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