More Labs

May 11, 2007

My PCP called today and said they forgot to draw blood for a couple more tests.  I already knew that... though I wasn't sure how many vials they were filling (because I was chatting with a friend from work who was interested in in getting this surgery too), when I left I had the funny feeling that I'd need to go back because they hadn't done my iron, vitamin, and calcium levels.  Sure enough, they called me and I went in on my way home.  For once the place was empty and took me only a few minutes!  Forgot to mention this part:  When I saw the PCP for my diet appointment he told me, "Just wait till you're in your 40's..."  I just looked at him and smiled and said that I was well in my 40's already and was in fact 44!  He just stared with a dumbfounded look on his face and said he never would have known that because he thought I was in my early 30's!  I was pretty thrilled.  That was my first and probably ONLY PRE-op 'WOW' moment.  I must have smiled all the way home...hehehe.


May 09, 2007

Got my labs finished until they tell me otherwise.... ever so slowly creeping toward my  I will be so upset if I get turned down.  I won't fully believe it's happening until I get an approval and then a surgery date.  I saw a co-worker at the doctor today and he saw me getting my labs and asked me what I was doing and such so I told him and he said he's wanted this surgery for years.  I hope he gets approved for it.  I hope I get approved for it.

Check! Check!

May 04, 2007

I got a call from the office manager at Innova today while at work and she was a bit upset that no one returned my calls and then went out of her way to answer my questions about the labs and whether they'd received my medical records.  She was very apologetic and extremely helpful.  She understood that I'm anxious and worried and needed to be kept aprised of where they are in the insurance process.  She told me the hospital I'm having the surgery at would be Methodist Transplant and Specialty... I was hoping I could use their new Innova Hospital, but my insurance carrier wouldn't allow it.... darn it.  I heard great things about it!  The Innova hospital ONLY does bariatric surgery and their staff and beds, equipment, etc. is set up for the larger patient.  The Methodist does a variety of procedures and I'm worried they won't be as compassionate or helpful to me, but will have to see.  The important thing is I get the surgery and it doesn't matter necessiarily where! 

I was a bit concerned that it might be tricky getting all the documentation... when you think about your entire adult life and where and when you went to see a doctor... well... it's hard to remember who you saw and for what.  Some of the doctors I went to, for example, when I was pregnant, or the GYN's are no longer in my area and I don't know where they would have housed the medical records.  Lucky for me, my PCP had the most history on me so am able to fulfill the  required 5 year history.  I was surprised how little I went to the doctor, probably because overall general good health, or (I'm embarrassed to say) because of expense or time.  My children have big fat files!  I called my PCP and they are mailing the records to me and then I'll forward them to Innova.  Whew, requirement #2 is completed and can check that off my list!! Yeeeeaaaa!  Now I just concentrate on doing the nut appointments and then I'm done!

I have an appointment with my PCP to get the labs completed next Wednesday, May 9th.  I love evening appointments... don't have to miss more work than I have to and right now I'm trying to save my leave hours for the surgery.

So, check, check on my list!!


2nd PCP Appointment Finished

May 03, 2007

Did my 2nd PCP appointment... 4 more to go!  I've been trying to get a hold of someone from Dr. Patel's office but have had no luck!  I realize they are incredibly busy, but they boasted they were always available for questions and such.  I called twice now and sent emails but no one's responded and am a bit concerned.  I'm not giving up on them but still... it would make me feel better, like things were moving along, it they'd at least call me back.  I need to ask them about which tests I'm supposed to get done on the sheet they gave me and I had insurance questions as well.  Patience is a virtue!  Grrr.  I guess I'm one of those people who need constant reassurance and when things are as important as this, I need reassurance more than ever!

Sarah's Birthday!

Apr 21, 2007

Today is Sarah's 19th birthday!  She has turned into a  remarkable, brilliant, beautiful young woman that I am totally in awe of.  She graduates high school early June and then begins college.  We still haven't heard from one university she's applied to hopefully soon.  Sarah's in Corpus tonight spending her birthday with her best friends having a blast.  I gave her a James Avery ring that is silver with a gold daisy on each side and a heart shaped garnet in the middle.  My parents gave me a James Avery ring when I was graduating so it was a symbolic act on my part. 

Today was a good day.  I went grocery shopping, washed the truck, and got my hair cut into a page boy cut  It looks really cute but will look even better once I start losing the weight.  I started smiling as soon as the hair dresser gave me the mirror- I was that happy.  It is very easy to keep up with and takes just a few minutes to fix and dash out the door in the mornings.  I also colored the greys because ... well... I'm 44 and have!  I went into Walmart afterwards and walked around looking at all the clothes I'll be able to get into this time next year.  It just makes me feel so excited.  It feels as if I'm carrying this huge secret (though it isn't really one) that makes me light up inside and people wonder what's going on with 

This much for today!

May is Month 2... 4 more months to go

Apr 20, 2007

May is month #2 of my 6 month required medically supervised diet requirement....grrr.  I've lost nearly 8 lbs remarkably, but I think it's because I'm so focused on getting this surgery and changing my life for the better that I've begun eating better.  I'm not worried about losing too much before now and surgery since I’ve been overweights my ENTIRE life.  My BMI will remain above 40 so no worries.  Am scoping out various health stores, grocery and pharmacies to begin locating the products I'll need (vitamins, clear liquids, etc) so I can get a better idea of how much they'll cost and what my various options are.  I am single and have 2 grown kids in the house that I have to feed and support at the moment so cost is very important.  My daughter is graduating from high school this spring, and my son, after a short hiatus, is returning back to school this summer as well.  It's been difficult and stressful helping them sort out their lives when I can't even sort out my own sometimes.  All I can do is keep going forward with this surgery and hope that it will usher in a new life for me.

I called Dr. Patel's office to see what the status was on my insurance and what paperwork they needed and where they were in the process.  It doesn't sound as if they'd done too much yet- keep reminding myself it's way early yet, but I'm ready now!  For me, after a life time of obesity, this surgery will be a lifesaver- literally, and I wish I had a surgery date YESTERDAY.  All good things come to those who wait they say... wait or  I'm trying to forecast a bit where my job is concerned so I don't leave them in a lurch since I could be out of work 3-4 weeks at the most... hopefully not though.  I go to OH daily for inspiration and I've been reading profiles right and left on OH and getting the bulletin posts and avidly reading them so I can stay on top of the information... this has been extremely helpful!  I can't wait until I see the numbers on the scale going down and my clothes becoming too big... Good will store might be a good option to find clothes to wear while in transition, but will see when the time comes.  This has been my biggest dream and I'm still worried it might not happen.  All of my hopes and desires hinge on this... dreams of living a more normal life unimpeded by extra weight.  A physical lightening of the soul so to speak.  I keep reminding myself this is only a tool and the hardest part comes AFTER the surgery.  I still have to face the food demons that dictated my attitudes toward food.  My emotions are tied into my eating habits and I'll have to be changing all the destructive eating behaviors I've accumulated over the years.  I'm ready to show who I am without the layers of fat and not be afraid anymore.  I'm a good person and worthy of a great life, life partner someday, good job, and many other blessings.  I know some in my life will not know "me" after the blubber is gone and might be uncomfortable with the transformation but that's their problem... not mine!  I have many more in my life who'll be thrilled for me.  Gee, I can't even fathom how this will change my life... it blows your mind literally! 

So, this is all for today.  See ya in another month or before if I feel like venting.  For now, I keep looking at the before and after pics... sigh.

My Innova Consult

Apr 07, 2007

Today was the day of my Innova appointment.  My son, Patrick, drove to Corpus with me.  I arrived fairly early and was the 5th name on the list.  I'm glad I arrived when I did because there was a huge explosion of patients coming in not only for the free consult, but also those who've had the procedure already and were getting their check-ups.  As soon as I got there, one of the nurses called me back to get my weight and measurements, and take my BP.  She was very sweet and friendly- it took only 5-10 minutes than I went back to the waiting area.  Dr. Patel gave his presentation next.  My impression of Dr. Patel was that he is passionate about his work and sees the obese person not as failures or societal rejects  but rather as people looking for help and not condemnation.  You can tell he GENUINELY cares about his patients and will do everything in his power to make this process as painless and timely as possible.  He talked about various insurances and how some have a surgical weight loss clause while some don't and it's usually the employer who picks and chooses what they will cover- and we know most employers choose to only carry the minimum because of the cost.  He also talked about how obesity is STILL not accepted as a DISEASE and that surgery for the severely obese is probably the only way to save their life.  He said you don't condemn the smoker for getting lung disease because he smokes, or you don't condemn the drug addict or alcoholic for their addictions, but insurances and employers, and those that control heath care see obesity as "preventable" and the fault of the patient.  Overall, Dr. Patel provided a very in-depth presentation but the only complaint I had was the waiting area was too small and seating at a premium- one person would get up to do their screenings and evals and then someone else would take their seat.  I was constantly shuffling my stuff around and there was a lot to hold because of the reading materials and forms.  I couldn't concentrate on some of what he was saying because I had so many tests to take (diet/nutrition/psych/personal info, etc.) which had to be completed before they called you in, that I felt a bit overwhelmed.  In the future, they might consider mailing this out and having the patients complete them at home where they can concentrate in a quieter atmosphere and then bring them back completed.  I am super grateful they opened a clinic in Corpus though because it will make it easier for me to go to my follow-ups.   I elected to get the nutrition and psych eval out of the way which made the appointment super long- about 6 hours, but it was worth it.  I got to listen to snipits of conversation from those who've had the procedure and how they're doing and it was very exciting and uplifting.  One lady had just had her procedure a few weeks ago and it was obvious she was still in a bit of pain.  I know to expect the pain from the procedure will last a couple weeks and then lessen, and then will deal with eating the right things, staying on top of my vitamins, water, and proteins and such.  It will be a TOTAL re-education for me and how food affects my body, what not to eat, keeping my electrolite levels normal, and how to keep my body in optimal shape so as to not get dehydrated or run down and "crash".  I realize I will have to give up CHOCOLATE and SWEETS, but it's a price I'll pay gladly to have my life back again.  They discussed my insurance in depth with me.  Dr. Patel knows more about my insurance than I do!  I showed him the new clause to add the surgery and he was very happy about that.  I told him he could keep the printed material I brought.  It will be about 6 months before I can have the surgery due to the insurance process.  I have to do an 1800 calorie diet for 5 months and then an 800 cal diet right before surgery so that I can lose enough belly fat so they can go in with their tools- the more belly fat there is than the longer the surgery can be.   The diet will also reduce my liver so they can have the room to work.  I hadn't realized that not only am I fat on the outside but my "innards" are fat too!   I'm not afraid of the surgery but rather anxious and excited to start my life.  The hospital I will use is Methodist Transplant and Specialty Hospital in San Antonio because it's in-network.  While I don't relish driving the 2 hours to get home, it is far more important that I'm at a hospital that has all the necessary equipment and standards to do this type of surgery.  I know I'll be in good hands. 

Happy Easter all!

Appointment Confirmed

Apr 04, 2007

Yea!  I got a call from Innova to confirm my insurance and my appointment on Saturday at 10 a.m.!!  I'm getting so excited!  I won't believe it's real until my insurance approves (hopefully in-network), and I get a surgery date.  I spend all my time looking at before/after pics of those who've gone in and click on their stories and experiences because they're all different and it gives me insight on what to expect.  I think it would be unbelievable if I lost 200 lbs because I'd be in a number I haven't seen since, gosh, I don't remember! 

Wish it was Saturday already!!

Met With PCP- Eat to Live, Not Live to Eat!

Apr 03, 2007

Just got back from my doctor’s appointment and it went very well!  I was very nervous about telling him that the only reason I went in for a diet consult is so I can fulfill the pre-requisite 6 month on a medically supervised diet requirement, but in the end I came clean and he said that he's had several patients that have had GBS from this office and have successfully kept off the weight so he's all for it.  WHEW!  He counseled me about nutrition and exercise and looked at a mole I had (lol!) and then had me make another appointment for next month.  He wants me on an 1800 calorie diet to start because he doesn't want me to starve myself.  He told me to eat to live not live to eatwise words indeed.  So, 5 more appointments to go!  I'm a little anxious about if my insurance will be considered out of network but hopefully will get an answer on that very soon.  If all goes well, than I hope to have a surgery date in Sept. or October which is good timing because they are renovating the building we're in at the university and I want to get the department office moved before the surgery.  There's no elevators and I know carrying stuff up 3 flights of stairs will be very taxing on me.  I'm excited about my life and I haven't felt like this in sometime.  I am hoping and praying it all works out.  I feel that if I'm meant to have this surgery than it will happen.  Happy!!!

1st PCP Appointment

Apr 03, 2007

I have my first appointment today to meet with my PCP to do a medically supervised diet for 6 months.  I was told I don't have to lose weight but do have to "try" but the important thing is they record it in my record.  Still not sure if I should tell the PCP that this diet is a pre-requirement to getting approved the for the surgery.  I don't want to tell anyone of my plans until I get an actual surgery date.  I know some won't understand why I want to get GBS, but it's my life not theirs.  I haven't told my family either except for my kids of course.  Saturday I have the informational appointment and know I'll come out jazzed about it.  I hope they give me more information concerning my insurance such as if they will consider Dr. Patel and his facility "in-network".  I hope so because I don't have $3500 lying around for out-of-network costs.  Cross your fingers and toes for me!  If there are any guardian angels available, please pray that things work out as I'm hoping.

About Me
Bishop, TX
Surgery Date
Mar 30, 2007
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