6 Month Post Op Update

Oct 21, 2009

Oh my goodness!  I can't believe that it has been six month (and 1 day) since I have had my WLS!!  Where has the time gone???  I will come back on (when I'm not at work) and post some updated pictures.  Things have gone very well.  I do not regret having my surgery at all.  So far I am down 101 pounds and still have 39 more to go until I hit my target goal.  I WILL DO IT!!  I have yet to be sick from the operation (and probably won't now), and protien and liquids are getting down pretty well too. 

My major lifestyle change is that my husband decided that he didn't like the "new me" so he left me a few months ago.  So now we are going through a divorce that will be final in just a couple of weeks.  He didn't like all of my new found energy and friends so he called it quits after 16 years of marriage.  Oh well, his loss I guess.

My bloodwork has been off yet too.  I am still low on my potassiam level, but not critically low anymore.  I am taking a prescription for it which seems to be keeping it somewhat level.  Other than that, everything has been perfect. 

It is great to see everybody on line again, and to see everybody's else's success too!!  I am so happy for all of you!! 

Thank you to everybody for all your support and encouragement!!

Heidi D.

Back To The Office Today

May 11, 2009

I started back to work today, full time, being 3 weeks post op.  So far everthing is going alright.  The office is extremely busy though, as usual, and I feel like my head is in a cloud.  What I have been worried about is happening.  I am too busy to take time for myself to go get something to eat or drink.  I do have a protien shake sitting on my desk, but now the question is when I can take the time to get it down.  I just have to work on making it happen and so far it isn't working out.  I am sure it will get better though.

My coworkers said that they can notice a diference in me already, so thats a plus!  I am still not seeing or feeling it just yet.

Thanks to everybody for your support ! 

 to all!!


2 Weeks Postop

May 06, 2009

I am 2 weeks (and 2 days) postop and feeling pretty good for the most part.  And the best part is that I survived these 2 weeks.  There is always information available for before and after surgery, but nobody warned me of all the changes and everything that happens to you within those first 2 weeks.  Lesson learned, but I made it through anyway.

I had my first postop apt today and everything went very well.  I have lost a total of 33 pounds,  18 of that since surgery.  I didn't really think that those numbers were all that great, but the doctor said that I am doing very well.  I guess he knows best.  He said not to be too hard on myself, so I guess I better listen.  He did release me to return to work this coming Monday (May 11th).  I am excited and ready to go back, but not really.  Now that I am feeling better, I want to be outdoors walking and enjoying the beautiful weather.  I am not ready to be stuck behind my desk yet.  But I guess it is best to get back into my routine (or so my husband says).

I have my first bite of real food today, cottage cheese.  I really never liked cottage cheese before surgery, but I have to say that it tasted WONDERFUL today.  Something other than liquids!!  I can now start on the pureed diet, which I am looking forward too.

Thank you to everyone for you continued support and well wishes.  HUGGGGGGGGS to everyone!!!

Heidi D.


Finally Postop!!

Apr 25, 2009

I am finally post op by 5 days now.  (Sorry I haven't written earlier.)  Things are going pretty well.  The day before surgery on the liquid diet was pretty uneventful.  My nerves were anything but calm.  Monday morning we got to the hospital just a bit before 5:30am.  Registration and all that stuff went well and was pretty quick.  Surgery was scheuled for 7:30.  I left my holding room at about 7:20 and they took me right to the operating room while I was fully awake.  It was kinda wierd seeing everything that they were going to use on me.  I remember getting positioned, and that 3 people in the operating room introduced themselves to me.  The next thing I remember is when the recovery room nurse asked me what level of pain I was having.  Of course on a scale of 1 to 10 I said that mine was a 15!!  I needed drugs.  After I said that, I can say that life was pretty good again :)  Right after I woke up they took me right to my room (which was beautiful).  I had a room full of family members, friends, and flowers.  I felt really special.  Things were pretty uneventful for the rest of the day.  The entire hospital staff was wonderful and were always right there when I needed them.  When I got back to my room, my nurse Jason told me that he will get me up to walk in a couple of hours and later that afternoon we would be doing sprints.  I wasn't in a good mood at that point and he knew it right away.  After the drugs wore off, Jason became a really good nurse.  Tuesday morning at 7:00 they took me down for my swallow test.  The machines weren't working the best, so they made me stand there and wait until the second machine became available.  I told them that I don't mind waiting, but standing that long was not a good thing either.  So they finally let me have a seat.  Once they did the test it was really cool.  I actually got to see my new pouch on the screen.  The Dr. showed me what everything was, and then said that everything looked good.  He cleared me for the liquid diet right away.  Great I thought.  I don't want anything anyway.  But it sure felt good to brush my teeth!!  Later that morning, they allowed me to take a shower.  Right in the middle of my shower, my surgeon decides to visit me!!  He poked his head in the room, said that everything was going well, and that he would see me the next day.    This was my second day in the hospital and I still hadn't actually seen Dr. Taddeucci.  I knew he was there for surgery, but never actually got to see him Monday morning.  The rest of Tuesday was pretty uneventful as well.  Wednesday, mid morning, Dr. Taddeucci came in to see me finally!  He said that all my blood tests were normal and everything was great.  I was dismissed to go home!!  YEA!!!  So I took another shower, and my husband drove me home.  The 3 hour car ride was not the best.  Good thing I took my pain med before I left the hospital.  My husband told me that I slept most of the way home.  So that is where I am at now.  Safe and sound at home, doing well.  I am working on the liquid diet, but having a hard time getting everything in.  I am doing ok with the protien shakes and the strained soups, but not so well on drinking water.  I just get too full so quickly.  I have also been doing lots of walking.  My entire family has been joining me and having a good time.  Even my husband walks with me, which is rare.  So things are going pretty well so far.  I go back for my first post op check on May 6th.  I will post again then.  I want to thank everybody for their well wishes and support during this time.   to all!!

1 comment

This is it. 1 Day preop

Apr 18, 2009

This is it.  We are leaving for Lincoln tomorrow and surgery is Monday.  This will be my last entry until after I get home.  I am very very nervous and yet excited at the same time.  I know things will go well, but still.  I hate being a patient.  But I know this is all going to be so worth it.  Tomorrow is my clear liquid diet day.  This should be very interesting.  I have all my juices, jello, and water already packed.  I am all set!!

Thank you to everyone for your kind words and well wishes.  They mean so much to me!!  As soon as I feel up to it, I will be back on line telling you all about it.  In the meantime, God Bless each of you.


Saw my PCP today for final preop apt.

Apr 07, 2009

This was the last apt. before the big day, only 12 days away now!!  Everything went well today.  It was a very complete physical, but so far, so good.  Nothing came came up that would put off having the surgery.  Of course I don't have the lab work back yet, but I don't forsee there being any problems.

The Slim Fast diet is getting tougher.  I am ok during the day when I have my schedule to stick too.  But not so good on the weekends when I don't work.  I haven't cheated, but I have really realized how much my life was centered around me going to the kitchen and getting whatever I wanted and whenever I wanted to.  All that has stopped, but now I need to find more things to occupy my time.   It is all a work in progress.

to everyone!!  I am praying for the 12 days to pass quickly!


I had my preop apt today. YIKES!

Mar 26, 2009

Everything went well at my preop apt today.  I was down 3 pounds from my initial consultation.  My surgery date hasn't changed (April 20th) and everything is a go.  However, I am a nervous wreck!!  My doctor I think gave me some worse case senerios.  He said that I am going to be feeling real bad the first 2 days, then a bit better the 3 day.  But he also said that I well be feeling like crap for the next 3 months!!!  WOW, I was hoping for a more quicker recovery and to start feeling good pretty much right away.  I sure hope that I can prove him wrong!!!  Still, it wasn't enough to scare me away from having surgery.  Ok, so it will be a rough few months.  But then after???  Life much, much better!!  I CAN DEAL WITH THAT!!!  So here I am~~~25 days away from my rebirthday!!!

1 comment


Mar 16, 2009

After this time, I finally have my surgery date~~~April 20th.  Now the real stuff begins!  I am excited, nervous, scared, and excited.  Everything rolled into one.  Is that possible??  It was all just a dream before, but now with the surgery date, it is becomming a reality.  I am very excited that I will soon be starting a health life, and will be able to be more active with my family.  However, the thought of having the surgery itself is scaring me to death!  But that is just a small price to pay for all the happiness that will occur after surgery.
's to everyone!


Insurance Approved; Starting Preop Diet Today

Mar 07, 2009

GOOD NEWS!!  I found out this week that my insurance has approved the RNY surgery!!!  WHAT A RELIEF!!  But I am still waiting to get the surgery date.  My suregon won't put me on the schedule until he has the letter from the insurance company first.  So it will be a few more days before I get my surgery date.

I weighed my self today and I am up about 4 puonds since my last doctor apt January 22nd.  I know, I know.  Not good.  So today I am starting my Slim Fast diet (YUCK!)  My next apt with the surgeon (I need to be 5 or so pounds down from my last weight with them), or they won't schedule my surgery!  So I am starting now!!

My journey is just beginning still, but I am getting very excited.  Soon I will be down to my goal weight of 165!

Take care all of you and God Bless!

Heidi D.

Just beginning weight loss surgery journey.

Feb 21, 2009

I am just beginning my weight loss surgery journey and would like to meet other people who are near or at the same place I am with their journey.  I am anxiously awaiting for insurance approval before I can set my surgery date.  Is there anyone else doing the same thing and would like a pen-pal?

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Surgery Date
Feb 21, 2009
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