gas after surgery

Jun 22, 2014

Thanks everyone for your comments and support. I tried the gas x strips and they really seemed to help.


Gas after surgery

Jun 21, 2014

Hello all, I am one week out from RnY and all is going pretty good except for every so often I am still getting terrible gas pains in my left abdominal area and in my left shoulder/neck . Any suggestions as to what I can try to ease the pain or get rid of this completely?  



Pre-Op Diet

Jun 07, 2014

I am about to complete my first week of my pre-op diet. During this first week I have been able to have a shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch, 2 snacks and one high protien low carb dinner each day. So far this has not been horrible but I have been a little irritable and light headed. I am a little concerned about next week- as it will only be liquid meals and snacks. I am wondering if anyone has any tips on how to survive. I am so hungry all the time! I was also discouraged to find out that I had only lost 3 pounds when I am told I must loose 10 pounds and I am already pretty much half way through the pre-op diet. Should I be concerned? Any suggestions or comments would be helpful and appreciated. 

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Jun 07, 2014
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