Frvsnt O. 19 years, 8 months ago

Good MORNING fellow October BABY!!!! - and an early Happy ONE YEAR Re-birthday to you!!! I’ll be in sunny Las Vegas for a week so I wanted to send you early salutations! I found this quote and just love it! When running up a hill, it’s alright to give up as many times as you wish – as long as your feet keep moving. By - Shoma Morita M.D. I can only imagine that your experience has been wonderful. Full of changes and new experiences. Congratulations to YOU!!! If you have an opportunity and/or haven’t already, please stop by and update your profile! We’d all love to know how well you’ve progressed!!! If you have a few moments, please take the time to send well wishes to your fellow “re-birthday” buddies!!! It’s a great boost to them as well as yourself. I'd also like to invite you to participate in the October 2003 message board. We do have activity and enjoy hearing from our peers! Have a FANTASTIC DAY! RNY 10/31/03 down 121 pounds and at GOAL!!! -

summewe 20 years, 7 months ago

Cheryl - Glad you are home and on the Losing side! Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery.

Sheryl S. 20 years, 7 months ago

Ok, everyone...I just received a call regarding Cheryl. She tricked me! She went home last night afterall around 7:30 pm. She reports that she is doing well. She'll be back on soon I am sure supporting everyone else and giving you her own updates. Cheryl...Look out AMOS! I am glad that your surgery was uneventful....Here's to a speedy recovery and a new you! (((((HUGS))))

Annette T. 20 years, 7 months ago

Keep doing those laps! My thoughts and prayers have been with you and will continue to be. Wishing you a wonderful speedy recovery!

~~Stacie~~ 20 years, 7 months ago

The stars exist that we may know how high our dreams can soar; congratulations on making your dreams come true.

Sheryl S. 20 years, 7 months ago

Hello, it is Sheryl here again...I just got back from the hospital visiting Cheryl. Gosh, she is doing WONDERFUL! She is up and running laps on the Bariatric Floor. She is currently in the lead on the talley board. lol. She indicated that she isn't having much pain at all. The nurses said that if you can't find her in her room just wait...she will be around in a minute or two while doing her walking rounds! She is such an inspiration to others. Dr. Jones told her that she could go home today. However, Cheryl opted not to...she wanted to stay another night for the reassurance and rest. She will be going home sometime tomorrow after breakfast. Til then.....

Sheryl S. 20 years, 7 months ago

Hello everyone....Sheryl here....Cheryl's Angel...sorry for the delay in posting. However, I had a long day at the hospital yesterday. All 3 of my little angelette's had their surgery! Everyone came out fine! Cheryl's surgery went as planned. She was out of surgery around 3:00 pm and recovery until about 4:30. Cheryl was so emotionally prepared. I was soooo very happy for her and will continue to be by herside as she continues to take this WONDERFUL walk of LIFE! She had wonderful family support with her as well and then of course ME! Anyway, back to the surgery...she is doing well and is getting around slowly. If all goes well, Dr. Jones said that she should be able to go home tomorrow morning after breakfast! Yippee! That would be WONDERFUL! This afternoon when I get off work and visit her...I'm going to get all 3 of my angelette's up walking and doing laps on the Bariatric floor! lol! Therefore, please make sure to send Cheryl a shout of support. She will enjoy reading your postings this afternoon since she won't be close to the computer. I KNOW that everyone's support, prayers & postings made a lot of difference for Cheryl. She was definately prepared to take this journey in her life! I'm am sooo very excited for her! Thanks to everyone who has already really means a lot to have everyone's support whether you have had the surgery or not!

Christina W. 20 years, 7 months ago

I heard through a friend that Cheryl is doing great. I'm sure her angel will have more info as it becomes available. I hope to go see her tomorrow.

Laura M. 20 years, 7 months ago

Cheryl ~*~ To live your life in your own way ~ To reach the goals you've set for yourself ~ To be the person you want to be ~ That is success ~ Author Unknown ~*~ Congratulations on making the journey of a lifetime. May God keep you safe in his arms during your surgery today and throughout your recovery. God Bless...

T T. 20 years, 7 months ago

Hello Cheryl, I want you to know that the Lord is blessing at this current moment during your surgery. In addition, the Lord is going to continue to bless after your surgery, so keep the faith. BE STRONG AND OF A GOOD COURAGE; BE NOT AFRAID, NEITHER BE THOU DISMAYED: FOR THE LORD THY GOD IS WITH THEE WHITHERSOEVER THOU GOEST. JoSHUA 1: 9
About Me
Indianapolis, IN
Surgery Date
Oct 04, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
-118lbs at 12 months post-op
142 lbslbs
