Still here!

Apr 28, 2009

April 28, 2009

Still grateful and slim - Size 6-8. Up to 168lbs but I am ok with that. I was as low as 158lbs and that is too small and sickly looking. Food has and will always be a stuggle. I can eat almost a full size normal porportioned meal. I still stay away from "white" foods. My biggest issue is chocolate. I do not dump like I used to anymore so I can eat way too many sweets without the consequences. Mike and I got engaged in November 08 - I have a size six ring finger!! Who'dathunk? We are considering getting prego in July or August so I deliver during summer break - oh ya..I am in school now so the break I am referring to is college break. Still have my job, home and health. I am a blessed and lucky person.

My health is incredible. I can workout and hardly sweat, I can run, do the eliptical machine for as long as I want and feel. My try to get my heart rate at a consistent 150 or more for the duration of the eliptical workout and sometimes I have to really push it to get there. I have boundless energy. I still do not sleep much and haven't gone to the doctor for a fear they will put me on some potentially addictive sleep med.

If I gain weight fromt the pregnancy i think I will be ok. I will have to work hard to get back my body but I really want another child. I am going to be 39 in June so now is the time.

I have to go to a work meeting now. I will try to post again before another 2 years goes by.
Take Care!


140 gone

Dec 29, 2007

I have reached 160 lbs..I went from a size 24 to a 4 or 6 (depending on cut). I have frequent fatigue, and found that I am not absorbing vitamin d very well which means the lack of calcium will be an issue and I have the risk of getting osteoperosis. Besides the few issues things are great. My career is moving along, my house remodeling is done, I am hoping to get another promotion here soon (crossing my fingers!) and my little 35lb boy is happy and healthy! Ben will be 2 in Feb. He keeps me busy and I am sure he has lots to do with my constant fatigue and continuous weight loss. I finally got b12 injections from Dr. Kellogg. I figured I better have a year post op check up and really get all my question answered and issues addressed. I think they said my BMI is now 24.5 or something close to that...and also mentioned the word "normal!." Hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas and Hope your New Year brings you all Peace, Joy and Serenity!

March 29, 2008

I have not posted in a while - life and all. I still weigh 160 lbs. I feel pretty good but have some other health issues going on and will find out more next month when I go to the specialist - I don't think the issues are related or as a result of the surgery..but ya never know. I have been considering plastics and even went to a consultation, was pre-approved for a $5000 medical credit but which would cover the augmentation but I can't justify it. I need a fence for my yard, I need to install another bathroom, I have a toddler and I cannot see spending that kind of money on boobs. Maybe someday- we'll see. I look hot anyway - I just can't wear some tops. Tata for now!

My WLS Story===133 lbs gone as of 8-3-07

May 19, 2007

Apparently I cannot copy & paste into this new format - so I will work on getting my old profile into this one - I hope I don't have to retype everything.

When I was a young girl I was always taller, stronger, faster and more athletic than the other girls and most boys.  I didn't feel fat, and I wasn't fat but bigger. I was tall with long legs. i was 5' 7" by 5th grade with size 9 shoe. My mother would always tell me I was going to be a six foot tall model.  But I never felt comfortable in my own skin. I always wanted to look like the petite girls. I never had to worry about my weight and didn't give it a second thought. After playing outside all day long I would come in and slam a coke. I loved coca-cola. My grandmother made the comment one day, 'you're going to be 160lbs by the time your 16 if you keep that up." Lo-and-behold i was!!! She was also the one who wouldn't let me leave the table without finishing my plate -"waste-not-want-not," was a daily saying at the table. But still I wasnt fat. In high-school I was 175lbs size 12  - played 3 sports. Food wasn't really an issue, but I do remember going through my best friends cabinets for food when I would sleep over. They had junk food in their cupboards, we never did. I have progressively been a nite eater, getting up in the middle of the night to eat half the cake I baked earlier in the day, or whatever is easiest. I have eaten emotionally when in relationships. It also makes me feel good to have someone eat the big dinners I cook.

I eat now when I 'm hungry, which is always. I actually have hunger pangs, so I eat - Im sure its because my stomach has stretched out - But I would love to eat a small amount and be satiated - I hope this comes true - I deserve it!!!

July 5 - 2005 I have just found out that I'm pregnant. I never thought I could get pregnant and had pretty much given into the idea that I never would.  I am so mad, happy, scared - I really was looking forward to starting a new thinner life but I guess I'll have to put all that on hold for a while.  Im going to be even bigger after the baby - hope to continue this process soon.

Oct. 13-05

Have MMPI/psych visit sheduled for 10/27. Still going to continue with the required pre-approval appointments eventhough i'm pregnant - I visit this site often and still hope I'm able to have this surgery soon after giving birth in Feb.

Oct. 11-06

well its almost been a year and im very happy to say that I gave birth to a baby boy - Ben.  He was born almost 8 months ago -2/20/06. I have never been happier - new baby, newly single, and i bought a house in North Branch MN - I close in one week!! But what is also amazing is that I got my approval and Im scheduled for surgery November 29, 2006 

December 9, 2006

Ten days post-op - down to 275 -weight loss of 23 lbs.

I returned to work on Thursday, 2 days ago.  Had an ok first day, then dumped on my second -too much soup at lunch - I was ill for about 2.5 hours.  Today is Saturday.  I work every Sat.  I was put on puree on the 6th and it seems I can only eat a soup everyother day.  Can't say I have been getting all my water in but I feel good and will keep trying my best .

I have not had one problem with the recovery.  I took myself off the pain meds 2 days after I was discharged from the Hosp. (U of MN) They gave me violent nightmares and I can't deal with all that.  I have been pretty much back to normal the day I was discharged.  Im very fortunate. However when I dumped I had some bad bathroom vists. So not all is perfect.  I was placed on a 10lb weight restriction but have not been able to adhere to that.  I have a 9month 3 week baby boy.  I have to pick him up - no way around it.  He should be walking any day now.

Dec 12-06

I've discovered I rather not deal with the restriction from the pouch. I'd rather just eat sugar free popsicles, protien drinks & sugar free pudding.  Its too time consuming to be feeling ill and I don't have the patience for it. I have gotten heartburn from everything else i've tried to eat too.

Feeling pretty good.  A litttle tired, but that could be from the weather- Its dark more than light during winter, and I'm getting a sinus infection. Im going to weigh myself later today in the gym here at work.  I guess I'll I should be signing up for the gym.  We have great equipment here and a pool.  Its like $9.50 per month. Hell, I used to spend close to that some days at the cafeteria!

I weigh 270 today - 28 lbs gone!!!

Dec-19 2006

I feel like im sabotaging myself.  I have attempted to eat solids and needed to vomit because of it.  I feel the need for sustinance - not hungry, just a need. I feel dehydrated most days and have wanted to chug water but can't.  But today I have been able to drink more water in larger swallows then before- thats why i feel Im sabotaging myself.  Am I stretching things out? Am I hurting myself? I don't know but I can't wait to get to my next Dr's appointment in Jan to voice all my concerns.  I weighed 266 on Saturday - 3 days ago.  I've lost 30+ lbs in 20 days - I hope Im doing things right.

Dec 23-2006

I'm down 38 lbs.  I happy with the loss but concerned with the speed at which it's coming off.  I hope I'm not losing a lot of muscle with it.  I try to get my protien drinks in a least once a day which is 32 grams with one drink mixed with skim milk. I still struggle daily with the desire to eat all things that I'm not supposed to.  Especially the xmas goodies. I do know that m&m's go down well. I have not dumped from sugar.That scares me

Im down from a 24 to a 20 and I look great!  Tonight my ex's family is having their xmas.  Michael has our boy Benjamin at his sisters with all the other siblings and kids. I still get along with Michael and of course his family so I've been invited too. I look great in these slacks I wore last week.  Almost hot!  My arss looks great and my belly is almost gone. So I'll match that up with this blazer I have. I can't wait to show up looking waaaaay better than last time they all seen me!!

Happy Holidays!!!

Jan 16 2007

Down 54 lbs - been having some problems with dehydration and my bowels. Severe pain about 1/2-1 hour after eating.  I have to rush to the bathroom in fear that I won't make it. I went to the ER this past Fri with the urging of my surgeons office. I had two saline bags put into me and then got a Rx for antibiotics. They want me to have a colonoscopy too.  I feel much better and don't feel the need to follow through but I probably should.  I still have the watery stools and low energy but the pain is gone.  I guess one could describe it as severe dumping for hours and maybe it was.  I was eating alot of beans for the protien.  Too much gas pain. My little boy will be 11 months on jan 20th and he's had pneumonia twice. We have him on Amoxicillin again because he had a 104.4 fever on Saturday nite accompanied with the chest congestion -so hopefully the antiboitics will knock it out before it turns into pneumonia again. I need to take care of him before me and I don't have anymore time to take off to get these tests done.  Hope we are feeling better soon -

Feb 5 2007

I am down 64 lbs and fading away. I wear a size 18 almost 16. I wear large tops, still wear a d cup but that will soon decrease. Feel pretty good. Appetite has increased and I have to watch my cheating and trying sweets. I can eat small amounts of chocolate and not dump. I need to start working out at the gyn at work -starting to get flabby. People call me skinny. My face is really thin. I'm thinner than I was five years ago when I felt ok with myself and my weight. I am running out of thin clothes to wear and will have to hit the thrift stores soon - like this week.

Feb 20 - Its my Boy's first birthday!!! Time flies! He is such a gift - This surgery in large was for him - So I could be an active mom, stay healthy and live a good life with him.

I weighed myself Saturday and I was down 71 lbs. Things are great - I look and feel great. I ran out of my old skinny clothes and had to shop. I only spent $14 dollars on new work pants and I look great in them - sooo many compliments. I need to start working out. Food is starting to go down far too easy and I'm getting worried that I will fail. I have been eating pieces of chips and cheese puff balls, I had a coke (took eight hour to drink) -I actually ate some rib meat on Moday and it didn't get stuck. Milk can still be difficult - but what I really indulge on is shrimp - There are approx 20+ grams of protien in a 4oz serving - perfect - takes me three days to eat a bag of shrimp and I get more protien for my buck.

Ta ta for now

Mar 7-07

OMG!!! I am down 84 lbs. I can't believe it. I have been eating more, drinking less water, and slipping sometimes and eating fatty foods - small amounts but still not good. My skinny clothes are quickly getting loose, I can only wear new pants for like two weeks and then they are two big. I thought for sure that all this weight loss would come to an abrupt end and I would start gaining. Im sure that could happen if I don't watch it, but its not happening today!  I have joined the gym at work and feeling great. I am the same weight I was in December 02 when I thought I looked great but was very unhealthy due to my terrible alcohol & drug addiction. I got sober and gained all the weight in four years and its only taken 3+ months to take off!!! What a wild ride!!

Thanks!! - grateful recovering food addict/alcoholic and drug addict!!!Charley 216lbs size 16 & looking great!!

Mar 15-07

I am down 97 lbs - I cannot believe this! I have lost 13 lbs in just over a week. It must be the high amounts of protien I consume. I wear a 36 waist I could get into a 34. I never felt better physically and mentally. I love my new self!

April 26-07

I am down to 195. I wear a size 14, could wear a 12 in a few days. Im not losing the 20lbs a month like I used to but I am happy no matter what I lose. I have gotten a promotion, started working out in the gym, alternating with walking. I feel amazing. I eat probably close to 1000 cals a day- give or take - I can drink more water that before. The only negative is now my hair is falling out. A lot comes out in the morn when I'm getting ready. But I'm not bald yet and don't know if it will get to that point - I'm not going to stress over it. This too shall pass. Tata for now!

May 5-07

I am holding at 193. I have been walking and working out. Feel great. Hair is still falling out, added b-12 and catrate D+ to my vitamin intake. My size is about a 12-13. 14's are too loose and some 12's are too tight. My town has a city wide garage sale today and I hope to find some clothes that will work for me. I have been blessed with the most wonderful friends and family. I get multiple compliments daily and soo much support from people. I was so worried about extra skin but my arms look great and my legs are getting better. If I wear mid thing length shorts, you can't see much giggle. My boobs are horrible but I still wear a DD, and a padded bra gives the fullness I now lack. I was all boob before and don't miss the look.  - Ta ta for now!

 June 8-07

Just weighed this afternoon - 185lbs. Still wearing 12's but could get into some 10's. Hair still falling out despite eating mostly protien. I hardley eat anything but protien and veggies. I am struggling with lack of energy, and waiting for my lab results from Monday to tell me what could possibly be the reason. I need to take some pictures of myself. I need to be proud of my accomplishments. Happy Friday All - tata

June 15th MY BIRTHDAY - 37 today and 182.5 lbs
Meeting up with some fellow peeps from this site at a local coffee shop 
looking forward to meeting others and sharing experiences. Before I meet up with them this eve I am taking my almost 16 month old to the beach. It's 90+ degrees and he loves the water. We are going to have a blast!!

June 26th - Today I am 177lbs---123 gone!! Unbelievable.  I eat but I need to eat more. I guess I thought I would stop at 180 or so but this is unreal!! I feel great and look great - I even ran last week. I walk at work and then I decided to run on a very long hill. Got to the top, I wasn't out of breath, my pulse was beating like it should and I wasn't sweating. I loved it. I will quit smoking after I get back from my weeks vacation. I am going to the Gunflint Trail from Sat June 30-thru Sat July 7th with Michael, Ben and his family - kinda a family reunion/family vacation. I must head off to lunch now..Have a great day!!

August 3 - I weigh 167 today - wear a size 10 - feeling great - still no complications, some fatigue. My hair stopped falling out about mid-July and I thought that meant I hit a plateau but I was wrong. Friends keep asking when will it stop and call me skinny. Not much to say..just finishing up the work day then off to get the boy from daycare, head home and do the mommy thing - dinner, clean, play, clean the boy...bed. - TaTa for now!!!

About Me
North Branch, MN
Jun 14, 2005
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140 gone
My WLS Story===133 lbs gone as of 8-3-07
