The Holiday FRUSTRATION after gastric bypass!

Nov 21, 2010

Ok, I've passed my 6 months.  I am ready to start my "cycle", so I want to shove everything in my mouth!  Plus, it's the holiday season so all the food smells awesome!  I'm so thankful to all my friends on this website, my Facebook and my up-close & personal friends who keep an eye on me and support me in this difficult time. 

I'm sooooo scared I'm going to stretch my pouch, that I take in too many calories for a day, or that I may ruin this whole endeavor!  Since COLD SEASON has arrived in my house, I've cut my workout days from 5 days a week down to 3 days.  I've lost 90lbs during my first 6 months, but now my weight (on the scale) has come to a hault.  It may be because of my "cycle" from the "bloating" etc.... (sorry for any guys who read this :)   It's just something that us women go through and have to deal with every month. 

During this last week, I have felt like I will no longer be losing weight.  I realize it's another platau, and it's such a mind f*ck some days!  I'm just super frustrated at the moment.  Thanksgiving is this week and I'm going to do my best, but it's SOOO HARD!  Going to someone else's house where the support isn't there, and the temptations are sitting right there!

Is anyone else feeling like this?  Ever?

6 Month update

Nov 12, 2010

Wow, it's hard to imagine it's been 6 months since my surgery!  I've been keeping really busy and have been losing alot of weight!.
After 2 months: 50lbs lost
3 months: 60lbs
4 months: 70lbs
5 months: 80lbs
and now I'm at 90lbs!

I went from a pant size 26-28 to a size 16 and I feel great!  Lots more energy and my self-confidence is slowly coming back to me.  I still get lots of support from my friend and co-workers :D.  Everyone has been great and very supportive!

Thanks to all of you out there too!  You've all been and continue to be inspirations to not just me, everyone who reads your blogs or meet you on the streets.

4 Days After Surgery

May 13, 2010

Wow, what an experience.  4 days after my gastric bypass surgery and I'm still having bloated/gas pains and some incision pains.  Otherwise, I'm up and about back at home.  Thank God for my friends and co-workers that have been so supportive for my decision!  Now that it's a liquid diet for 2 weeks, it's not so difficult.  As long as I stay hydrated and get enough protien in me.

I'm glad the worst is over. :) (sigh of relief)
1 comment

Going into Surgery tomorrow! My Mothers Day Gift to Myself.

May 09, 2010

Going into surgery tomorrow!!!  I am so nervous, but I know it's the best decision I'll ever make!  I'm really excited about my new life ahead!

About Me
Long Beach, CA
Surgery Date
May 09, 2010
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