10 Weeks Post Op

May 03, 2011

It has been 10 weeks since I had RNY and I feel terrific. I am getting closer to my goal each week. I have 30 lbs to go and I know that the weight will begin to start slowing down at some point. I hope that is not for a few months though. I have my 3 month check up on Monday with my surgeon and I am hoping to make her very proud of my progress. I have gone from a snug fitting size 18 jeans when I started this journey 1 year ago to now wearing a size 10-12, depending on the cut of the pants. I am wearing S/M shirts, from a XL/2XL. I don't see the change as much as I want to, but in reading the posts, I know that we are the last to see the change in our bodies. I have so many people around me telling me that I look great and I am getting skinny. I can't see where this journey will take me. I am still adjusting to being back at work and fitting in all my protein and exercise. Exercise has been somewhat of a challenge, but I am trying to walk every other day for 30 minutes. I figure it is better than nothing right now. It's hard with the kids' schedules and know that in a few weeks I will have more time to concentrate on me. I still have no regrets on having this surgery. My gastroparesis is no longer an issue. My blood pressure is getting to the normal range without meds. An the weight I have lost is just an added benefit - beginning this journey 220lbs, this morning at weigh in 155.4 lbs. Not too shabby if I can say so myself. I am hoping to get some before and after pics posted soon.

6 Weeks Post Op

Mar 29, 2011

Well today was officially 6 weeks for me. Unfortunately when I weighed in this morning there was no movement on the scale since last week. The scale didn't move up though and after reading so many comments about the notorious 6 week stall, I was expecting that this would happen to me too. So I was mentally prepared for this to happen. As long the scale didn't move in the wrong direction, I can handle a week or 2 with no movement down. I do know that the inches are coming off though. I found a pants suit about 2 weeks ago that was snug, so I figured by the time I started back to work today, it should fit comfortably. Well, the pants were falling down to my hips today at work, so guess I will be giving up that pants suit very soon. MY size 14 jeans are fitting comfortable too, some are even a little too loose. So I know that I am at least losing inches. I think I have been very successful since surgery. I was wearing a size 18 and it was getting snug and I am already down to a size 14. Don't think that is too bad.
I also started back to work today. I guess the first day back went as well as could be expected after being off for 6 weeks. I did get all my protein in for the day already. Now I am just trying to get my fluids in. It was hard trying to fit it all in and still get my work accomplished. But I know it will get a little easier each day and I am lucky to have some really awesome co workers for support that have also had this surgery. Hopefully the scale will move a little next week. I would love to hit my goal weight by the time my mom gets married, so I have 4 more months to go. Not sure if that goal is reasonable or not, we will have to wait and see.

5 Weeks Post Op

Mar 23, 2011

So I didn't get to add a post yesterday as I was late getting home from a very exhausting vacation. I weighed myself this morning and lost 4.2 lbs. I am happy with that weight loss, especially since I did not do well while I was away. I didn't have anything that is not on the diet plan, I just didn't eat as much as I should have. I lacked on both protein and water intake. Not good I know, especially when I was in the warm weather of sunny FL. I only got a few hours of sleep every which has not helped. But now that I am home I am getting on track. I go back to work on Tuesday so it is very important that I get on track in the next few days. The added stress of work is not going to help. I am finally under 170 with this weeks weight loss. I am hoping that by the time my son graduates I will be down to at least 150 lbs, which isn't alot to lose by the end of May. I know that I can do this, just will take some hard work and dedication

4 Weeks Post Op

Mar 15, 2011

Well today has been 4 weeks/1 month since my surgery. I weighed myself today and again only lost 2.6 lbs. I was r4ally hoping for a little more, but the scale is still moving down. That brongs my total for a month to 20 lbs. So an average of 5 lbs a week is not bad. I also started my soft diet foods this past week, so that could have slowed down my weight loss a bit too. I am only able to eat 1 - 1.5 ozs at a time, but I feel full. I have been trying to go to the gym each day. Chris actually had me jogging this past week, didn't get too far, maybe a third of the way. But it's a start. No gym today though, my legs are so sore and I feel tired. I have been having trouble getting my liquids in since getting sick. Yes I got sick, first time. I think i drank my protein shake too soon after eating a cheese stick. I felt so much better though after I got sick. I know I am still losing inches too. Some of my jeans that are 14 that were snug last week are getting loose already. I don't have any size 12 jeans though so I might be going shopping before I go back to work to try to get some 12's. Getting ready to head to Florida this week with Gabby. I hope I can get all my protein in while i am gone. I am not going to be taking my lap top, so it is going to be hard to track my food. I might change my mind about my lap top though. We will have to wait until Thursday to figure it out. So I am 1.5 lbs away from being halfway to my goal, so not too bad. I am happy so far that I did this surgery. I hope to be at goal before mom's wedding. August isn't that far away though so hopefully I will make it.

3 Weeks Post Op

Mar 07, 2011

Well I weighed myself this morning and I lost 5 more pounds this week. I am happy with that weight loss for the week. I haven't been to the gym everyday as I had hoped to be. I am a little sore and in some minor pain where the gastropexy was completed. I am a little concerned that I have a hernia, but the pain has supsided. It is a little sore still, but not like yesterday. So hopefully it was just a strain from doing weights Sunday. I haven't been getting all my protein and my fluids in as needed, but I haven't felt 100% the last few days. We went to dinner Friday night and I tried to eat and it did not go well. I don't think I allowed enough time between drinking and eating and got too full. Main the pain was intense. I came home and slept and once I got up I felt better. I am going to try to get on track this week. I am looking forward to going to Florida next week and hopefully won't get too tired while I am away.

2 Weeks Post Op

Feb 28, 2011

So it has been 2 weeks since my surgery and things are going well. I weighed myself this morning and lost another 2.6lbs. I am happy with the loss. Slow and steady. Dr. Steele was happy with the progress I have made so far in 2 weeks. I finally got my measurements from our original appointment in May and will use these for the weeks that the scale does not move. I know that I can't worry about the numbers on the scale as much as I need to have the inches to come off. I will be off work for 6 weeks which is good so this will give me time to get it together a little better before I have to go back to work. I am hoping that I can at least be in a size 14 by the time that I go back. I would also like to be down another 10lbs until I go back to work, so 4 weeks...I think that it can be done. I am very happy that I had this surgery done. I know that my life will be much better off once I reach my goal and I can be so much more active with my kids. They have adjusted so well to the changes in this house that we have made since the beginning of the year and I Love them for it. We are teaching them a much healthier life style. I am still allowing some junk food for them, but they know that it is in moderation and there isn't as much as there used to be here. I am looking forward to another great week. Hopefully the weather breaks so that we can walk outside some days instead of being stuck in the gym every day.

First Post Op Appt

Feb 27, 2011

Today is my first post op appointment with Dr. Steele. I am hoping that all goes well and she is happy with my progress so far in the last 2 weeks. I am nervous that I have not done well enough and that she will be disappointed with my progress. I am not sure what her expectations are of me and I do need to find out today. I also need to get my measurements from her so that when the scale isn't really moving I can measure to see if the inches are. I don't think my weight loss this week will be anything to write home about, but I guess a loss is a loss, regardless of the number. I need to keep reminding myself of that. I have been working out every day and do realize that muscle weighs more than fat. This could be part of the reason why the scale is not really moving. I know that it will begin moving eventually. I will have to weigh in tomorrow officially to see how much of a loss that I have lost. Update to come tomorrow.

1 Week Post Op

Feb 21, 2011

Well it has been officially 1 week since surgery and things are going good. I am still swollen and my abdonmin is still oddly shaped, but I am feeling good. I have not tried regular clothes yet, still sticking with jogging pants(which are way too big) and loose T shirts. I can't wait to get into a pair of jeans to feel normal again. I weighed myself this morning for my first official weigh in and I weighed 184.2, a loss of 9.8 lbs in 1 week. I know that for some people that isn't that much and they lose more, but I don't have as much to lose as others. I am very happy with this weigh in. I realize that I will probably never see another week like this again and need to prepare myself for that. I am happy that today I can start my pureed diet. I am looking forward to having a scrambled egg with cheese.
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3 Days Post Op

Feb 18, 2011

Well, had my surgery on Tuesday. Things went well so I have been told. Lost a little more blood than my surgeon expected and spent alot of time in recovery because my oxygen levels kept dipping and I was having a tough time with breathing. That I kind of expected as it is normal for me to have that type of issues from past surgeries that I have had. So I decided to come home last evening. Dr. Steele told me not to be in a hurry to leave the hospital and that she would keep me another day, but I decided to come home, to see my hubby & kids and to sleep in my own bed. I don 't think I made the wrong choice as I was doing really well yesterday morning, no IV and walking, walking, walking. Today was rough though. I walked alot as it was absolutely gorgeous here for being the middle of Feb. However fluid intake has been a challenge and actually felt sick earlier this evening because I drank too much. Not having that feeling yet it's hard to judge when I have had enough. I'm tired very easily too. I have taken 2 naps today already and am ready for bed. I know my body needs the rest but I feel guilty for not spending the time with my family and sleeping instead. I did have that remorse when I woke up Wednesday wondering "What have I done?". But it lasted for just a ew hours. The more that I got up and moved around and I started feeling better, the more that I knew that I had made the right choice for me. I know that it will get easier every day, guess I just need to feel like myself soon. I'm so glad that I will have 6 weeks off work to recover and get things in order for myself before I need to add that extra stress to my life.

1 Day to Go

Feb 13, 2011

Well my time has gone by quickly. I only have 1 more day to go before i have my surgery. I have many mixed feelings right now. I am excited, I will finally regain control of my life and hopefully be an inspiration for my children. I am nervouse however. I have not done the best with surgeries in the past and this is the biggest one yet. I am nervouse for my husband to have to be a single parent for many days in a row, even when I come home, how much am I going to feel like doing or will I be able to do. I am ready to have this over with...to begin losing this weight and to cure my gastroperisis. This will probably be my last blog for a bit until after my surgery and I am feeling up to getting back on line.

About Me
Smithsburg, MD
Surgery Date
Jan 17, 2011
Member Since

Friends 14

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